9/11 We Must Never Forget................Amazing Video Please Watch

I hope that one day those responsible for these atrocities are brought to justice.
That video was amazing. Thank you. I was 11 yrs old, in a Middle School in Brooklyn, right across the bay from Downtown Manhattan. The smoke billowing over my home city is something never want to see again. For weeks after the attack, soot from the attack kept finding it's way into our apartment. I lost an aunt, and two close family friends that day. I know many kids from Jr. High and High School who lost parents.

This day is tough to get through, but we have to go on. Thats the way we win. So for 9/11, I am buying Jay-Z's new album, then am planning to attend a Michael Jackson art exhibit in Downtown Brooklyn. They can't make me stop living.
That video was amazing. Thank you. I was 11 yrs old, in a Middle School in Brooklyn, right across the bay from Downtown Manhattan. The smoke billowing over my home city is something never want to see again. For weeks after the attack, soot from the attack kept finding it's way into our apartment. I lost an aunt, and two close family friends that day. I know many kids from Jr. High and High School who lost parents.

This day is tough to get through, but we have to go on. Thats the way we win. So for 9/11, I am buying Jay-Z's new album, then am planning to attend a Michael Jackson art exhibit in Downtown Brooklyn. They can't make me stop living.

You are so right, why should these horrible people spoil people's lives, we need to continue living. What a beautiful video, God will always rember those who died on that day.
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i was staying with a friend in chicago when it came on the news devistating.
and when i flew home a few days after it was scary everyone was so quiet. :(
thanks for the vid
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Lovely video, very sad though. :( God bless everyone who was lost in those towers, and their family and friends. :(
I took time today to do my own mintue of silence over those people who lost their lives on that day. I think its important to show that we haven't forgotten them, their still within our thoughts. xxx
I wrote a poem today, I was watching a 9/11 documentary, that's what inspired me. Its basically about how this world has gone all bad, and we don't recognize this bad until something terrible has happened, but alongside the bad , there is good, good people who help in time of need. I haven't finished it yet, once I do I'll post it for you all to see.