A Hypothetical Question


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Even though i have become sick of all these "Is he or isn't he" arguments against the album, i came up with a question that i've been itching to get some input on. It probably has something to do with Human Psychology and the power of suggestion and persuasion.
Let's assume for a moment that Michael were alive when this Album was released(in the exact same state as it is now) and it was an unknown fact that he collaborated with Impersonators on a few songs. How many of you guys would still have raised your hands and claimed there was something funny going on with these songs?

Looking at it from a different angle. If Michael were to come back today and say "It's me on these tracks". Would you guys believe him? Or would you still believe what you hear.

In my situation, I believe "Monster" and "KYHU" are genuine tracks whereas i am not sure about BN. What if Michael came back and said "No, these tracks are fake". Would i believe him? I'd like to think so which probably means that even though i believe strongly that these songs are genuine i will back off from my stand on them.

I understand that the whole controversy exists because Michael is not here to refute or accept anything. But that's the point of this thread. How strongly do you guys believe in your opinions?

Only hand on heart, honest to God answers please. It's not a serious thread. Just a hypothetical situation to see how different people would react to it.
If he were alive, I'd definitely question them. Even if he were to say it was him on the tracks, I'd still have to believe he was telling porkies. My ears are all I have.
If he said it was him, I'd believe him. I'd have no reason not to believe him. Why would he lie about something like that? Surely he'd only put songs on HIS album that are being sung by HIM. He's perfectly capable of singing his own songs (and he knows that) and I don't see why he'd need an impersonator. :mello:
BS would anyone not believe Michael if he were here and said yes it is me on the records. They'd never be any discussion what so ever of the legitimacy of the vocals lol
I would believe him. But I would ask him to tell me why BN doesn't sound like him. :)
If he were alive, I'd definitely question them. Even if he were to say it was him on the tracks, I'd still have to believe he was telling porkies. My ears are all I have.

Appreciate your honesty :)

If he said it was him, I'd believe him. I'd have no reason not to believe him. Why would he lie about something like that? Surely he'd only put songs on HIS album that are being sung by HIM. He's perfectly capable of singing his own songs (and he knows that) and I don't see why he'd need an impersonator. :mello:

So essentially you'd be taking his word over what you can hear which is fair enough coz you trust the artist.

BS would anyone not believe Michael if he were here and said yes it is me on the records. They'd never be any discussion what so ever of the legitimacy of the vocals lol

That would mean that the artist can basically put anything on his/her album and not have it questioned in terms of authenticity while alive :)

Breaking News comes out and MJ says it's him. Would everyone have believed him?
I guess most of us would have because we know he wouldn't have any reason to have an impersonator. That's why i made this a hypothetical situation in which MJ needed an impersonator to fill out major parts of his songs.

Do we trust the artist more or do we trust our ears and opinions?
If he had released this album I would honestly think "Why doesn't it sound like you on those 3 songs?" ,If he told us had decided to use add some sort of weird effect that changes your voice completely and adds weird vibrato I would definitely believe it was him, but still, I'd be wary of them, because he's used voice effects on 2000 Watts and Shout but it still sounded like him..
If he had released this album I would honestly think "Why doesn't it sound like you on those 3 songs?" ,If he told us had decided to use add some sort of weird effect that changes your voice completely and adds weird vibrato I would definitely believe it was him, but still, I'd be wary of them, because he's used voice effects on 2000 Watts and Shout but it still sounded like him..

Agreed...if I had the chance to ask him in person i'd be like..'wha da f*ck, Mike, you don't sound like yourself.." lol...but I would ask him WHY he sounds so different...I'd be asking all sorts of questions.. lol
I guess the question is, would the tracks still have shocked a large number of people this much and created this rift between fans if Michael were alive and said it was him?
I never ever questioned "2000 Watts" and "Shout" when they came out. I listened to them and went "oh so he's used computers to modify his voice". It was probably because i knew it couldn't be anyone else because it sounded like him to me and i didn't even need him to tell me that it was him. I feel the same way about "Monster" and "KYHU".Not for "BN" though, he would have had to tell me it was him for me to believe it completely because it doesn't sound as convincing as the others. I wasn't very active on the forums back then coz i was in Pakistan and didn't have internet :D but i've been reading a lot about fans creating ruckus about "2000 Watts" when it was released.
I guess the question is, would the tracks still have shocked a large number of people this much and created this rift between fans if Michael were alive and said it was him?
I never ever questioned "2000 Watts" and "Shout" when they came out. I listened to them and went "oh so he's used computers to modify his voice". It was probably because i knew it couldn't be anyone else because it sounded like him to me and i didn't even need him to tell me that it was him. I feel the same way about "Monster" and "KYHU".Not for "BN" though, he would have had to tell me it was him for me to believe it completely because it doesn't sound as convincing as the others. I wasn't very active on the forums back then coz i was in Pakistan and didn't have internet :D but i've been reading a lot about fans creating ruckus about "2000 Watts" when it was released.

What's up my fellow Pakistani?! :D
If he was here I bet this discussion would not take place.
If we didn"t hear anything from the Jackson family before the release..I think the only thing we would hear would be " He sounds so different ! "
It happened with Invincible.
It even happened when Michael was talking 2006 on that award event with Beyonce.
pl were saying " Omg...his voice is sooo deep ! "
It even happened in the " Ghost " movie. A lot of ppl did not believe the Mayor is actually Michael.
So....with Michael...ANYTHING is posible. :)
If Michael were alive not only would no one question if its him.. he would be praised for his vocal range (asuming that fans heard the difference)..

it would be the complete oposite.. we'd be reading "OMG Michaels range is amazing, he goes from falsetto to this deeper more controlled sound." bla bla bla..
I also think if MJ were alive, the Cascio tracks would go from what many are calling some of the worse songs on the album to the best.
IF MJ was here i don't think that the casico tracks would be on the album.
Believe me it would not be JUST the cascio tracks that would not have made the album.. It would have been a completely different album.. and the tracks (if any) would have made the album would have sounded probably 70% different with Michaels touch.. aside from Best of joy if it were complete