60 minutes interview - Michael briefly mentioning a conspiracy...

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember a while ago I watched a youtube video talking of a Illuminati conspiracy responsible for Michael's death.

What I found really spooky (among other things) was an excerpt of the 60 minutes interview I never saw before. I think the topic was on the music industry and him being treated the wrong way (AFAIR), and Michael said something like "I won't say any more to this... because of this conspiracy going on." I never saw this excerpt before (was this from the actual airing or an outtake?)
Michael seemed frightened to talk more about it, that's what shocked me.

Now recently La Toya said in that interview Michael told her and her mother he thought they would kill him because of the catalogue.
Gosh, I really hope it was an accident and nothing else.

What do you think of that "60 minutes" excerpt?
Wasn't the "this conspiracy going on" referring to the trials?
Yeah, I've noticed that in a couple of his interviews, not just the 60 minutes one...about the conspiracy and "not being able to say too much." This kinda thing is probably what he was referring to. People were definitely after him, there's no doubt about that.
Wasn't the 60 minutes interview before the trial? The one where he showed the bruises on his arms? He was saying in that interview he couldn't say too much because the trial hadn't started, and his lawyers were there. The conspiracy he was referring to were the trials themselves.

I know this is off topic, has Paul McCartney said anything about Michael since his passing?
i think the conspiracy is larger than the trials, although the trials were part of it. i think it also had to do with the minimizing of his accomplishments on american charts, and an attempt by certain people at sony and media and radio to sabotage his career in america, as well as to try to stop him from having american fans. at least..at one other time, when he was being interviewed with his father, that was one thing they agreed on. they talked about how MJ was doing better everywhere in the world than in america.
Wasn't the 60 minutes interview before the trial? The one where he showed the bruises on his arms? He was saying in that interview he couldn't say too much because the trial hadn't started, and his lawyers were there. The conspiracy he was referring to were the trials themselves.

I know this is off topic, has Paul McCartney said anything about Michael since his passing?

The trial and conspiracy are not two separate things. It is all linked together. False allegations are a part of the whole plan to destroy Michael Jackson’s life.
The trial and conspiracy are not two separate things. It is all linked together. False allegations are a part of the whole plan to destroy Michael Jackson’s life.

I never said they were separate...
Yeah, this was before the trial, after the arrest. I can't watch this video again, when Michael talks about how the LAPD treated him... Imagine having to talk about that on Christmas Day :(
Wasn't the 60 minutes interview before the trial? The one where he showed the bruises on his arms? He was saying in that interview he couldn't say too much because the trial hadn't started, and his lawyers were there. The conspiracy he was referring to were the trials themselves.

I know this is off topic, has Paul McCartney said anything about Michael since his passing?

PMC on 6/26:"It's so sad and shocking. I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael. He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever and my memories of our time together will be happy ones. I send my deepest sympathy to his mother and the whole family and to his countless fans all around the world."

Oh boy if Mike had only left a diary...