8 years ago today MSG Concert


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
8 Years ago on this very day 09/10/2001, was one of the last times Michael Jackson performed live, and reunited with his brothers. In New York City, at Madison Square Garden on this day was "The Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Concert/Celebration!" It so hard to believe now he is now gone. But of course his music and legacy will continue to live on, forever. I was fortunate enough to have gotten to see Michael at these concert/celebrations, and I can tell you he was truly a unique one of a kind magical performer, and I will never forget the nights I saw him, do what he did better than anyone.

Also some of you may or may not know, the next day was 9/11, and Michael was in New York City when the World Trade Center was destroyed. I just wanted to post this to remember these days in history 8 years ago, that should never be forgotten!! RIP to Michael and all the victims of 9/11, may God and his angels hold them all safely in their arms. God Bless You!!
OMG I just realized this, this morning too when I woke up. Funny thing, I was watching youtube last night of various MSG recordings from audience members who were lucky enough to go to the actual concert. That's great you were able to go, you were very lucky! God bless Mike and 911 victims...they'll never be forgotten.
It was yesterday lol. I thought about it.
It was on both 7th and 10th Sept. I went only on the 7th, I wanted to go to both. On tv they edited the both shows together. He was electrifying on that stage, just mind blowing! Felt like he wanted to dance all night as the show was going on well into the night. As he was perfoming with his brothers, after all the tribute acts.
Wow, this was when I became a full-on fan...and it was totally by chance because I was just flicking through channels.
I totally fell in love watching the montages of Michael and his charity work during the 'Heal The World' performance by Monica and the other ladies.

Considering how much happened these past 8 years, it feels so much longer than that...
I cannot believe that was Michaels last ever live concert :( (excluding performances)
oh God :cry: the last time people went crazy when he did the moon walk.
sigh.. MJ we need you back! :(
how things turned out bitter in the end :/ :(
I missed it!! I didn't get to see that concert until 2005 because my cable company decided to remove MTV at the time...and then I just forgot about it. Until I started browsing the web like a crazy person.
People who were actually there are so lucky! :(
It feels weird that I feel the concert was only like just few years ago, or just recently not like 8 years ago. I'll never forget the finale song 'We are the world' with all the singers on stage.
I was at the Sept 7th show. But I have friends who were there for both shows. Michael Jackson was awesome and magical. The world has a void in it now that Michael is gone, but that magical night 8 years ago, and his legacy will always live on for me!!
This was the first MJ Concert i've ever witnessed, computer access was rare to me back then, so for seeing his first full length concert, it was phenominal(?) to my little beady eyes.