A Campaign to carry on MJ's legacy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Middle of No where
Hello guys

The past week has been a terrible time for all of us and still it continues to be.I was just thinking about the greatest tribute that we can give to Michael and I thought we might do concerts,MJ parties to show our love for him but the true tribute to Mike will be if we all can carry on his legacy.I know I sound little crazy but don't you guys think if each of us can buy 1 MJ record every month wouldn't it be great tribute to him and his legacy.Plus his kids will be benefitted by this cuz the money that we will spend on MJ records will be going to his Kids.I hope I will be able to buy atleast one MJ record every month.

:angel:Im sure his magic and his legacy will be shining brighter than the sun til the end of the time.
Just a week ago on June 24th I was just thinking of his birthday and about to start this project for him. What happened was so sudden and unexpected.
I own all of Michaels music but I will buy them to give to others of course
good idea. i'd like to buy dvd's & books and donate to libaries. i looked in our local libaries, no mj. can anyone tell me the best books/biograhpies written about michael?
i'll do that....not only once a month...whenever i want to
we have to continue it to make him always on top...prove to anyone else that heaven and earth cannot separate us from Michael
Thats a great idea, I had an idea for us to set up something where every year on his birthday a cd with a track of his is sent to peoples homes.
But buying ourselves and giving to friends/family is a much better idea!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
good idea. i'd like to buy dvd's & books and donate to libaries. i looked in our local libaries, no mj. can anyone tell me the best books/biograhpies written about michael?

I'd say the two he wrote Dancing the Dream and Moonwalk.
I always wanted to have Moonwalk but can't find it here.Though I read whole pdf of Moonwalk.That was great read but took me so long cuz I can't read much on computer,I'd rather like to have real book:)

I bought Moonwalk on ebay a few weeks ago for like £6.
Im on.

I bought "The Collection" yesterday (i already have all the albums, but I wanted to buy it to honor his legacy).

Lat week I went and bought "Thriller 25 Classic Cover".. I already had "Thriller 25 Limited Deluxe Edition" but wanted to honor him.

Im taking the challenge to purchace more MJ related thngs.