a hope for the future, please read.

it freaked me out 4 some reason. so basically,it was saying when we die,we just lay in the grave until god calls us
it freaked me out 4 some reason. so basically,it was saying when we die,we just lay in the grave until god calls us

sort of yes, basically it talks about a new world, where death will be no more, and those who have died will be resurected, the bible talks of when we die we return to dust but are saved in Jehovahs (gods name) memory till that new world (not literally new world but a earth governed by gods kingdom not men) http://www.watchtower.org/e/lmn/index.htm
sort of yes, basically it talks about a new world, where death will be no more, and those who have died will be resurected, the bible talks of when we die we return to dust but are saved in Jehovahs (gods name) memory till that new world (not literally new world but a earth governed by gods kingdom not men) http://www.watchtower.org/e/lmn/index.htm

im christian so my view is totally different, but this is interesting tho. but gosh,i dotn wanna jsut be laying in a coffin waiting lol, i want to go straight 2heaven
the bible teaches the dead are concious of nothing at all, in that day there thoughts do perish. we are also christians. i'll try and find some more info dude
i mean i know its not like im going to know im in a coffin cuz i wont be able 2 feel hear see or think..but aftter death i thought the souls went to their rightful place...ie: heaven or hell
i cant read all that b4 bed,i might have nightmares or sumthin lol. but what i did read so far was interesting and now im officially confused. so many contradictions have come up
mate when you are not falling asleep at your computer take sometime to read the articles and compare what it says to your own..i am certain you will find it very interesting. i'll see if i can dig out some more interesting info for you, take it easy and sleep well!!
mj will be asleep until armegeddon were he we will arise into a paradise with all the other believers.thats the jw belief and u can bet he will be one of the annointed to rule the earth.
im christian so my view is totally different, but this is interesting tho. but gosh,i dotn wanna jsut be laying in a coffin waiting lol, i want to go straight 2heaven

me too... That is so weird to think about..