48 Hours talked about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It came on last night. I missed the beginning of it, but I did get to see the rest. There was a lot of positive things said, and they talked about how unprecidented it has been with the sales of Michael's albums after his passing.

One thing that I wanted to talk about though was what the host of the show, Katie Couric, had to say at one point. She may have meant it to be a good thing, but I took offense to it. She said something about Michael's legions of fans just "overlooking the dark side" of Michael and remembering the singer or how good of a singer he was or something similar to that. I was busy talking back to her as soon as the first part came out of her mouth. NO WE DO NOT OVERLOOK THE DARK SIDE because Michael did NOT HAVE a dark side! No, he was not a perfect person, he had some flaws and made some mistakes, but that's it.

His financial problems were mainly caused by the upkeep for Neverland which he let everyone into for free. Maybe he should have charged people. But NO, he didn't because why? He was a GOOD PERSON who cared about other people and wanted to make them happy. He had financial problems because of being WRONGFULLY sued for something HE DID NOT DO! He had to pay so much money and couldn't accomplish other things to make money because of leeches and liars and jerks who were always suing him to try to take money from him! His finances aren't even any of our business anyway though, and who cares?

Anyone who still thinks that Michael did anything wrong with kids is a total moron and ignorant. All of his fans who stood by him THROUGHOUT the whole trial and that whole process knew he was INNOCENT! We did not overlook anything. In fact, we looked into things much more than anyone else ever has, and we knew the FACTS. And we know more about Michael than "he was a good singer". Yeah, that's kind of obvious, and I've known that since I was 8. Now I'm 35, and I know that Michael was a great person, a caring, thoughtful, kind, compassionate person who only wanted to make the world a better place. Genuinely. He wasn't just blowing smoke or saying things to make himself look good. He truly wanted things to get better and wanted to make people happy. He was so much better than any of the people in the media ever could dream of being and more than they could ever know because they didn't care to know.

They can come on here all the time and read what we've written about everything, but why haven't they read everything about WHY WE LOVE MICHAEL? How he touched our lives, inspired us, helped us, etc.? OH because they don't care, that's why. Well, maybe they should for a change. We put up with all kinds of crap from them while he was alive, but by God after he's dead, they ARE NOT going to talk trash about him!

Okay, sorry, rant over.
The media are a frustrated lot. They did all they could to bury his legacy but they are realising that is impossible and Michael is seismic.

They created lies and believed their own lies, which are slowly unravelling.

Michael's image can now easily be controlled by his estate and they no longer have a punchbag to jump on his latest "looks" or his latest "weird" actions.

I mean, for an intelligent woman like Couric, who knows Michael was acquitted, to try and bring up "dark side" shows it's more of a deep-seated resentment of Michael's success.

When people talk of finances, another thing the media will always omit is that they sabotaged his projects for a decade.

Michael would have toured in 2002, or 2004 and cleared all the debt he had which he had borrowed for business. In 2002, he wanted to make movies and by now would have released 2 or 3 movies raking in millions, but what did he get?

Invincible 2001 was sabotaged

Bashir disrupted his life in the early part of 2003

Number Ones in the later part of 2003 was sabotaged as were any subsequent projects for a total of 3 years

In 2009, he is ready to start a tour, release an album and do a movie, and then he passes away, or else the debt would be wiped out and he would rake in millions from teh 3D movie.

What was the media's role in all this? They did everything to stifle him for over a decade and any other artist with a large estate to maintain but unable to work well for a decade would have long filed for bankruptcy

What if Speilberg was cripled from making movies for a decade? How would he manage his estate? Or Oprah crippled from her business and TV shows, how would she manage her estate and that school she built for $50million?

Michael has done very well to sustain himself and his estate, and now pass it on to his kids in a very profitable state, and the media don't like that, especially when they see his legion of fans and his music selling.
IOne thing that I wanted to talk about though was what the host of the show, Katie Couric, had to say at one point. She may have meant it to be a good thing, but I took offense to it. She said something about Michael's legions of fans just "overlooking the dark side" of Michael and remembering the singer or how good of a singer he was or something similar to that.
Pfft. She's full of it. Who went over the trial transcripts with a microscope? We did, while the media threw out sound bites. And if he had financial or drug problems, it wouldn't change the fact that he was a good man with a good heart. What does she want?
The media has lost the battle. Michael is being loved and remembered all over the world. He is breaking industry records even in his death. And we aint seen the last of it yet. That will should be filed today and we will see more surprises that will contradict a lot of things the media has said about Michael. I think this final death report is gonna be a surprise to the media as well. I mean you would think that after the media jumped the gun and had Michael condemn for the trail, you would think they would handle his death differently. But no.....the want Michael to be a drug addict. But those latest rehearsal pics are worrying them because they don't show a drugged up Michael. They show a strong Michael. So we will see.
Yes, it was definitely a lot more positive than they usually are. They called him Jackson or Michael Jackson. They did throw in the "he just became bizarre" comments sometimes, but it was much better. Another negative thing was they talked about his "secret room" and said how to get to it and what was in it. They made it seem really odd and strange. It's a room. Get over it.

Oh and what show comes on the 11th?