A book about michael written by a fan: would you read it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey all,

I have so many memories and events I want to share and I have thought long and hard about writing a book. I dont know if it would ever be published. Thats great if so but if not I just want to share it with all of you and other friends and fans.

Would you read or any suggestions about where to post it etc?

Thanks! L.O.V.E.
Yes, I would read it. A fan is not someone out for money and the love that person will come across in the book. Let me know when it's out. ;)
Yeh I've thought for a while now that someone should write a book with different people's stories of Michael's relationship with fans and things like that... and obviously the truth that the media hide.
It's a good idea. In the book I think of a documentary about fans of MJ... fans especially those who somehow came close to Michael, who saw him on tours... Fans always have such interesting stories to tell. It would be so interesting and so beautiful.
You can also publish it throgh an online publisher like lulu.com. People can then go and order their copies and get them shipped from the site. They only print what is ordered, there is no limit or anything :)
Yes, that would be fantastic! I'd be first in line...:cheeky: