7/2/09-7/2/10 1 year on! Aus bushfires


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It might be one day late but better late then never.
As some of you may or may not know yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of the Black Saturday Bushfires here in Victoria,Australia.
173 people lost their lives & homes. They are gone but not forgotten.

Black Saturday not only affected Australians but the world from watching strangers embracing each other on tv to Following Sam the Koala's journey.
Sam passed away but his spirit lives on just like everyone else who were victims of Black Saturday.

The bushfires affected me & will for the rest of my life.
Lost 2 friends but good did come out of it. One of the families I work for took in families who lost everything also animals but 1 lil girl has changed our lives forever. At the age of 2 she lost both parents & her lil sister. She even managed to draw horrific pictures of people in flames.
Tomorrow will mark 1 year since the family I work for found her & it will be her 3rd birthday in a month. She is the funniest, cutest lil girl ever. She is being fostered for the time being by the family I work for who are planning to adopt her.
The other families they helped have moved on some moving interstate, others rebuliding. They are all doing well.

May Australia never have bushfires like this again. On Black Saturday the temperature was 46.4C.This year on the 7th it was 34C so a lot cooler but still bushfire weather. May the weather here in Aus keep getting cooler each year :)
God bless those who were affected by this tragedy. May those you perished R.I.P
its been a year already since the black saturday bushfires...

i really admire your way of thinking chrissybrown. that little girl is so strong and has been through so much at a such a young age. there must be countless other stories similar to hers :( it's so sad and horrible but somehow people like yourself keep the faith and look for the positives, despite losing your friends.

i really hope each day brings new hope to those who were affected by the bushfires. i'm glad to hear that families are rebuilding their lives and homes a year on from the fires :)

good to hear about the weather being more than 10 degrees cooler this year.
i hope those whose lives were lost from bushfires are resting in peace.
I still cant belive it actually happened!

My prayers and thoughts are with the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day