50 years:Discuss Michael's life throughout the years (ie:accomplishments,childhood,entertainer)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I thought with the 50th birthday of Michael Jackson,it would be interesting to reflect Michael's life as a person, entertainer, his accomplishments, humanitarian, etc. Discuss and tell us what is so amazing about Michael over the years. Happy 50th Michael Jackson!
He arrived in the industry a musical giant and continues to remain one, he captured my parents generation, my generation and my children's generation and I'm under the age of 40 LOL. Not too many artists can do that.
he accomplished a lot without growing up. the kid lives forever, and has done more than many who have grown up.

keeping that Michael-child has made him more mature, musically, and in life. i think that that is a good, great, wonderful and amazing thing. he is the best.
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He arrived in the industry a musical giant and continues to remain one, he captured my parents generation, my generation and my children's generation and I'm under the age of 40 LOL. Not too many artists can do that.

Yes now that is very amazing. Wow I still can't believe he has so much influence of so many generations. He is truly a living legend with HIStory unfolding before all these generations. Amazing! :wild:
Michael is a wonder of this world, perhaps beyond!! Sometimes I think about how he will be remembered in the history books and decades in the future. I find myself feeling this way when I am at the book store, lol. When I see many books on display of Elvis and Maryln Monroe, Frank Sinatra and the Beatles. I think about Michael and will he have such books about him? What will they say? will those books of Michael be in the front of the store or hidden in the back isles? Will Michael have those books honoring him with a decent pic of him on the cover (yall know what I mean), with pretty font? I ask this last question to myself because I notice how beautiful and enticing various Elvis' book covers are as well as Marylin's and Franks.

And I think this all the time when I go into book stores. It kinda makes me sad because I just don't know for certain....after all Michael has achieved and given to the world of music, how many he has influenced...i feel there should be a certainty that Michael will be given his propers. As a fan I (we) have seen how they (media)work" in regards to Michaels vast achievements over the last 40+ years. Now, I know to the people who matter Michael is loved and respected. But for me in thinking about Michael's life and legacy he deserves the certainty and knowledge that the story of his life will not be maligned and mocked for average joe in the book store 40 years from now to see. Maybe I wouldn't care so much if Michael wasn't so horribly judged currently, during his lifetime, with all the crap books about MJ. I care very much for Michaels legacy when thinking about his life and him turning 50. I pray for them to be fair to Michael one day, truly fair to him and that is in store for Michael's future. I am very proud of Michael and his dedication to doing his best work and positively influencing people with his talent and kind nature. He chose to give to the world patiently, instead of ruling it wrecklessly. And many hated him for that. but I love him for that.:wub:

...I hope i made sense trying to get my thoughts out lol
He chose to give to the world patiently, instead of ruling it wrecklessly. And many hated him for that. but I love him for that.:wub:

...I hope i made sense trying to get my thoughts out lol

Oh I love that quote and whole heartedly agree
I love him for being patient and giving his BEST :wub:
that has made it all the more special.
Being 20 years older than Michael, I feel like I have "known" him all my life---and he is still someone to whom I, my children, and now, some of my teenaged grandchildren admire.
Yet, above anything else, Michael has been sweet and humble.
No matter how many records, achievements, milestones, he faces---he is "just" Michael Jackson---the LEGEND.
Come on I know more people would like to reflect about Michael's amazing journey called life.
I thought I would take the time to reflect...

All of what everyone has stated and more... Michael is so amazing. I have watch this man reach his highest peek and still rising.

He has a divine nature. Very strong in his being and peaceful in is mind.

The love he has for humanity is so be stilling. There is no one like him and there never will be.

It takes my breath away when I think of his success, his life achievements, his inner spirit, his nature... There is only one word to express and explain Michael and that is he has a true Godly nature that God has created inside him which makes him the wonderful person he is.

I think that his fans should express this loudly on his birthday, in the media, on the internet, in magazines etc. that this is a man who deserves our respect in every aspect of life. Peace, love and happiness.

Keep up the great work Michael. Love Always!!!!
Wow, I have a lot to say about this great guy regarding the upcoming milestone of his life.

Michael is a great man, musician, talent and person. It is sad at times what he went through but instead of moaning about it, he deals with it. His music has made an impact unlike any other musician. Michael did things that no other artists did and talked about things that no other artists talked about.

It seems like I grew up with him in a sense because he was always in my life. His music was literally a part of my upbringing. Whenever I thinka bout it, his music was always there. I felt like I had to be there for him when he needed his supporters the most during his trial. I will always be there for him when the good times finally come.

I wish Michael a happy 50th birthday because he deserves it. He has done nothing but cared and shared the world his wonderful talents. It is a shame that some people can't see that. They are blinded by pure hate or lies about a man that they hardly met. They forget about the joy that he has bought into their lives. I get angry at times when people only care about the image instead of the impact. The impact matters more than the image. And image isn't real and it isn't concrete. It does not last long.

All of these people that talked their crap, trash him through the media and critized him based on some book or some media nobody do not understand Michael. People think that in order to know Michael, they have to read lies about him. That is not the case. Have these people ever picked up any of his music and really listen to what he says? Not just listen to the music and reminsied on a Michael that was "cool" but really listen to what he says? Some people forget that Michael is not this created freak that a bunch of losers say that he is, but he is truly a enigma, a musical genius. The likes of Michael only comes in rare circumstances. What famous person who is "hot" today can have the talent that Michael has? Most of the "talent" that is shown is often created, manifactured, and phony. The entertainment world is completely lost and can't seem to find their way. They only care about "image" and not sheer, pure talent.

Anyway, I am excited about next Friday. I know that the obessed media can't wait to give it to Michael. Hey, they can say what they want but no one is going to remember them in 20 years. That is the truth.
Wow, I have a lot to say about this great guy regarding the upcoming milestone of his life.

Michael is a great man, musician, talent and person. It is sad at times what he went through but instead of moaning about it, he deals with it. His music has made an impact unlike any other musician. Michael did things that no other artists did and talked about things that no other artists talked about.

It seems like I grew up with him in a sense because he was always in my life. His music was literally a part of my upbringing. Whenever I thinka bout it, his music was always there. I felt like I had to be there for him when he needed his supporters the most during his trial. I will always be there for him when the good times finally come.

I wish Michael a happy 50th birthday because he deserves it. He has done nothing but cared and shared the world his wonderful talents. It is a shame that some people can't see that. They are blinded by pure hate or lies about a man that they hardly met. They forget about the joy that he has bought into their lives. I get angry at times when people only care about the image instead of the impact. The impact matters more than the image. And image isn't real and it isn't concrete. It does not last long.

All of these people that talked their crap, trash him through the media and critized him based on some book or some media nobody do not understand Michael. People think that in order to know Michael, they have to read lies about him. That is not the case. Have these people ever picked up any of his music and really listen to what he says? Not just listen to the music and reminsied on a Michael that was "cool" but really listen to what he says? Some people forget that Michael is not this created freak that a bunch of losers say that he is, but he is truly a enigma, a musical genius. The likes of Michael only comes in rare circumstances. What famous person who is "hot" today can have the talent that Michael has? Most of the "talent" that is shown is often created, manifactured, and phony. The entertainment world is completely lost and can't seem to find their way. They only care about "image" and not sheer, pure talent.

Anyway, I am excited about next Friday. I know that the obessed media can't wait to give it to Michael. Hey, they can say what they want but no one is going to remember them in 20 years. That is the truth.

Great post :flowers:
Michael's like a work of art. Something that takes time and energy to create... there may be circustances in the middle, but in end, it is wonderful and lasts a long, long time. :wub:
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Much like Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson made one of the most successful transitions from child star to serious mature performer in a way never done before.

And like Stevie after he reached 50, Michael has himself become an elder statesman of American popular music. His career spanned decades because Mike wasn't afraid to try something new and when he did, he created something new for the generation that grew up with him.

A genius performer, really.

40 years after he first sung it, he remains a "big boy" at 50.

Happy early birthday, Mike.
I thought with the 50th birthday of Michael Jackson,it would be interesting to reflect Michael's life as a person, entertainer, his accomplishments, humanitarian, etc. Discuss and tell us what is so amazing about Michael over the years. Happy 50th Michael Jackson!

Isn't that all we do these days? Discuss the same old stuff over and over again ad nauseum? -_-

p.s the above text was NOT a jab at MJ just so you know.
Michael is a wonder of this world, perhaps beyond!! He chose to give to the world patiently, instead of ruling it wrecklessly. And many hated him for that. but I love him for that.:wub:

...I hope i made sense trying to get my thoughts out lol

thank you for that..as abuse of power definitely leads to the abuser's demise. and we never have to worry about that, with Michael.
I am so grateful for all that he is. There is NO ONE like him and I am glad. God bless him!
Michael's birthday is almost here! It may be no big deal to him but to us it is because Michael Jackson has been in the limelight all of his life and fans from different generations have come to love him and have followed his life throughout the years. I think it's awesome to speak about what he has done thorugh out his life here on earth.