A blog by J3's teacher

Thanks! Loving it so far, and something new to read on Michael :D
The blog seems lovely, it's always nice to hear people say such wonderful things about Michael. Thank you for sharing!
The link doesn't seem to work for me. Any chance of a transcript from some kind soul? :flowers:


“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu

Bahrain - One afternoon, after school, the children came to me and gave me a present.

PP : “ Hey Ms. Aileen, a gift from Daddy! ”

Me : “Wow, thank you."

P : "Open it. "

Me: "Okay, I will."

P: "Do you like it?"

Me: “Yes, very much. Please tell your Daddy that I’m so happy. Thank you!”

P: "Pleasure. Okay. Bye."

I'm sure the kids saw the stars in my eyes when I opened the beautifully wrapped box. I was thrilled to bits not only because it was my first Apple Ipod but because it was given by no less than Michael Jackson himself ! How cool was that!

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Magnet 02/02/2012

Thanks to Melissa Peralta for sharing this photo :)

Space Mountain






I was going through my blogs when I realized that I named the first one with "My First in Disneyland" but didn't tackle about my Disney experience. So here it is:

A notice came early in the morning that we will be moving from Versailles to Disneyland Paris. Obviously, I was overjoyed because it was my first Disney adventure. I believe I was more thrilled than the children.

When we got there, I was surprised to see a bunch of fans screaming Michael Jackson’s name.

“How did they know we 're here?” I wondered. That totally puzzled me.

Later that day, I asked Ms. G if I can go and check the park.

“ Go ahead. Enjoy.” she said.

So, I put on my most comfortable get-up and went out of my room rushing to meet Mickey Mouse and his friends.

I explored Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios as if there was no tomorrow. It was like fulfilling a childhood dream.

Also, I didn’t miss Disney Village where I bought tons of souvenir items that you could ever think of.

Without a doubt, I did have a magical moment at the happiest place on earth.

The next day , I was informed that we will be going to the park together with Mr. Jackson and the children. I was kinda excited and didn’t know what was it like to be going out with them. It was my first public engagement with the family.

We did not pass the entrance gate but security ushered us to the back gate instead. When we got in the park, people started screaming and running towards us. Mr. Jackson waved his hand and said “I love you” to the people. Security was already in full alert trying to protect Mr. Jackson and the group.

When the crowd became irrepressible, we headed to the nearest shop. The security was forced to lock-up the place to prevent them from coming in and to give the group some time inside.

We stayed inside the shop for awhile .The fans didn’t stop from screaming and waited patiently outside . I was instructed to keep an eye on the children all the time.

When we went out, the crowd mugged us. Security needed to take the children away from Mr. Jackson to keep them from being hurt.

I was stunned with what had happened. Found out that one of the children got a bruise on the arm but didn't complain at all.

After some time, we proceeded to the park as planned.

The children and the grown-ups surely enjoyed the rides and the different attractions.

I felt my excitement fading away when we headed to Space Mountain, a steel roller coaster-type attraction in Discoveryland. I simply hate roller coaster!

Prince : “ Ms. Aileen, let’s go!”

Me : “ I think I will just have to stay here and wait for you guys.”

Prince : “Come on. Let’s go.”

Me: “You can go without me Prince.” Have fun!” I will be right here waiting, okay?

Prince : "Are you sure?"

Me: "Positive"

Prince: "Okay. We will be right back."

I sighed with relief. Then they proceeded along with the security and took the ride. So I stayed at the waiting area until they came back.

After an afternoon filled with fun, thrill and excitement, we were escorted back to our hotel .

When dinner was over, I went to the hotel shop to buy some more stuff. Then again I saw the same people who greeted us when we entered the hotel. They were seated at the lobby waiting for Mr. Jackson to come out. They were talking so loud that everyone could hear them converse about their enthusiasm of seeing him.

At that time I didn’t quite understand why people would go crazy chasing him and would be willing to splurge a huge amount of money for airfares and hotel accommodation just to have a glimpse of Mr. Jackson.

