A Fashion Designers Eternal Tribute


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello All,

I am currently enrolled in a fashion design program and I have a long way to go. But, I wanted my future line to be Michael inspired. The original idea was that I'd send some of my stuff to Mike as a thank you, but now that he's gone I feel I even stronger about erecting my line in his name.

My idea thus far is calling the line Gypsy, with an elephant as the symbol. (cause Michael had an elephant named gypsy and he loved elephants, along with many other animals. Not to mention the elephant bones rumor.)

Within that line I want to have an evening gown collection by the name of "Diana" for Diana Ross, and Princess Diana.

Second collection will be street wear inspired by the King :) You know the arm band on all tops...

So my question is would you wear clothing that had an elephant symbol as a logo? Think Ecko... any ideas are welcome and appreciated :)
Oh yeah!! go for it!

I am trying to become a self employed artist. And I will ALWAYS paint and draw Michael (not only Michael) but MJ will be apart of my collection of works.

Michael inspired us in so many ways, show your love of MJ in your work that is the greatest honor you can do for him and let Michaels legacy live on!!

This is a good idea.
Dior did a season ages ago ( late 90s i think ) that was Mj inspired and it looked awesome. He has the best style ever and i admire him for being so orginal, noone can pull off the looks that he can and i think it'd be great to try and emulate it into a collection.
Cant remember the thread now but there was a hoody someone posted that was amazing. Also is it just inspired by him or will the collection have images of him etc?
good idea , and i would be wearing that. i will try to think of some ideas and share them with you... hmm... let me see... :D


the eyes motif from Dangerous album is amazing btw...
Oh this is a really cool idea!:wild:
The elephant as logo I'm not quite sure what to think about...for me it's not a clear sign to think about MJ.
Any tips; don't forget to bring back the shoulderpillows (don't know if I'm saying this right) in the jackets and so on. I totally love that!
And uhm...the graphics in Dangerous are gorgeous indeed. And use the colour red a lot, I would say.
Maybe have some Egyptian influences also..? :yes:
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Elephant as a logo? I don't know...
But I would definitely wear something inspired by Michael! I just want to have something in MJ style sooo bad!
Ooooo yay!!! Guys thanks for your replies. :D Once I get good enough I will look into artistic portrayals of Michael to go on Hoodies and t-shirts.

I love the eyes motif too :D

Shoulder pads!!! heck yea, got to have them in the military inspired jackets he wore. Def must have.

On things without obvious references to our Michael, that's where the logo will go, as well as on tags. I like the elephant cause of the elephant bones rumor, that fact he had an elephant named Gypsy, and cause elephants are gentle giants hehehehe. Also he has a pair of them in the top corners of the Dangerous album.

But I'm open for ideas :D
or for example, just a black shirt, with white "stains" of a hat and a curl only. and maybe a glove - all of this can be done in the style of Rorschach images, you know? ;)
Ooooo yay!!! Guys thanks for your replies. :D Once I get good enough I will look into artistic portrayals of Michael to go on Hoodies and t-shirts.

I love the eyes motif too :D

Shoulder pads!!! heck yea, got to have them in the military inspired jackets he wore. Def must have.

On things without obvious references to our Michael, that's where the logo will go, as well as on tags. I like the elephant cause of the elephant bones rumor, that fact he had an elephant named Gypsy, and cause elephants are gentle giants hehehehe. Also he has a pair of them in the top corners of the Dangerous album.

But I'm open for ideas :D
I understand your point for using the elephant, it could look really cool though I think. I'm curious of how u will work this out!
Another tip; use parts of his lyrics and quotes on the clothes and so on! These words are so extremely interesting and there's so much to learn from.:yes:
Maybe you could incorporate t-shirts into the collection with really simple photos of him. But good ones, not ones that everyone has seen, search for some really obscure ones of him and slap them on. I know i'd definitely buy them.
Yeah that would be cool, I'm curious to see what they look like.
i'm going to make some MJ t-shirts on the weekend :yes: and also to i love Elephant i always love Elephants they're my proud and strong too :yes: :D maybe this is good iead i put pictures of MJ and elephant together :thinking: :cool:
i finished my fashion design degree 3 years ago and go back to school for fashion marketing and i planned the same idea too....the whole fashion line will totally inspire by Michael,i pursuing to became a fashion designer because i saw Michael drawing anyway...and my whole designs has been more or less inspired by him

so yeah...my first my fashion show...will be dedicated to Michael ^^

which school do you go to?
This is a good idea.
Dior did a season ages ago ( late 90s i think ) that was Mj inspired and it looked awesome. He has the best style ever and i admire him for being so orginal, noone can pull off the looks that he can and i think it'd be great to try and emulate it into a collection.

I remember that collection, it was around '03 I think. That was an awesome collection.

Anyway I think your idea is awesome, Smile! I'd totally wear it. I went to design school for a year and a half a few years ago and had the same thought for a line. It's great that so many of us are artists that can keep him alive through our work. I thought about writing a script involving him, like that movie "Mister Lonely" with Diego Luna.