A dancing problem!


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005

I have a really stupid problem that I feel stupid talking about, but I'm gonna do it anywway!

Basically my friend wants me to attend a dinner and dance event for her family's sports club thing. Of course I want to support her and her family so I agreed. But I can't dance in front of people. I really can't. It's too embarrassing. (Yes I'm the boring one at the parties who is afraid to get up). But I don't know how to get out of it.

This is really stressing me out and no, I'm not a teenager or anything. I'm 24 as it happens.

Should I dance and be humilated? Or do I sit on the side and look stupid? Either way sounds like a nightmare.

Any advice would be appreciated.
What you should be dancing? I'd say you shouldn't do it if you don't want to but if you can practise your dancing, I'd say you should do it.
i hate to dance also, i'm just too self-conscious. so you are not alone. if you don't want to, then don't. it's no big deal :)
Sometimes I feel silly at social dances too -- I feel much more comfortable having pre-planned choreography! Maybe you could ask a friend (or just try by yourself) to come up with a few moves or steps that you can rely on, and then you can mix them up in the moment. I feel that sometimes this is easier than just improvising on the spot.

And also remember that even though you feel self-conscious it's unlikely anyone is actually looking at you and judging you. If you act confident, they will think whatever moves you are doing are cool! :)

I hope you have a good time!
I'm gonna take a guess and say these people aren't dance experts lol so they won't be judgeing how your dancing :) I say go for it, take a chance you may really enjoy it!
If it is just a disco, then have a few drinks and bust out some moves, show them what youve got! ;o)

P.s I find 3 large glasses of Rose tend to help any dancing worries dissapear!
I'm the boring one too at parties lol I always sit quiet in a corner totally invisible, waiting for everything to be over...sometimes some guy will come over and will take advantage that I'm alone and he'll start hitting on me lol
but I don't like to dance on front of strangers I came to terms with the fact that I'm too damn shy for social events, but it makes me feel better when I realize I'm not the only one like that
Lol thanks guys! and marilyn^, trust a fan to bring MJ into the equation lol

I get what you're saying about just letting go and doing it..but I really CANT dance. I don't know how to. Maybe I should practise and see how I do..

anyway thanks for the support!

I have a really stupid problem that I feel stupid talking about, but I'm gonna do it anywway!

Basically my friend wants me to attend a dinner and dance event for her family's sports club thing. Of course I want to support her and her family so I agreed. But I can't dance in front of people. I really can't. It's too embarrassing. (Yes I'm the boring one at the parties who is afraid to get up). But I don't know how to get out of it.

This is really stressing me out and no, I'm not a teenager or anything. I'm 24 as it happens.

Should I dance and be humilated? Or do I sit on the side and look stupid? Either way sounds like a nightmare.

Any advice would be appreciated.

ALCOHOL! Don't get drunk, but just get a descent buzz. It will make you a lot less nervous. It helps me a lot when dancing in front of people.

Another tip. practice dancing in front of people. You will get used to it. At first you might not dance good in front of people, but after a few times it will get easier.

I had a less than stellar peformance at a dance club with the whole floor cleared out for me to battle. That was years ago, now I don't get nearly as nervous.

Also mix a short, SHORT, soundtrack to dance to and just relax. Don't worry if you've done a move too many times or not enough times or if your forgetting to do your best moves. DO NOT THINK!!!!!! Just go up there and do it.

Whether you do your best or not, either way life will move on, eventually you wont ever care about that night.

Assuming you can dance, if you remember that and follow it, you'll be fine! And if your not fine? Oh well there will be other opportunities in the future for you to redeem yourself. Just consider this time practice for doing it in front of people.
Okay I thought you meant the whole place watching you perform.

new advice, just remember most the people in the room can't dance. so if you look stupid, you'll probably just blend in.
I would suggest talking to Amygrace. Im sure she can share some really good tips about breaking your fears from dancing. (im serious) ;)
I would suggest talking to Amygrace. Im sure she can share some really good tips about breaking your fears from dancing. (im serious) ;)
LOL...oh, Nar...you're too cute.

I say get up and get jiggy anyway! Honestly people that can't dance or just look silly on the dance floor...are the most fun on the dance floor. haha. They are amusing...but in a good way. It's all about just having fun and not caring what anyone else thinks. Dare to make a fool of yourself, what matters is that you have a good time. :D
Well not sure if anyone's interested, but thought I would update you on what happened...the dinner started really late, so my friend and I had to leave at midnight, before the dancing got underway! I know, I know, I'm a chicken, but all's well, that ends well!

Maybe next time I'll force myself!