A fully 3D animated Michael for the future?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is possibly a controversial point....but what would you all think about a fully animated 3D Michael Jackson for the future promotion albums,videos or future games...obviously...if it could drawn/animated by a top studio Pixar, Dreamworks or Disney...personally i think it could turn out to be amazing...ok...it may sound a bit tacky and maybe in poor taste for some at the moment...but unfortunately Michael is no longer here and his legacy needs to live on for a younger generation while keeping us fans happy :)

Think of the current characters in the "Gorillaz" videos and "Britney Spears" in her "Break The Ice" video. Thinking how well drawn they are...how realistic they seem to be and how well they can move! This same "Michael" character will obviously be used for any future game releases...and could be used for future music video promotion....again...its just a thought...and its not for everyone...but time moves forward at a blistering pace and decisions need to be made now for the framework to begin on any new project

Could the same animated Michael be used in future "one off" (MTV/BRITS awards)concerts...personally i would love to see all the singers/dancers from "This Is It" perform in some sort of way..maybe using older live footage and using the animated Michael for the newer songs on a giant screen...just because the dancers were immense and fully dedicated to Michael and the whole show...seems a waste of far too much raw talent....well...maybe the animated Michael could be used in future....who knows...but we know it will be done for the "Gorillaz" forthcoming headline concert at Glastonbury! So it can be done...
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Re: A 3D animated Michael for the future?

Well ... I don't know what to think, just like for the hologram that could be use for the show on Las Vegas with the Cirque du soleil :scratch:it's too soon
Re: A 3D animated Michael for the future?

If it's between that and the hologram, we're better off with a hologram. Pixar animation is so tacky/ ugly.

Personally, I think it's too soon. : /
I always thought of a concert, for the ones of us (many) who have not seeing him LIVE IN CONCERT all made with holograms, Just Michael no need of any dancer.... i think it would be MONUMENTAL, a complete revolutionary thing, Michael would agree, i think he is reading this and is saying "YESSSSSSSSS" YESSS thats IT" and it would be a great businesss for the one making it.
it is way to soon.
but i think Michael would have wanted something as innovative as that part of his legacy
I don't think I like it. An animated Michael, maybe for something small would be nice, but I don't know why I would want to watch a 'fake' Michael for a whole show. I rather see him peform on older footage. Or maybe I understand it wrong.
I think it comes down to how one feels about Michael. Personally, I'd never attend a hologrammed concert of Michael, and seeing him 'recreated' in any way would be very very hard for me. But that's because I've got such strong emotional attachment to him.

I never felt anything like this for any other artist, so if we were talking, say, Elvis, then I'd definitely say - hey, why not? It would be great, and use the technology if it's available. But Michael - no, not for me.
This is possibly a controversial point....but what would you all think about a fully animated 3D Michael Jackson for the future promotion albums,videos or future games...obviously...if it could drawn/animated by a top studio Pixar, Dreamworks or Disney...personally i think it could turn out to be amazing...ok...it may sound a bit tacky and maybe in poor taste for some at the moment...but unfortunately Michael is no longer here and his legacy needs to live on for a younger generation while keeping us fans happy :)

Think of the current characters in the "Gorillaz" videos and "Britney Spears" in her "Break The Ice" video. Thinking how well drawn they are...how realistic they seem to be and how well they can move! This same "Michael" character will obviously be used for any future game releases...and could be used for future music video promotion....again...its just a thought...and its not for everyone...but time moves forward at a blistering pace and decisions need to be made now for the framework to begin on any new project

Could the same animated Michael be used in future "one off" (MTV/BRITS awards)concerts...personally i would love to see all the singers/dancers from "This Is It" perform in some sort of way..maybe using older live footage and using the animated Michael for the newer songs on a giant screen...just because the dancers were immense and fully dedicated to Michael and the whole show...seems a waste of far too much raw talent....well...maybe the animated Michael could be used in future....who knows...but we know it will be done for the "Gorillaz" forthcoming headline concert at Glastonbury! So it can be done...

Haha, sounds funny! :D
But it could be good, tho'! :)
I think it would be FANTASTIC, Michael ADORED TECHNOLOGY, and i think he wanted to be the FIRST always, this would continue that way, always number 1