A fan writing in hoping MJ will tour in US


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'll go anywhere just as long Michael is there
A very touching letter that was written by a fan to an advicer about how to get Michael Jackson to perform concerts in US.

Dear Cary,

I know that some letters convey bigger issues than others, but my letter describes an impending small crisis that I feel powerless to control. I feel like I'm watching a dream pass me by in slow motion. This may not be one of the incestuous, lost-my-job, I-can't-stand-my-wife-anymore issues, but it's a big deal to me and my sister. Many years ago we made a solemn pact to go see Michael Jackson if he ever went back into a concert tour, no matter what the cost. Now, Michael, in his infinite wisdom, has chosen to do a concert tour in London. With these uncertain economic times (my sister has been jobless for about six weeks now and my job is on the bubble), we cannot afford to go to England to see the show. This is a disappointment, but we're not giving up for the following reasons.
In addition to being incredibly talented, Michael Jackson created songs that were the soundtrack of my teenage years. My whole family, including my overworked mother, spent hours wearing gym socks trying to learn the moonwalk on the linoleum floor in the kitchen. My high school PE class canceled wrestling one day and we all gathered around the documentary TV usually reserved to warn us of the dangers of STDs. There, on the wooden gym floor, my fellow students and I were enthralled by the famous "Thriller" video. I listened to Michael Jackson's music and it made me feel cool and with-it for the first time in my life. I even got a part-time job at a kosher deli when I was 13 so I could save the money to buy the parachute pants he popularized. Since everybody liked Michael Jackson, this nerdy boy felt a connection to others through Michael's music. I can honestly say that Michael's music inspired me to make more of myself. I spent many nights listening to it and feeling that I could do more with my life. That will always be the reason I'm so grateful to him.

Also, my sister and I both believe that Michael is one of the most generous men on the face of the earth. He has given back so much to children and charities. He is known for his generosity, but for some reason he gets slammed for rumors and innuendos. He was accused, but never prosecuted for, illicit activity. We believe that a person of his wealth and influence is an easy target for opportunists.

So, we love Michael Jackson because of his boundless talent, generosity, the priceless memories he's given us and that fact that we think he's been wrongly prosecuted for and acquitted of crimes that he most certainly did not commit.

Here's where we need your advice. What do you think would be the best way to get Michael Jackson to agree to perform a concert tour in the U.S.? We have been trying to get the idea to catch fire online, but have discovered that we're not really good with that. We have written letters, but a man as busy as Michael Jackson doesn't get to read all of his letters. How can we start a grassroots movement to get Michael Jackson back in the country that birthed him, where his history lives and will continue to grow?

Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.


That was very touching. I DO hope He performs in the US because In spite of all the malicious ppl in America who want to destroy him, He has More fans that non-fans. All who have the same intent to see The Man's Magic. I HOPE he agrees to the World tour that Randy Philips stated!

MICHAEL, YOU Still HAVE Soooo Many fans Here in the US. We'll do anything in our power to Support, defend and Protect you, your name and Your children.

We Love you!
what's more interesting is to see the response from the crass ass who says he has no opinions.
what's more interesting is to see the response from the crass ass who says he has no opinions.

Wait....so there is a response already?

I thought the letter was very well put together and humble for the most part, and less of a sob story on how he couldn't see Michael in concert.

Off topic: thesmellofcoffee, I really love your avatar but I can't read it! Do you have a larger version I could see?
Wait....so there is a response already?

I thought the letter was very well put together and humble for the most part, and less of a sob story on how he couldn't see Michael in concert.

Off topic: thesmellofcoffee, I really love your avatar but I can't read it! Do you have a larger version I could see?

:yes: there is a respond from the advicer from the link. It's just that, i don't wish to post it here.
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what's more interesting is to see the response from the crass ass who says he has no opinions.

That was very touching. I DO hope He performs in the US because In spite of all the malicious ppl in America who want to destroy him, He has More fans that non-fans. All who have the same intent to see The Man's Magic. I HOPE he agrees to the World tour that Randy Philips stated!

MICHAEL, YOU Still HAVE Soooo Many fans Here in the US. We'll do anything in our power to Support, defend and Protect you, your name and Your children.

We Love you!

great post. yes it is true in the usa as it is around the world. MJ fans outnumber the general public.

I'm not following u...who's the "crass ass"?:cheeky:

yes, the letter was very engaging and makes it easy to overlook the guy who responded to the letter writer, in the link. but if you scroll down after the letter, some idiot responds beginning with 'dear fan'.