A 20 year old babysitter having sex with a 14 year old

Ms.MJ Fan2007

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newark, New Jesery U.S.A
Soruce: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/...9.html?icid=main|verizon|dl8|sec1_lnk3|221080

Connecticut Babysitter Loni Bouchard Arrested For Allegedly Having Sex With 14-Year-Old
Loni Bouchard was arrested after investigators learned that she was having sexual relations with a boy she babysat. First Posted: 8/5/11 12:00 PM ET Updated: 8/5/11 04:17 PM ET

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Submit this storydigg reddit stumble Police in Connecticut have arrested a woman for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy she was hired to babysit.

Loni Bouchard, 20, of Clinton, located about 20 miles southeast of New Haven, was arrested on July 12 after investigators learned that she was having sexual relations with a boy she was hired to watch.

Bouchard had been babysitting the teen for about six months, police said. She allegedly served him alcohol and, according to police, the two became involved in a consensual sexual relationship.

When the mother of the boy learned of the incident, she contacted police. Authorities arrested Bouchard following a three month investigation into the allegations. The boy is not being identified because of his age.

According to The Middletown Press, Bouchard was charged with second-degree sexual assault, two counts of impairing the morals of a child, and permitting a minor to possess alcohol.

"It is the way these laws are written to keep positions of authority from taking advantage of younger people," said Sgt. Joseph Flynn of the Clinton Police Department told ABC's "Good Morning America" Friday.

Following her arrest, Bouchard was released on a promise to appear in court.

On July 29, Bouchard was arrested again and charged with another count of second degree sexual assault for allegedly assaulting a teen boy in nearby Southington, according to The Hartford Courant.

Police in Clinton and Southington did not immediately return calls for comment today, so it remains unclear if the charges in Southington involve the same 14-year-old boy.

Authorities will only say the teen in the Southington case is "known to her" and they are not releasing further information until the victim's name is redacted from court records, KGO AM 810 reported.

Bouchard posted a $1,000 bond after her second arrest and is due back in court on Aug. 12 to face the charges.

According to "Good Morning America," Bouchard's attorney said his client would be better served by a stay in rehab, rather than a jail sentence.

Thats a very sameful feeling that some aglled 20 year old is having sex with a young 14 year old male :bugeyed
Biologically, there's not much amiss about it, although the very concept does make me nauseous.

However, the case is not without causes for concern:

-alcohol was involved
-she was in a position of authority over the boy--despite his age, he does not have full control over his affairs.
-circumstances of his "consent" are unclear

Without many details, there is no way to know just how deviant this relationship was. Age-wise, it's nothing surprising. 20 year olds are basically older teens, and fourteen year olds (especially males) are on average knowledgeable enough about sex, in some cases even already sexually active. However...

The question in my mind is: why does a fourteen year old boy need a babysitter? There are plenty of after-school clubs to tickle the fancy of the average middle-schooler. Failing that, I'm sure it is perfectly legal to leave him home by himself--I went home by myself when I was 13, and waited for mother to return from work without the need of a babysitter, and so do many other pubescent children. Therefore, I wonder if the boy in question was perhaps a special needs child?

That would, of course, further change the dynamic of the relationship and the power imbalance between them by adding a cognitive factor to the already significant list of discrepancies between the two.

Without knowing anything further, there is no way of telling whether this was a factor or not. However, it's not entirely out of the question. The use of alcohol as either a lure or a sedative implies this relationship was not entirely consensual, as they claim it to be. Perhaps she gave him alcohol and threatened to lie to his mother about him to gain his compliance? I couldn't see such a thing occurring in a household with a cognitively average fourteen year old boy, however. I think he'd be clever enough to conclude that telling his mother the babysitter was bringing booze would most probably get her fired on the spot, or else encourage increased vigilance around her--either way, the mother wouldn't be likely to take the allegation lightly.

The fact that this did not immediately happen makes me think there is perhaps something amiss with the boy, to render him especially vulnerable to the unsophisticated manipulations of a twenty year old girl. The other question to ask is--how did this surface? Did the boy, prompted by fear of the babysitter, finally tell his mother what she was making him do?

In regards to her end of the stick, it'll be interesting to see whether the second charge concerns the same boy, of if a different one is involved. This could provide valuable information--mainly, the difference between a potentially serial hebephile ("pedophile" to laymen, although the accepted term is hebephile, because pedophilia is strictly applied to pre-pubescent children, whereas hebephelia applies to pubescent ones, particularly in the early stages of adolescent development), and an obsessive woman who, for some reason, chose to target a fourteen year old boy. Several things would have to be cleared up:

-how long has she been babysitting?
-how long did her employment last, if terminated?
-would former clients be motivated to come forward, now that she has finally been caught in the act?

The most important question at present is the nature of her second sexual assault charge. The answer to that question will help determine whether this was possibly a one-time transgression into the realms of hebephilia for some obscure reason, or whether there is reason to suspect her of being the potential molester of multiple boys. The first case would imply an obsession--a fixation with just that boy, which would in itself beg to be explored in further detail. The second would be a red flag that she is, in fact, sexually attracted to pubescent boys as a default, and then our questions regarding any prior employment or contact with family members/friends' family members would ensue.

Regardless of which one it is, she will be punished, of course. This is a matter of law and violation thereof. I am not attempting to justify anything she has done--however, it is of importance to understand why it happened, especially if it turns out she is obsessed with her boy target. General lust is easier to explain than a potent fixation on one object/person.
He's not an adult, but most 14 year olds don't need a babysitter. In fact, most 14 year olds probably babysit for younger siblings. Like Serverus, I wonder if he is a special needs kid.

Either way, it's gross and that babysitter is disgusting.
Sorry but the age gap between 14 and 20 is huge! It is disgusting to even consider the possibility. And serving alcohol makes it much more worse.
^Biologically, it isn't. Socially and culturally, it is, and I agree with you--it's stomach-turning.

However... I don't think the relationship was entirely consensual, since alcohol was involved and the circumstances, overall, are pretty odd.

@Diana74: That is correct. By the time I was 14, I was pretty much my kid sister's full-time babysitter, until my mother came home from work. A lot of neighbourhood babysitters are also between the ages of 14-17, so if they are legally allowed to do jobs of that nature, then they're old enough to stay by themselves--so, really, I think this child was a special case, which of course makes the whole thing even more demented than it already is.