It’s funny that I never understood why people who went to his concert would cry and faint.

It amazed me how a person could draw attention from millions of people all over the world.

He was like a magnet attracting the public wherever he went. He was incredible!

It was only after I got to know his real character and who he really was that I understood people’s enthrallment towards him.

More than his exceptional and incomparable talent, his pure heart made the people adore and love him immensely.

It's true that I read a couple of those offensive rumors about him but never did I question his morality... not even once.

I have been a living witness to the inherent goodness and decency of Mr. Jackson. Those horrible tabloid rumors were far from the real person that he really was. It made me wonder over and over again,, Where the hell did they get all those stories from?

"It’s funny that the people who didn’t get the chance to be with him have a lot to say. "

So, to show my gratitude and my unwavering respect for him, I've created this site so I can hopefully and slowly make a difference.

Great blog:wub:

Holding Prince as we walked through Heathrow.




If you were working for a celebrity there was a pressure to perform your best. The pressure doubles if you work for no less than the music icon himself, Michael Jackson.

My journey was not that easy. It was a roller coaster ride of emotions. I would lie if I say that I didn’t come across any challenges at all. There were a lot actually from little stuff to complicated ones.

Ms. G used to tell me this and it continued to be my main motivation whenever I’m troubled and confused. .. “ The problems and trials that we experienced were purposely given to us to shape our character.”

She added, “Always pray. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you talk to God. You don’t need to be inside the church to offer a short prayer . You can pray inside your room, while having a shower, when you’re inside the elevator or wherever you need to talk to Him.

True enough her words of wisdom helped me a lot overcome my anxiety. Prayer is the most effective way to overcome any obstacle. It costs nothing but your little time and strong faith.

Indeed the bumps and humps were essential for us to appreciate a smooth ride.

There may be pressures and demands that came with the job but it was definitely all worth it.

In November 2006, we flew to England for the World Music Awards .

We checked in a luxury 5-star hotel in London. Since it was a huge event people knew that Mr. Jackson will be in town. To my surprise, they arrived at the hotel before we did.

Fans stayed outside the hotel screaming, singing and yelling “ We love you Michael.” They sang and danced to his songs. It was like watching a production number for free.

And they did successfully caught his attention. In fact , not only his but the entire staff and guests at the hotel as well.

Needless to say Mr. Jackson loved his supporters so much. He appreciated all the love and devotion . He knew his fans would always be there for him in good and in bad times.

Each night Mr. Jackson asked our security people to hand food and drinks to his loving fans that stayed outside 24/7. I’m not exaggerating. They stayed there day and night.

The fans went wild when he waved and opened his hotel room window.

When I witnessed how the fans screamed at the top of their lungs and how they chased our vehicle every time we left , I realized how privileged I was to be with him most of the time and be able to talk to him casually.

Honestly, there were times in the past when I would forget that my boss was the most famous human being in the world, the one and only Mr. Michael Jackson. Please don’t get me wrong. It was because I saw him every single day. I saw him when he was just wearing his pajamas, sometimes in his Donald Duck shirt and bumped into him at the pantry every now and then.

When school was over for the day he would at times call me on my cell phone and ask about school stuff or something else.

There were times when I missed his calls and he would leave a voice message:

“Hi Ms. Aileen, this is Mr. Jackson. Please call me as soon as you can. Thank you.”

Moreover, he NEVER acted like a “superstar” around us even though he really was a true "SUPERSTAR" in the real sense of the word because of the obvious reasons we are all aware about.

He was naturally kind and a delight to be with. One of the most humble men that I have the pleasure to meet in this lifetime.

Albeit the rubbish rumors written on the tabloids, no one and nothing could ever take away my admiration for the one and only King of Pop.

Here is the video of the World Music Awards 2006.

Thanks to goldstarlet for this video.



The Queen 01/26/2012

Thanks SpearsJFamily for the video.
My ID during the event :)




She was our lady driver during our stay in Tokyo and she was really good.



In my hotel room @ Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo.

