A fund has been set up to defeat congressman Peter King

Isnt it funny how one lie can destroy an image and create people like this who believe in these lies? This guy is horrible, he must of forgot all the children Michael has helped. This is so disrespectful beyond words.
Seriously, he's not being paid to open his mouth and talk crap about Michael Jackson to the media. Go back to your job! Not only that but jeez, the way he did it was absolutely appalling and disrespectful ESPECIALLY at this time. What a jerk.
how does donating money help keep him away?

I should have explained more, everything donated will be used to fund the democratic opposition campaign in the reelection. It might be all in vain 'cause it's a republican stronghold, but still. This guy needs to feel the wrath of us.
This Peter King doesn't believe in the values of his own country. A person is acquitted on all charges and he still calls him a paedophile and a child molester! Not only is he disrespectful towards Michael Jackson who had never been guilty of the accusations, but also towards the judicial system of the USA. On top of that, as a politician you must be a diplomat, and without serious proof you don't bring such kind of accusations. For God's sake, even Thomas Sneddon showed some dignity.
Apparently King is not the only Republican politician refusing to respect Michael:

First, Albany Republicans refused the man his moment of silence last week. Then, New York congressman Pete King called him a pervert. Now, T-Paw, the outgoing Minnesota governor who figures a national career awaits him if he just hangs in there and doesn't attack Letterman or go to Argentina, weighs in:

"[It's] time to move on." He opened his portion of the show talking, unprompted, about the Jackson coverage. "You can't get away from it. ... I've had enough of it.

"It's time to pay our respects and move on."
People like Michael Jackson stand for peace and love. When the world loses such people as Michael Jackson, they truly understand what a loss this is for all of us. But sick politicians preach war, weapons, destruction and cause financial and economic crisis, no one will mourn them for that. They are jaelous that Michael Jackson's peace draw moe attention than politicians' wars for oil and money.
I just come to realize that if the entire world sticks together, politicians lose power and control over our thoughts. Michael Jackson's death came just as a big earthquake that made people silent and join forces despite religions, age, sex, country, -----UNITED WE STAND! but mafioso politicians don't like that at all!!!
That man disgusts me.
What a bast*rd, where's his proof?
Exactly, he has none. I believe HE'S the lowlife for taking the time to insult Michael even after his death. People like don't deserve to even speak Michael's name.
I sent him an email. I didn't think it'd work as I'm not from America, but it seems to have gone through...
I insulted him pretty bad, and I said something along the lines of "It's a sad world when a 15 year old has to educate a full grown man how to treat a human being with respect." I hope he reads it. :)
Love you Michael :wub:
Yeah, I think the people that support this guy are a tiny vocal minority who love posting in comment sections on websites. Michael was loved the world over. And a swarm of Michael Jackson fans could take the 500 pound wrestler down in a hurry.
I just saw this on CNN and I think this is good! He should have never opened his big trap in the first place.