A call from others saying sorry.


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Have you got a call from family members to say sorry about Michael?

WEll i have since Thursday. Most of my family members werent that against him. but they said some not so nice things about him. But they called me from where they lived and told me , am sorry for your loss.

Did u have that kinda experiance?
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None of my family... I was with my mum when it happend but no-one else called me... Just my friends/fans when we were sobbing down the phone to each other :(
No one. My mom finally called me tonight, about another issue, and mentioned it in passing. And she had the nerve to ask me why I sounded so depressed. She knew how much I loved him :no:
nope no one has called me not even my mom and I thought she would because she also knew how much I loved Michael. But whatever.
I had more than 62 missed calls by friday afternoon.
My entire family and friends have been amazing. I am very, very fortunate. Only one person kind of made me feel a bit silly for being upset about it.
Family and friends that I haven't as much as spoken to in YEARS either left me voicemails or texts concerned about how I felt about Michael's death. What was worse was that it didn't sink in until later that night as I was driving home from work where I actually broke down a little.

I'd never admit that to anyone close to me, but I was shocked and taken aback to have some of these people communicate with me even if it were only for a day. I guess even they knew that Michael was someone I cared for as if he were a relative or even a close friend even though I never really knew him personally.
Yes I have, and it's wonderful to have caring people in your life. I live in LA, but I am originally from Europe, so all my family and lots of friends are still there. Despite the time difference, many send me messages right away. My friends here have also been very supportive. I even had old childhood friends reach out, those I'm not really in touch with anymore, but who remember how I've always felt about Michael. Obviously this news shocked everybody.
Yeah a bunch of my friends and family gave their condolences which made me feel warm inside that they thought of me during this sad time. It also makes me feel proud that I am such a passionate MJ fan that I made sure everyone knew it.
My mother called me crying on the phone. She introduced me to Michael as a kid by forcing me to watch Moonwalker. - That was a defining moment in my life.
But what scares me most is that I got support by people I didn't expect to get support by, while the people I expected to be there didn't care. - it kind of makes you realize who cares for you and who's not.
My mother called me crying on the phone. She introduced me to Michael as a kid by forcing me to watch Moonwalker. - That was a defining moment in my life.
But what scares me most is that I got support by people I didn't expect to get support by, while the people I expected to be there didn't care. - it kind of makes you realize who cares for you and who's not.

i got a message from my parents.. i think some people don't know how to react, i'll give them the benefit of the doubt anyway. It's better than them calling and not caring, they might be respecting your space.
My parents and my brother called me from the States to check if I was okay. They didn't even do the whole...did you hear...? They knew I had. A lot of my friends text me as well, asking if I needed anything. It was really nice. I didn't realize people associated me with being a big fan but I guess they do.
I got a lot of texts to my phone on Thursday and a phone call as well. Then over the weekend I saw some other friends and they were all like "I thought of you and felt so bad" and stuff like that.

It was sweet and made me feel loved. Can really find out who really cares in times like these.
I've had masses of support - I have felt lots of love from my family and friends, i've even heard from friends I went to school with and haven't seen for over 10 years, all saying they've been thinking of me. My family have been great, my mum calls me constantly and my sister and friends as I live away from home, and my husband has been the best. I feel bad for him at times, he is a big fan of Michael, he hasn't really had time to deal with it himself as he's been caring for me. He asked me yesterday if he could read the forum with me to listen to the other fans as I'd told him what comfort I get from being here.
You know what, that is very true.

yeah well because i have this 1 friend who's 1st question to me when i jumped in the morning it was "y aren't you at work" which i responded with "didn't you see the news" reply was "yeah lol it's on everyone's facebook.

we have been going the motions for a while now as friends but that's cemented it for me.
Yep! EVERYBODY called me. People I hadn't talk to in months too. My Supervisor even called to ask if I was gonna be able to come to work that night, even though she and I almost got into an argument about Michael right after TII was announced.

I told her yes I would be in and she said "are you sure?" and I said yeah, I'll be fine and she told me to leave early after the critical pgms had been run and she would take care of the rest when she came in...she was really sweet about it. I was glad coz I didn't get much sleep that day after folks started callin'...they knew I was sleepin' but didn't want me to wake up and find out about it all alone.

Thank God I was working alone in the Data Center that night and had the rest of the weekend off...I left wondering if and hoping I had done everything I was supposed, coz Lord knows I was in a fog and on automatic pilot.

I usually have music streamin' to keep me company when I'm workin' alone, or in the car, more often than not MJ's, but I've been in silence with my thoughts pretty much or on the phone with different folks still checkin' in on me since Thursday.

Still a little numb, I guess. Thank God they were all so supportive, even though most don't really understand my feelings about Michael.

But they do understand that I don't play when it comes to negativity about him. :stop: :nono:
None of my family called me but i didn't know what to say anyway. The next day they asked my dad how i was doing and he said it was terrible.
I was hoping my friend (not an MJ fan) would give me a call when i texted her he's dead. But she only texted me back.. She came over on friday allthough i cancelled on our appointment.. But she wasn't really comforting me, well maybe she just didn't know how. She kept saying that there is no concert and she doesn't know how to feel about it coz now she can't tell her friends she saw him. I texted her on friday evening that i would be going to the statue the next day(sat) but she asked me to move it till sunday:bugeyed Coz she couldn't make it. I said no and i havent heard of her since...:no:
Ohh well... in those times you really gonna find out who your friends are i guess..

The only one who did really comfort me was my mom. Both my dad and bro didn't know how to handle.. they started to make lame jokes about MJ instead bu quit after a while.
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I called myself to my family, they were in vacation, and told them. My sister was so sorry for me, and next day I talked to my mom and she was so concerned about me, about my loss, she took it close to her heart. And all my close friends, which are not Michael's fans, texted me with comfort words.
On my work everybody knows that I'm a fan, that I was going to concert and they don't talk at all about it, knowing that it will hurt me right now. They even offered me a face of my collegue to beat when I went furios about AEG and ticket refund :) :) I kindly declined their offer :) :)
everyone is so kind around me but then when i get home from school i write the newspaper and i start crying, i dont understand why they just write their bad storys

its the end for me... i want to burn every newspaper of this fucking tabloid paper where my father got an abo :(
My sister texted me this message: "Michael Jackson. Dead?"

She was in total disbelief and she was as huge a fan of him as I am. We had all the cassettes, CDs and we went to Disney Land with our Mom and saw Captain EO MANY times. She even received the Ultimate Collection for her birthday from her boyfriend because she does not hide the fact that she loves Michael Jackson. And we just about destroyed our Dangerous cassette because we played it non-stop over a period of months. I'll never forget how I used to get my boombox and headphones and pop in the dangerous tape and listen to it hours on end with the lights turned off. Never skipped a song, didn't need to. Michael's albums are listenable front to back.

My Mom was sad as well. She loved the Jackson 5 classics and one of her favorite albums was Off the Wall because it was all over the radio when she first came to the United States. In fact, only my father was totally indifferent to the whole thing.
Everyone's been like that. Makes me feel so good that they're beginning to say nice things but it also makes me angry like "yeah and you couldn't say that when he was alive??!?"
Yes - my family and friends have been very supportive. It's been appreciated
no my family doesent care.. and they dont even know enough about me to be aware that I love Michael Jackson..

only my boyfriend takes my feelings kind of serious and speaks to me about it.