One fine afternoon I got a heads-up from the Head of Security that Japan will be our next destination. No other details were revealed except an instruction to pack my stuff. I didn’t attempt to ask “when” and “why” because I knew I wouldn’t get an answer anyway.

Packing really wasn’t that strenuous since I was living out of a suitcase.

In Japan, we stayed in one of my favorite hotels, Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo. Great service and excellent food. Though I didn't order Sushi and Sashimi ( so sorry for the sushi and sashimi lovers out there , I just can't take the taste ) but their authentic Tempura is to die for. I called Room Service every single day to order Tempura for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 7 consecutive days.

Mr. Jackson went to greet 3,000 plus U.S. troops and their families at Army base Camp Zama, Japan, just south of Tokyo.

He told the crowd:

“It’s an honor and a privilege to be here. “You people are among the most special in the world because you have chosen a life of service. Because of you here today and others who have given their lives, we can enjoy our freedom at home. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I love you.”

Additionally, Mr. Jackson needed to be in Japan for a couple of important events like the Platinum VIP Party, Meet and Greet event and the Fan Appreciation Day.

Even with the hectic schedule, our group did not miss to visit Tokyo Disney Sea. We got there just in time for their Fireworks Display. It was undoubtedly spectacular. A must-see for all ages.

We then settled down and waited for our food to be served.

After some time, I heard Mr. Jackson called my name and asked me to come closer .

Mr. Jackson: Ms. Aileen, I would like you to meet The Queen of the Jackson Family, my mother. Facing Mrs. Jackson , “She is the kids’ teacher. She is from the Philippines.

Mrs. Jackson smiled to me and said , “ Hi ,How are you?

Me: I’m good. Thanks for asking. I’m glad to finally meet you, Mrs. Jackson.”

Mr. Jackson must have noticed that I was not at ease where I was seated because I was so quiet. So he went out of his way to let me feel comfortable and asked me to sit beside him and the kids. I honestly felt out of place since his staff talked about office matters that I didn't know about. I worked closely with Mr. Jackson and the kids so I have no clue about some meetings and contracts they referred to. He was very sensitive to other people's feelings. He had his own unique ways of letting you feel special and saving you from awkward situations.
It surely made me cry inside and appreciated the King all the more.

Arigatou gozaimasu for the love Mr. Jackson.



My First in Disneyland 01/25/2012

Credits to Xerex for the video and Fanpop for the 2 photos.
My first travel with Michael Jackson and kids in Paris, France.

The fans went wild upon seeing Michael Jackson. They followed us everywhere. Security was so tight ensuring Michael Jackson and kids' safety.

I was wearing ( purple top, gray trousers and fit flops). Holding the hands of Prince and Paris as we headed to one of Disneyland's shops.

I was wearing ( purple top, gray trousers and fit flops). Holding the hands of Prince and Paris as we headed to one of Disneyland's shops.




View from my room :)

View from my room :)

People keep on telling me how lucky I am to have met and worked for Mr. Jackson. I couldn’t agree more. I could have done something right in my life to be granted with this kind of opportunity. It was truly a blessing. Mr. Jackson was a blessing.

He gave me the chance to see the world...literally. I traveled with them across the globe and got to experience so many "firsts" in my life like traveled privately on a chartered jet plane, commercially on first & business class, lived in a castle, stayed in 5-star hotels and so much more ( I could go on and on and on).

I can still remember clearly this conversation with him when we're at the airport.

Me : " Mr. Jackson , if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to travel and see beautiful places. Thank you for showing me the world."

Mr. Jackson: "My pleasure Ms. Aileen. Thank you for teaching my children. God bless you."

But more than the material things, I am so grateful to the Jackson Family for the love, respect and trust. They never treated me as an outsider but a part of their private family. I stayed where they stayed and ate the same food they ate. I never felt as an outcast. It’s also worth mentioning that the children were so kind and polite. They never failed to say “please” and “thank you.” Kudos to Mr. Jackson! He did an amazing job raising his kids.

The world knew Mr. Jackson as a brilliant performer… I knew him as a decent man, great father to P,P& B and the coolest boss on the planet.

