A disturbing article


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland

This soldier....who was supposed to be fighting for his country...dragged a 14 year old girl away from her parents...and raped her...Right before killing her and her family..which included her 7 year old sister...This soldier...refused to see Iraqi's as human beings...

I'm...absoloutly shocked at this...He had the balls to say THEY weren't human? He RAPED and KILLED an innocent child and murdered her family! What human does that?! None!!

Is this what our soldiers are doing?! They're supposed to be saving those people from Muslim extremeists!

Now I can see why Muslims have been calling our troops 'baby killers'...I've lost all respect for them...This wat...it's a sham...It's just another excuse for people to mindlessly kill others!
There are children on this forum. People shouldn't post things like this.
It makes you ask yourself.........

Who are the real extremists and terrorists?????..............

This illegal war shouldn't of ever happened.......Iraq was much better when Saddam was still alive.........but US and UK didn't like that and killed him off!!!!!!
There are children on this forum. People shouldn't post things like this.

I would like to contest that--I think it is legitimate to post such articles for discussion. We cannot pretend the horrors of this world do not exist. However, I see your point in guarding younger childrens' sensitivities. Perhaps a warning is due, then, when listing such articles? I despise censoring free speech, especially on such relevant topics.
This is absolutely horrible. And, apparently it wasn't just one guy. It sounds like at least 3 were directly involved, and another stood watch for them.

To be fair to the soldiers, the vast majority of them do not do things like this (just like the vast majority of Muslim are not terrorists.)

This soldier....who was supposed to be fighting for his country...dragged a 14 year old girl away from her parents...and raped her...Right before killing her and her family..which included her 7 year old sister...This soldier...refused to see Iraqi's as human beings...

I'm...absoloutly shocked at this...He had the balls to say THEY weren't human? He RAPED and KILLED an innocent child and murdered her family! What human does that?! None!!

Is this what our soldiers are doing?! They're supposed to be saving those people from Muslim extremeists!

Now I can see why Muslims have been calling our troops 'baby killers'...I've lost all respect for them...This wat...it's a sham...It's just another excuse for people to mindlessly kill others!
Arabs are not your enemy. The state manufactured media just wants us to hate Arabs and for us to think they are terrorists. They are trying to demean them. It's the same reason why Black people are always stereotyped as criminals or prostitutes in the media. The people who own the media are racist White supremacists who are trying to rationalize their evil mindset.
hardly surprising its gone on since the begining of time where war is concerend
hardly surprising its gone on since the begining of time where war is concerend

This. More needs to be done to prevent such things from taking place.

They say "school is for people who suck at playing world of warcraft" I couldn't agree more.
I am retired Military and the mother of one who is serving. Please don't label or make sweeping judgments.

MJ liked children, preferred them to greedy backstabbing adults, kept toys for him and them to play with. ergo other people say MJ fit the profile as a.......??

This person and others like him are a part of our society. He is a person who would find someone here to do the same to due to his belief that they are not worthy of life or dignity. He is like those who make and are suppose to enforce our laws, teach our children and care for us when ill. Not everyone who is in their current position is a good guy, but they all come from our world, our Nation and are a product of some really bad childhood training or just mentally ill.

... *Sighs*...

Racism is taught and cultivated... Wouldn't be surprised if that human (or former human) got mind controlled, it happens very often. Reminds me of the Hitler Youth, groups of young boys being indoctrinated into anti-semitism. Or he is just a simply deranged individual, don't know...

Horrendous to see how many children's lives are taken or destroyed, slowly, but surely, the world is dying...