A 'fairytale' about Michael


Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009

I first posted this than 'chicken-out' and deleted it..and so...here goes nothing..I wrote this last night,and it just flowed out of me. So,I don't have anyone to share this with and I figured I could rely on MJJC to be there..I've been mourning Michael..still..and I often write when I feel like this.
Mods. please feel free to move this in the correct forum if I've chosen incorrect. Thanks souldreamer7

Once upon a time. In a land far,far away..
Lived a Prince with hair of silk and the colour of Onyx.
A curl fell over his brow -
And from his eyes,stars shone..
With a wave of his finger -
And the wind that caressed his cheek;
his feet began to move
with a sound that came from deep.
He posed & swayed,
From this way & that..
Magic wisps around this Prince
with the hat.
To & Fro' he danced in the forest that glistens..
Some birds & squirrels from a near by branch
stood so very still to listen -
As the sun broke through
the trees over head
Rainbows of light came into
the mossy beds.
The Prince's hat swirled from his hand
and landed so still,
silently & quietly the Prince
bedazzled by feel -
Amazed by nature that surround he with zeal..
And knowing a formed kinship he had found seemed to heal.
The starry-eyed Prince glazed with wonderous smile -
at the Blue bird he saw quawking down..
In a blink of eye..Intertwined as one -
The Prince let out a sigh -
Inhaled deeply, giggled, than off he ran swift & shy -
and sat upon a stonebed of rocks that laid
surrounded by ivy & vine
Blissful in thoughts and pondered in mind
They shine as he studied above,up into the skye -
below, all around,to his feet at the vine.
An enlightened grin stretched within his heart
The knowledge he knew that would never part
In tune with nature,it's rhythms he'd danced..
shook it's hand and formed such prance.
Intune with a melody from a stream to his right
As the strings from his heart
out poured such delight.
He rose & stood so tall & grand
Parted his lips and out came this light
standing in union with the pools of sound
Inspired his feet to again spring in bounds
He sang & he spun, he twirled with might
The Prince held his hands out wide,
as if to hug as much beauty as he pulled inside -
Than thanked God above for this blessing that lay
and continued to dance merrily into the day...

~Tamara ©


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That was so beautiful...I could actually see Michael while reading...thank you so much for sharing..:)
Beautiful. I could really see him running, spinning and dancing. Freee..
:) I could too :lol: Thank you. Much beautiful-ness to you. :wub:

That was really beautiful! I loved it!
:wub: I am happy that you did. It's great to have MJJC here to lean on, a helping hand..or a listening ear in this case. :)

I love it. :wub:
:hug: Thanks. :wub:

That was so beautiful...I could actually see Michael while reading...thank you so much for sharing..:)
Really?..:D I am happy that I could paint that picture for you. Your Welcome. :wub:

Ohh this is beautiful :wub: Lovely writing...thank you for sharing! :angel:
hey-chica. Thank ya Thank Ya.. much :wub:

Wow... this is amazing! It is really beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :flowers:
:flowers: for you to! :huggy:

:wub: I L.O.V.E MJJC! :wub:
OH WOW! I LOVE it!!!! That was very beautiful.. That´s so sweet of you to write a fairytale about Michael! :angel: Thank you so much for sharing :flowers:
This is really sweet and very emotional. Beautiful fairytale. I know that Michael would have loved it!!! :smile:
Tamara, this is beautiful. You truly capture Michael's spirit and magic. Thank you so much for letting us see it.
OH WOW! I LOVE it!!!! That was very beautiful.. That´s so sweet of you to write a fairytale about Michael! :angel: Thank you so much for sharing :flowers:
:flowers: :) Thank You for listening. :hug:
Wow that was such a great story. I wish I could write such a beautiful story like that.
awhhh :huggy: You can write..anyone can,if you believe..and you do. :) TY
thats awfull beautiful :yes: :wub:
so touching, so lovely, so sweet, so pure, so innocent, so ... gee... i can't find the word.

thank u so so much for sharing. :flowers:
You found the word(s) and it was "thank you" :wub:
This is really sweet and very emotional. Beautiful fairytale. I know that Michael would have loved it!!! :smile:
Thank You..That means a lot!..Really. :)

Tamara, this is beautiful. You truly capture Michael's spirit and magic. Thank you so much for letting us see it.
Awwhh Melania.. :huggy: a magical thank you!
that was awesome! I just have a slight suggestion, why not call him a King and not just a prince ?
:wub: Thanks so very much... :lol: I knew someone would ask that.. I even pondered it. ;) I suppose I was just trying to capture innocence..but we all know Michael is the King. :hug:

Much L.O.V.E to ALL!!! :wub:
:angel: :angel: :angel: