A Call to Prayer

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I need to ask all of Michael's fans to please stay keep in contact with other fans you are close to! It is crucial that those of us who will forever hold such an amazing love for Michael in our hearts continiue to share his light and love in this cold dark world! Some of you are prayer warriors and I need you to PLEASE contact me immediately! Please listen to your heart and not your will. May God guide you in all you think, speak, believe and do! God bless!!! Sharon B. Sidney Diversity2003c@hotmail.com
Hey you should check out the psychics channel Michael thread. There are lots of people including myself who are big on prayer and all that stuff! Some sweet people in there!
I don't believe it is okay for a person to "channel" anyone - ever. If I were a spirit I would hardly want to be disturbed by someones curiosity. It is not wise for any Christians to partcipate with those actions or that thread ---the bible says: "be partaker of no mans sins."

Please keep praying!

I had this odd feeling just a moment ago like something really tragic is about to happen in the world again soon - within the next month... We need to pray. We need to be a help to those in need. Are people tired of helping?.. I don't know what is about to happen and I have not spent time praying on it as yet but it will be huge. We need to be ready. People will need to take action... I don't understand it but that's what I am feeling. It is like the feeling I had before that horrible tsunami several years back...it's something bad. I have to go pray now. God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney