51% of all Americans are an MJ fan


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The King of Pop – and polls

David Puente
AC360° Producer

Get this — about half of all Americans count themselves as fans of the King of Pop. That’s what a new CNN poll released today says. It might seem right now like everyone’s a Michael Jackson fan.

But it turns out there are big gender, generation, ethnic and even political gaps when it comes to who admires Michael Jackson.

Interviews for the poll were done between June 26-28, with just over 1000 adult Americans. Here are some of the results, tell us how accurate you think they are and how you compare…

Would you say you were a fan of Michael Jackson, or not?

Yes, a fan 51%

No, not a fan 49%


Source: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2009/07/05/the-king-of-pop-and-polls/
Thanks to Marcel_MR from Malibu.

By visiting the named site you'll also see the poll results broken down for gender, race, political party and age!
I am surprised on the partisan divide.
I don't know how accurate this poll is because i've seen this before and it claimed that most people 50 and over were not fans, but that's not true. I know a lot of people particularly in my family who are 50 and older and are fans of Michael. I also saw a lot of older fans at his vigils and tributes all over. Michael has fans of all generations, backgrounds, races,etc. A very diverse fanbase.

I've always wondered which part of the country has the most MJ fans though? Maybe California or NY? I know there are a lot of MJ fans where I live in NYC, especially since his passing, I can't go anywhere without seeing someone with an MJ shirt on. I'm guessing there are quite a few fans in Cali too.
Impressive statistic really, but it doesn't tell us much because the two categories are too broad. Those who call themselves fan include both people who buy each new Jackson album and folks who just remember how they danced to Billie Jean 25 years ago. And those who voted that they are not fans include both people who aren't into his music and you know whats who think that he is a you know what. To make the poll more meaningfull they should have included a 'indifferent' category which always makes up for the biggest group of people no matter who the artist may be.
Of course, they mean "fan" in another way than we are fans here. I think they just mean ppl who like Michaels music and who are sad he's gone. So, don't take this too serious :) I just like the idea that many ppl like Michael and miss him. But it's also sad that something this bad had to happen before many ppl started thinking about Michaels meaning in this world.
I was working on the day of the memorial and I tried watching it from a TV in our cafeteria. While I was standing there, there were a few other ladies. I started talking to them and I asked them if they are fans. One of them replied, "Everyone is a fan". :)
Of course, they mean "fan" in another way than we are fans here. I think they just mean ppl who like Michaels music and who are sad he's gone. So, don't take this too serious :) I just like the idea that many ppl like Michael and miss him. But it's also sad that something this bad had to happen before many ppl started thinking about Michaels meaning in this world.

to be fair. We aren't fans here at MJJ community. Were die hard fanatics. Think about it, how much money would you pay out of pocket right now to have a cd full of unreleased material in your hands? while knowing it would be a year before you heard any unreleased material

A fan would pay 20 bucks for a cd. I'd probably pay a hundred dollars, and I'm really hurting for cash right now. I'm sure those at this site who aren't hurting would pay more than that.

Were not fans. Were fanatics.
hmmm, as i've been saying for years- i didn't take this, and neither did anyone I know...so it aint accurate!
I hate these "polls" because what if all the MJ fans were busy that day?! lol. And they just happened to poll all of Sneddon's biggest fans?

Um... BULLCRAP. hahaha. Sorry, but EVERYONE loves at least 1 or 2 Michael Jackson songs. That equates being a fan in my books.
hmmm, as i've been saying for years- i didn't take this, and neither did anyone I know...so it aint accurate!
I hate these "polls" because what if all the MJ fans were busy that day?! lol. And they just happened to poll all of Sneddon's biggest fans?


there is a science to polling. for the last several general presidential elections msnbc's polls were wtihin one point of the outcome. the possiblity of a lot of MJ's fans being busy that day is just one example of why they put a margin of error of 3 to five points in most polls.
for the 49% that claim they don't like his music? I don't believe them. I really don't. I see this poll as 51% admitted they were fans and 49% lied.
51%...What I'd really like to know is how many of them are true fans. I mean, I've seen some people claim to be MJ fans, but their actions and words show they're nothin but fake. They say things like, "MJ was the sh*t back in the day, well, I loved his music then", "I love his music, but he hated to be black, he's a sell-out", "He's got talent and I'll give him that, but he's a child molester. He had his demons", "His music is great, but he got strange at some point", etc. How can they claim to be fans when they say these things?:smilerolleyes:
Only around 1000 people were polled and this is supposed to represent all of America?
I never really liked polls like these. lol
I wonder what the poll would have looked like before Michael's passing. And indeed, like someone else said: where exactly was that 51% during the past years?