A 4 year old cries for Michael


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
That is so sad. :(

What's with filming him crying like though and posting it on youtube? Sorry but I think that's wrong. He needing a cuddle not a camera in his face. :(
Michael touched so many childrens lifes. :(
My 7 year old sister cried like no tomorrow when I told her he died...

If a child is crying go and comfort him, don't film him and put it on YouTube. This child's idol has just died, give him some comfort. I'm 23 and I needed support when Michael died.
omg :cry: he is bringing me to tears now. :(

awee poor kid. That's how I was, watchin' that memorial except I was on the floor bawling my eyes out. yea... don't want to remember that day. :no:
Good grief! If that was my child, I would have been hugging him as soon as I saw him distressed like that. Not filming him with a camera, so I can show it to the world.
That was so wrong to film him and put it on YouTube rather than comfort him, but it shows us how Mike touched people of all genders, races and ages.
my little boy who is 4 says 'daddy? .... i miss micheal but he still lives with us everyday when we play his music ' it chokes me up all the time bless him
What's with filming him crying like though and posting it on youtube? Sorry but I think that's wrong. He needing a cuddle not a camera in his face. :(

My thoughts ... :( This little boy also has a right to privacy ...

my little boy who is 4 says 'daddy? .... i miss micheal but he still lives with us everyday when we play his music ' it chokes me up all the time bless him

What a sweetie.
It felt kinda strange watching them film that child like that while he was so obviously upset about MJ passing.

But viewing that I did'nt realise there was so much footage of people grieving over this great loss.
If a child is crying go and comfort him, don't film him and put it on YouTube. This child's idol has just died, give him some comfort. I'm 23 and I needed support when Michael died.

So did I and I was 29 at the time. The only ones that was there to comfort me when I heard the horrible news was my stuff animals, teddy bears, my MJ sites, and sleep. My mother gave that I don't care attitude about it. So did that husband of hers. Then again he is like the rest of my family who all hates Michael Jackson. They didn't care about what I was going through. Neither did the rest of my family and they all know I love Michael Jackson. All they care about is themselves. I remember 2 days after it had happen it was night time I was on my bed just getting up. Because I spent that Saturday sleeping to try and not to think about what had happen. And my mother came in to my room wanted to know what I had wanted for supper. Eating was the very last thing I had wanted to do. But just to get her out my room I just told her to get a spinach pizza. And just to make me feel even worst she decided to make fun of Michael's death. She said she wasn't but that wasn't the way I took it. So I then very coldy ask her to leave my room. Which she did finally cause she could tell by the tone of my voice that she was not welcome. And I went back to lay down again and cry over Michael again. While I try to go back to sleep again. I just thank God that I had sleep to bring me the comfort that I needed at the time. Instead of a loving supportive family member which is something I don't have. My mother even threated to have me comitted if I did not get over Michael's death in 2 weeks. And this was back in July when she said this to me. She thought I was totally insane to be mourning over someone I didn't even know.

Any way I don't think I can watch that video. Because I think it is wrong to video tape a crying child and then put it on a site like You Tube. That poor child needed to be comorted and that person who video taping that child. Didn't even bother to go over and do that for that poor child. I just feel so bad for that poor child. I am starting to cry all over again. Because I really do know what that poor child is going through.
My children were pretty upsrt about it but the thought of filming it didnt even come to mind...geezzz...

My oldest son (now 7) is okay about it now but my 2nd son (4 yrs old) still talks about it a lot....
This is so heartbreaking. :cry: Bless that boy, we all feel his pain. :heart:
this is awful, poor kid needs a comforting hug not a camera in his face, some people should not have children...
I'm not clicking on this link.

I'm a mother - and I feel this is very exploitative.

I would rip someone's head off (and go to jail happily) if someone filmed my baby girl in a moment of weakness, crying - and put it on Youtube.

And if the parent/s put it on there, I'd call the police on them.

This is borderline child abuse.

Here we are protecting MJs kids with almighty fervor - and then we can look at a YouTube to see an anonymous' child's pain and watch it like a reality show?

How does that make us better? By seeing this exploits the child.

So I vote to PLEASE take the links off - please. Or Please close this thread.

We are better than that.
Isn't this child, at 4 years old, a little too young to be told that his idol died? What, will they also tell him Santa Claus or the tooth fairy doesn't exist? And then filming it and posting it online for the world to see? That is just not right.

Although it does make you wonder how all the children Michael touched in his lifetime (now many all grown) by either visiting in hospitals and orphanages or having them in his home feel about his loss. Heartbreaking.
I refuse to watch this A because i think it is disgusting to put a child in a moment of sadness on the internet and B because i dont think i could handle it to be honest!!

Yes Michael touched alot of peoples lives young and old but i very much doubt he would want to see this :( Just truly awful if you ask me!
If a child is crying go and comfort him, don't film him and put it on YouTube. This child's idol has just died, give him some comfort. I'm 23 and I needed support when Michael died.


The dad: "Well we cant bring him back to life!!"

For Christ's sake. Just comfort your kid and shut up.
So did I and I was 29 at the time. The only ones that was there to comfort me when I heard the horrible news was my stuff animals, teddy bears, my MJ sites, and sleep. My mother gave that I don't care attitude about it. So did that husband of hers. Then again he is like the rest of my family who all hates Michael Jackson. They didn't care about what I was going through. Neither did the rest of my family and they all know I love Michael Jackson. All they care about is themselves. I remember 2 days after it had happen it was night time I was on my bed just getting up. Because I spent that Saturday sleeping to try and not to think about what had happen. And my mother came in to my room wanted to know what I had wanted for supper. Eating was the very last thing I had wanted to do. But just to get her out my room I just told her to get a spinach pizza. And just to make me feel even worst she decided to make fun of Michael's death. She said she wasn't but that wasn't the way I took it. So I then very coldy ask her to leave my room. Which she did finally cause she could tell by the tone of my voice that she was not welcome. And I went back to lay down again and cry over Michael again. While I try to go back to sleep again. I just thank God that I had sleep to bring me the comfort that I needed at the time. Instead of a loving supportive family member which is something I don't have. My mother even threated to have me comitted if I did not get over Michael's death in 2 weeks. And this was back in July when she said this to me. She thought I was totally insane to be mourning over someone I didn't even know.

Any way I don't think I can watch that video. Because I think it is wrong to video tape a crying child and then put it on a site like You Tube. That poor child needed to be comorted and that person who video taping that child. Didn't even bother to go over and do that for that poor child. I just feel so bad for that poor child. I am starting to cry all over again. Because I really do know what that poor child is going through.

I agree, very exploitive....I was lucky to have a lot of support when Michael died...I was at work when my bf called me to tell me, and I totally dismissed it; i didn't believe it at all...But it was on my mind until the end of the day when I got home from work, and then I took my dogs for a walk to the park, playing frisbee with them...My bf left work early to come to the park to tell me it was definitely true....He gave me a big hug and said, "i just wanted to be able to tell you in person"...while i stood there in shock, forgetting everything around me...I was frozen....he had quite the concerned look on his face...asking me if I was alright...I just walked over to a bench and sat down, couldn't move....My sister is a big Michael fan as well...same as my mom, and my dad likes him too...So I was lucky...

But this youtube video is quite disturbing...poor little one :cry: