80% on Rotten Tomatoes, Box Office #1 spot!!

It needs to be 85-90% on rotten tomatoes

and at least 8% on imdb or maybe 10
^ It's currently rated 89% positive by the public, so it's actually up 6% from when you voted.

There's three different ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, not just one. Here are the current stats for TII:

RT Community - 89%

Reviews Counted: 462
Fresh: 415
Rotten: 47
Average Rating: 8.5/10

Top Critics - 92%

Reviews Counted: 12
Fresh: 11
Rotten: 1
Average Rating: 7/10

T-Meter Critics - 80%

Reviews Counted: 132
Fresh: 106
Rotten: 26
Average Rating: 7/10