9/11 Your memories


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
I don't want to be sad, but i watched a doco last night and it brought it all back, it really did change my life ..how did it effect you? where were you when you heard? ..my thoughts are with the families ..and its strange another anniversary coming up soon.
Oh God, thank you for reminding me that tomorrow will have been 8(?) years since this tragedy. To think it was so close to Michael performing at MSG in 2001 as well (7th September).

Lots of love and my best wishes are with the families who are remembering someone they lost.
I live in Canada, but this day I was coming back from school (aaww I miss school!) and when I got home, my friend told me that, so I went straight to the TV and watched it all day long. I was in shock!

Have to say I was a bit mad that because of that, nobody talked about MJ performance... grrr
Cant believe its been 8 years nearly already,from then to now i find it very hard watching anything to do with what happen all those poor ppl that died and thay really shouldnt of, i member watching it live when the 2nd plane hit and thought omg :cry:,none of wat happen should of happen so so sad :boohoo: xx
I live in Canada, but this day I was coming back from school (aaww I miss school!) and when I got home, my friend told me that, so I went straight to the TV and watched it all day long. I was in shock!

Have to say I was a bit mad that because of that, nobody talked about MJ performance... grrr

Yeah, everytime I watch back on MSG I remember 9/11. They were so close in time.
OMG, I can't believe it has been so long since it happened! I will always remember that day, I was in junior high and for the first time ever I stayed home from school sick. I woke up really early and then went back to sleep, all I remember from that morning is the TV in my bedroom was on and I was laying there semi asleep and it was The Today Show and Katie Couric was on and they showed the first plane crashing into the towers, and then a couple of minutes later the second one crashed into the towers. I remember my mom rushing into my room saying "OH MY GOD! DID YOU JUST SEE THAT!!!!". I remember that whole entire day the ONLY thing on TV was coverage of the attacks, even on Disney channel and MTV!
Yeah I remember that day clearly too. As the sister of a fireman it has a lot of meaning to me, that day does. So many firemen rushed into that building to help people and so many were lost....

My husband and I were staying with his family at the time and that morning we were getting ready for work. My step dad said goodbye, went to his truck and drove off to go to work....
And less than two minutes later he came screeching back into the driveway. We figured he forgot something.
He came rushing into the house, right past us, into the livingroom to turn on the tv and all he said was....someone bombed the trade center! Obviously he probably heard bits of it on the radio in the truck and wasn't sure what had happened.
We both kind of went... what??? We joined him at the tv as it turned on and they were showing the towers and we caught all of 15 seconds of what was going on when the second plane went through. I think all three of us yelled out. It was so shocking. We weren't used to that sort of thing, violence of that magnitude, on purpose, was a little well.... uncomprehensible. I felt sick watching it. I like all people the same so I don't understand these kinds of things very well.
In my total innocence I turned to my husband and said... that was an empty plane right? There weren't passengers in there, were there? And he was like, no no someone probably stole it or something, who would do that with people on board. My step dad thought the same.
I think my generation was pretty lucky, not much for war or anything...until that day. I feel so badly for the people on the planes, the ones who were trapped or jumped from the buildings. And I feel really bad for the families left behind. I still find it hard to find meaning in why my stepmom died in a crash.... I can't imagine trying to find meaning in your family member dying by terrorism.
I wish everyone... could learn to talk things out instead of lashing out. There's always a better way. :(
Yes, I remember that day well. My mom was driving me to school when we heard the news on the radio. I thought it was an accident at first, but soon learned the truth. We were just sitting there watching the events on the TV in my U.S. History class. It was so surreal, like watching a movie. I couldn't believe it was happening.
Of course I remember that day. I was 21 when it happen. I remember how upset I was that day. Cause I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. And I still clearly remember the 93 bombing of the WTC. I remember telling my mother and she didn't believe me at first. But I told her to go watch tv. And even she just couldn't believe it. It was that night when my mother remember the pictures that I had taken from my 8th grade Statue Of Liberty field trip. I had totally forgotten about them. When she got them. Thats when I saw the pictures of the WTC. I can't believe I had forgotten that I took pictures of them then. Out of all of them this is my favorite picture that I had taken of the WTC.


It is my favorite because the American Flag is in the picture. Plus it is the closest shot I had gotten of the WTC. I took this picture back in early April of 1995. On my way to see the Statue Of Liberty. I had loved the World Trade Center so much. Cause they were my favorite New York City building. And I had always imagine myself at the top of them. Just seeing how far out I could see. My heart still forever goes out to the poor victims families. May God forever rest their souls.
A very sad day :( I remember going to NYC for the first time in 2005 and went to the WTC site and just broke down. Just horrible.

Went back there a couple of weeks ago and its just a huge construction site now.
I was watching Crossroads at the time ( :p) when they cut into the program to break the news. I just couldn't believe it. Watching the phone calls doc and the 102mins that changed 9/11 brought everything back. I still don't think they'll be as good a documentary as "9/11" - the one with the French brothers doing a doc about rookie fireman before this started.
I've watched 2 docs on this in the last few days. I'm from the UK, but I remember this day. I was 13 years old, in school walking to class with friends and a boy came running up the stairs, we were like 'are you ok?!' and he told us what had happened.

We went to class and the teacher told us, I can't remember what happened after that, but when I got home the TV was on replaying the footage of the planes going into the towers, and the towers falling down. I was just sitting there not really believing what I was seeing. It was so so so sad and shocking. In the days after, and on every anniversary since, we had 3 minute silences, and people wore ribbons of the USA flag colours on their blazers/in their hair. That day really changed the world.
I was only 10 years old then so I don't remember much but I do remember that it was all over TV, there was all these special news airings.. I don't think I really understood what happened then ,though.

I've watched few documents and movies of 9/11 and it's just so sad.. I always cry when I watch them :cry:
bad day. first you thought it was an accident and then after you knew it was on purpose you had no clue if it would hit anywhere else besides where it did. people in chicago were wondering, l.a. etc. everyone left office buildings to go home. i was worried about people i knew who worked in office buildings. i was worried looking up at the sky wondering if some plane would crash down.

i remember the MSG michael concert, but once 911 hit i totally forgot about the concert , you couldn't think anything else in that moment, but what was happening on the tv. the spanish stations were showing people falling out windows. awful.
all the people who died outside of new york as well. so many people.
I was 18 and had been living in New York City for only two weeks (one week for college orientation, one week of classes). My dad called me when it happened and told me about it and we assumed it was a horrible accident. Minutes later my new college friends and I were gathered around the common room TVs watching and crying in almost silence as we realized what had really happened. Some of us went on the roof and could see the smoke from a few miles north.

It was really scary being in the city at that time, but it truly did bring out the best in New Yorkers. It seemed everyone in the city went out of their way to help others. My new friends and I were bonded forever-- we wept openly and went through it all together. I'll always remember the traffic-less streets of midtown and the deafening silence/emptiness for weeks after, and the not knowing what could possibly be next for our city and our country. That day changed me in many ways.
It was so shocking. First I didn't get what happened. I was switching the channel and catchin very less. I was 16 to that time so I didn't care what happened, thought it was something of these "usual stuff". then i think someone called me tellin me what happened and I switched back to the news channel and I WAS SHOCKED! I couldn't believe my eyes.. i still get goose bumps writing this.. it was terrible! after the 2nd tower fell down almost every channel only showed this, music channel were switched off. I was scared and shocked. the next day in school, we lightened candles and every school had a moment of silence to a certain time.