Yeah I remember that day clearly too. As the sister of a fireman it has a lot of meaning to me, that day does. So many firemen rushed into that building to help people and so many were lost....
My husband and I were staying with his family at the time and that morning we were getting ready for work. My step dad said goodbye, went to his truck and drove off to go to work....
And less than two minutes later he came screeching back into the driveway. We figured he forgot something.
He came rushing into the house, right past us, into the livingroom to turn on the tv and all he said was....someone bombed the trade center! Obviously he probably heard bits of it on the radio in the truck and wasn't sure what had happened.
We both kind of went... what??? We joined him at the tv as it turned on and they were showing the towers and we caught all of 15 seconds of what was going on when the second plane went through. I think all three of us yelled out. It was so shocking. We weren't used to that sort of thing, violence of that magnitude, on purpose, was a little well.... uncomprehensible. I felt sick watching it. I like all people the same so I don't understand these kinds of things very well.
In my total innocence I turned to my husband and said... that was an empty plane right? There weren't passengers in there, were there? And he was like, no no someone probably stole it or something, who would do that with people on board. My step dad thought the same.
I think my generation was pretty lucky, not much for war or anything...until that day. I feel so badly for the people on the planes, the ones who were trapped or jumped from the buildings. And I feel really bad for the families left behind. I still find it hard to find meaning in why my stepmom died in a crash.... I can't imagine trying to find meaning in your family member dying by terrorism.
I wish everyone... could learn to talk things out instead of lashing out. There's always a better way.