72 Companies That Might Not Hire You If You Are Currently Unemployed


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
[h=1]72 Companies That Might Not Hire You Unless You Already Have A Job[/h]Robert Johnson | Jul. 13, 2011, 6:14 AM
Unemployed workers continue to be excluded from job openings in online postings and a report released yesterday by the National Employment Law Project hopes to create federal legislature to stop it.
“Unemployed job seekers continue to be excluded from work opportunities, and this disturbing and unfair practice appears to be more pervasive than previously thought,” said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project.
“This practice is a perverse catch-22 that requires workers to have jobs in order to get jobs, and it means highly qualified, experienced workers who want and need work can’t get past the starting gate in the application process simply because they lost their jobs through no fault of their own,” Owens continued. “As a business practice, this makes no sense. It is debilitating to workers—particularly the long-term unemployed—and it hampers economic recovery.”
The study lists the following examples pulled from online job listings:
Note: This list has been amended to exclude Johns Hopkins University. Evidently, the phrase "employed" was picked up in their posting.





It's true. My sister recently complained to me about this. She's been unemployed for over 2 years now. It's tactics like this as well as age discrimination (she's over 40). No wonder the unemployment rate in this country doesn't seem to go down much.
It's true. My sister recently complained to me about this. She's been unemployed for over 2 years now. It's tactics like this as well as age discrimination (she's over 40). No wonder the unemployment rate in this country doesn't seem to go down much.

That's sad. :( All people, regardless of age/sex deserve an opportunity. There are so many people talented, with a great professional experience and willing to work but not get a job. Sometimes the world is cruel and people are not fair.
LMAO, University of Phoenix. You'd think they'd settle for whoever may be breathing, since it's not a real college. Heh.