A beautiful, strong and powerful message from Michael to everybod


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Hi! I'm not sure if you had had the opportunity to see it in its moment or in some moment, but I wanted to share it cause I felt so proud of Michael. His message was so clear, beautiful, strong and powerful. Make you think a lot!!!
For me, he is a real hero
Michael's message is forever an inspiration to all of us and to the world! Thankyou Michael, forever...
This is the Exeter speech and some call it the Freedom and Love speech. I just love it when his speech blows away and he laughs and laughs, he just cracks up! Not many people would be laughing in a situation like that, but he did.

Isn't it great how he got everyone, tough soccer fans and Michael fans to all hold hands!
Wow Michael!
This man was amazing in so many ways!:)
It's a shame the people didn't leave him alone, he could have done so much more good things to this world:(