A green world..........


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
et sted i det kalde nord:)
Due to my education in product development and design I have become more and more aware of the environmental problems we are facing.

I will try to give information about environmental issues and about new technology and development that gives hope for the future.
In so many cases all the information we get is negative, and while its true that we face great problems it is also equally true that a lot of positive development is going on.

I think that the major problem is lack of information, and faith that we can turn this around. And not only can we turn this around- the result will be a better world, and a more fair world.

Human beings are creative, flexible, innovative and intelligent. we have during the last hundred years been able to create things that have changed how we live, and we can change things again. Its a matter of will, and of defining the goal.

Some of the things I post will be negative- but it is information that might enable people to shoose differently. And in doing so, you will have an effect on the choices made in product development. Remember; all companies are dependent on the people buying their products. The power is in your hands!

Check out the information on this page, and you will be surprised:


Your cosmetics contain a lot of harmful ingredients, and it is no information on the product telling you this.

Another thing that affect people without them knowing about it:


Ordinary PET plastic bottles contain the chemical antimony, that leaks into the water or soda.
The strange thing is, that the use of antimony is NOT nessecary. It can be replaced with harmless ingridients.
This is what makes me angry, both as a consumer and as a product designer with knowledge about plastics as a material.
Its added to the product, while there are safe replacement chemicals- and the risk is not communicated to the consumer who thinks this is a harmless and safe product.

The solution? Write a letter to the companies selling bottled water, or simply switch bottle and buy a safer product:


Not only will it save you a lot of money in the end, but it is far more environmentally friendly to buy a bottle that lasts for years, then to keep buying expensive and polluting PET bottles.

And it will add style to your drinking........:yes:

PS! I am not in any way connected with the SIGG company producing those bottles, its just an example of a different choice.
Have stuff that works but you don`t need it anymore?
Moving to a different place and ned to clear out some stuff?
Think the only option is to throw it away?

This is another, more sustainable and fun way of doing things:


By joining here you can become part of a network that trade stuff, free of charge.

Maybe you have furniture that a young person needs?
Maybe you are moving from a house to a flat, and don`t need the lawnmover etc.....Or maybe you need something?

Check it out!!:)
What is sustainable development:

Sustainable Development stands for meeting the needs of present generations without jeopardizing the ability of futures generations to meet their own needs – in other words, a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come. It offers a vision of progress that integrates immediate and longer-term objectives, local and global action, and regards social, economic and environmental issues as inseparable and interdependent components of human progress.
Sustainable development will not be brought about by policies only: it must be taken up by society at large as a principle guiding the many choices each citizen makes every day, as well as the big political and economic decisions that have. This requires profound changes in thinking, in economic and social structures and in consumption and production patterns.

For those who has the time to read through it:

The Bruntland report ; Our common future:
