5 Year Ago Today: We Are The World Live at World Music Awards


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2010

I remember watching this at the time, it's hard to believe that was 5 years ago. :(
What a mess that whole event was. And as usual, Michael's the one that suffers.
I cant believe its been 5 yrs WOW
I love how much love he was shown at the awards by the fans and how confident he looked. He was so beautiful :wub:
For me, the last time Michael looked truly amazing and confident.
This gives me chills. And the media lied as usual after this and wrote MJ was booed. Yeah, right. I guess every artist would love to be "booed" like this...
I cant believe its been 5 yrs WOWI love how much love he was shown at the awards by the fans and how confident he looked. He was so beautiful :wub:
The love in that arena was incredible that night, seriously amazing and one of my favourite memories ever! I was lucky to be front row at this so it is very special to me :wub: Although I look like a blubbering fool :bugeyed I love being in the footage :D
Is it true that MJ was rumored to perform Thriller at this event? I recently read an article which stated that he was going to perform Thriller which he didn't, hence the reason why he booed, which I don't believe is true. So could please clear this out for me?

I cant believe its been 5 yrs WOW
I love how much love he was shown at the awards by the fans and how confident he looked. He was so beautiful :wub:
I know. When I read the title of this thread, I was like...has it really been that long ago?
I remember it well but it seems like yesterday. I also remember all the excitement and
chatter on the forum as the day grew closer.
I was very emotional myself watching. One part that sticks with me is when MJ took off
his jacket and tossed it into the audience right on the beat of "We are the world!!"
It was just something so iconic and special about that moment.

Even tho MJ seemed mixed with happiness and sadness, (you can see it in his face)
he carried on like the pro that he was. But yes,the LOVE was very evident that night.

The love in that arena was incredible that night, seriously amazing and one of my favourite memories ever! I was lucky to be front row at this so it is very special to me :wub: Although I look like a blubbering fool :bugeyed I love being in the footage :D
Lol! You were so happy and excited. :D
I had never heard so much talk about "Queing up" as I did during that time. Lol.
:huggy: We all miss him dearly.

KingMikeJ and Galactus....despite some negative reports about the event,
thank you for posting and reminding us what a great night it really was.
I've been thinking about this all day. I was also fortunate enough to be there that night, I'd never experienced so many emotions at one time as I did that night and I haven't since. The atmosphere in Earls Court was electric, a frenzy of excitement and love. It sounds stupid when you say an atmosphere of love but it really was, so many times Michael attempted to start his speech but couldn't for everyone chanting and screaming for him, stamping on the floor and clapping. He hadn't even said a word yet and that was the case. As soon as he spoke 1 syllable the crowd were off again, we just couldn't control ourselves. Just him smiling made everyone start clapping, screaming and chanting again. The story about him getting booed was ridiculous. Michael finished his speech and walked off stage. The stage went black and then a single spotlight lit the stage and Rhianna started singing-that is who got booed. When Michael appeared at the end of the show he got the same standing ovation frenzy that he had got before, this time walking down the catwalk into the crowd, pointing at the flags that fans had brought from around the world with them, waving and throwing his jacket into the audience. What actually made me cry-yes I admit it, it was my first time seeing Michael for myself, and what made me cry was hearing him say to the crowd "How u doin'" exactly like he would do on tour, it was like "That's our Michael", I knew that he was feeling that love from the audience and that he was putting the trial behind him.
It makes me very sad every single time I come across the blank dvd that I had put that awards show on. And knowing that it is one of my many MJ video related things that I had taped over the years. And I can't ever really handle of going back to watching it again. I'm starting to cry just by thinking about it. :boohoo: It is hard to believe it has been 5 years already.
Is it true that MJ was rumored to perform Thriller at this event? I recently read an article which stated that he was going to perform Thriller which he didn't, hence the reason why he booed, which I don't believe is true. So could please clear this out for me?


Don't get me started on this.

Okay, here goes...

MJ was used by the organisers of the show to sell tickets and get publicity. They added MJ's name to the list of performers on their website and the British press ran away with it, billing his appearance as a big comeback performance. On the red carpet a reporter asked MJ if he was performing that night and he said he wasn't. The organisers still got a childrens choir to go out and sing the chorus to We Are The World and obviously told MJ to go out on stage at the same time. MJ was still holding his award and holding the same mic he'd used for his acceptance speech ten minutes previous. MJ blagged it well and the love in the arena was so immense, the fans were just happy to see him. But he was still used by the WMA's and the press tore him to shreds the following day calling it a shambolic performance despite that fact that it was only ever intended to be an appearance to accept an award.

I was present that day also, and the event was a complete shambles from beginning to end. I still feel angry at the award show for blatantly misleading the press, hyping up Michael's attendance to sell tickets and get publicity and then leaving him to suffer yet another media backlash. And where the hell were MJ's PR team to set the record straight during the weeks of speculation leading up to this event??
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I've been thinking about this all day. I was also fortunate enough to be there that night, I'd never experienced so many emotions at one time as I did that night and I haven't since. The atmosphere in Earls Court was electric, a frenzy of excitement and love. It sounds stupid when you say an atmosphere of love but it really was, so many times Michael attempted to start his speech but couldn't for everyone chanting and screaming for him, stamping on the floor and clapping. He hadn't even said a word yet and that was the case. As soon as he spoke 1 syllable the crowd were off again, we just couldn't control ourselves. Just him smiling made everyone start clapping, screaming and chanting again. The story about him getting booed was ridiculous. Michael finished his speech and walked off stage. The stage went black and then a single spotlight lit the stage and Rhianna started singing-that is who got booed. When Michael appeared at the end of the show he got the same standing ovation frenzy that he had got before, this time walking down the catwalk into the crowd, pointing at the flags that fans had brought from around the world with them, waving and throwing his jacket into the audience. What actually made me cry-yes I admit it, it was my first time seeing Michael for myself, and what made me cry was hearing him say to the crowd "How u doin'" exactly like he would do on tour, it was like "That's our Michael", I knew that he was feeling that love from the audience and that he was putting the trial behind him.

Thanks for sharing. To me this event, when I see the video of it shows no matter what the media did to him, no matter the two decades long organized smear campaign, people still loved him. It's amazing.
I just can't believe it was 5 years ago!! I was there with my man, we loved every minute of it - the atmosphere is something I will NEVER forget! Everyone was so filled with love for Michael, his smile aknowledging our love was amazing and I was at the front so close to him. His clothes were perfect, he looked amazing and there was so much excitement int he air that night - all the excitement for the future.

Its bittersweet in a way. At least I will always have these memories.

I'll never forget how there was sposed to be an after party for us fans, and wait for it, Michael to actually be there - but it never happened, some fan got over excited and it was deemed too much of a security issue to go ahead. Still the WMA was great, he was never booed - it was because Rhianna came on and we wanted Michael - no one else would do, LOL.
Thank you guys for clearing things up..I admit i didn't know the story behind all this! I always used to see this video, admire Michael and loving each moment of it...i never knew what the freaking media wrote after that show :(
Wow cant believe it was 5 years ago :O Michael just looks so great there :D
I think it's quite scary that this was 5 years ago. It won't be long before we don't have any "recent" memories of being a Michael Jackson fan while he was alive.
This is from Charles Thomson:

This video popped up in the sidebar while I was watching something else. Hadn’t seen it for a long time. I was here. November 2006. I was in the audience, really close to the stage. Michael Jackson’s last ever performance in front of an audience. He didn’t sing a lot, and when he did sing his microphone was turned down too low – but the atmosphere was electric. As you can see, the place went ballistic. We could barely hear the music over the crowd. At least one girl was wheelchaired out. People were collapsing into tears. His charisma and stage presence were such that all he had to do was this – walk around, take off his jacket, sing a few lines – and people were reduced to quivering wrecks.
The next day, pretty much every newspaper in the country claimed he’d been booed offstage. People looked at me like I was mad when I tried to tell them it wasn’t true. Watch the video for yourselves. I’ve seen everyone from Prince to Madonna to Paul McCartney. I’ve never seen any artist get a reception like Michael Jackson got that night.
Booed offstage, my arse. Search youtube – people were dotted all over that arena with cameras and camphones. In the standing pit and in the rafters, at the back and at the front, on the left and on the right. I’ve never seen a single clip from inside that arena in which there was even one audible boo.
This was probably the first time I witnessed firsthand the media’s propaganda machine in operation. How does an artist come onstage and provoke a reaction like this, and then every newspaper in the country blatantly lies and says he was booed offstage? That simply cannot happen without some degree of collusion.
People balk at the word conspiracy, and ordinarily so do I, but I’m not sure how else to describe what happened that night. All I can tell you is that I was there and he was categorically not booed offstage. Dozens of people were filming from the audience, and none of them captured any booing. It was aired on TV – no booing. Yet all the newspapers claimed the next day that he’d been booed offstage. As I said: That simply cannot happen without some degree of collusion.
That article from Charles Thomson....he sounds honest, true, and sincere. If not, he's a dam good actor thru his words. I believe him, for even tho I wasn't there but watched on TV, I could feel the love and energy for MJ thru the TV.
His charisma and stage presence were such that all he had to do was this –
walk around, take off his jacket, sing a few lines – and people were reduced to quivering wrecks.
This description pegged it. MJ's aura was indisputable.
That's the magic of Michael Jackson.

