4.3 billion for vaccins for children


Proud Member
Jun 22, 2009
I thought this was such good news, and what michael would loved to hear and see..

International donors led by Britain and Bill Gates pledged $4.3 billion on Monday to buy vaccines to protect children in poor countries against potential killers such as diarrheal diseases and pneumonia.

"Today is an important moment in our collective commitment to protecting children in developing countries from disease," said Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who attended the pledging conference in London.

"But every 20 seconds, a child still dies of a vaccine-preventable disease. There's more work to be done."



I think its great news! :)
That is fantastic news, Michael would have been delighted to see someone else helping to spread the love.
Beautiful gesture from the Gates. God bless people like them
i know right i was so happy thats why i wanted to make this thread... all the good news in the world we need right now
I am going to move this to world news.

Thanks for posting ingelief.
I don't trust the Gates, or their vaccines, but I guess we'll see how things turn out.

Oh, man... Didn't want to say this myself. .. Vaccines today are just this unbelievably large-scale profitable business, and children, the most vulnerable categories out there, are the main target for all this. Starting to think about a whole campaign here where I live to get little girls vaccinated against uterine cancer, and ... yeah, a whole bunch of issues regarding these mass vaccinations for alleged and/or lab-created deadly viruses, or preventable diseases - one of the medical industry's favorite issues to pick on nowadays (not generalizing for all the other eras, just presently), but I don't wanna get too much, if at all, into this to be confronted by different others, (confrontations that are making me sick). .. So, instead, I'll just settle with hoping we're both wrong on this, but I don't think so. ..
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Oh, man... Didn't want to say this myself. .. Vaccines today are just this unbelievably large-scale profitable business, and children, the most vulnerable categories out there, are the main target for all this. Starting to think about a whole campaign here where I live to get little girls vaccinated against uterine cancer, and ... yeah, a whole bunch of issues regarding these mass vaccinations for alleged and/or lab-created deadly viruses, or preventable diseases - one of the medical industry's favorite issues to pick on nowadays (not generalizing for all the other eras, just presently), but I don't wanna get too much, if at all, into this to be confronted by different others, (confrontations that are making me sick). .. So, instead, I'll just settle with hoping we're both wrong on this, but I don't think so. ..

This is not a confrontation _ just my take ..
Im not sure this campaing is what you are speaking of above .. There are some necessary vacinations
How can these people prevent when they live in filth and poverty .. These Vacines will prevent much of
these ilnesses for those children. We are not speaking of America where medical treatment is a granted.

Its a different situation

"International donors led by Britain and Bill Gates pledged $4.3 billion on Monday to buy vaccines
to protect children in poor countries against potential killers such as diarrheal diseases and pneumonia."

These are not frivilous vacines in my opinion and they can safe the lives of many children who are not afforded
medical treatment for the most part ..I know MJ himself led a campaign to get children vacinated he felt it was important.

I also know many dont believe they are necessary any longer but for impoverished nations I feel they are.
Again... I hope am wrong about what I've said, but I don't trust the Gates family and...

I'm all for safe vaccines that I know are existing in this world and they're not putting out, at least not anymore on purpose. Of course I am all for these type of vaccines. Cancer is one of those preventable and, yes, even treatable diseases (without the need to 'electrocute' people for that..), tech is so extremely advanced and nature is so extremely open and miraculous and they both could connect so well and.. there are a lot of remedies out there waiting to be used, including for AIDS, but they're not being promoted, they're not made available. .. So, yes, I have my reasons to be skeptical about such large-scale issues, very much so...
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I also know many dont believe they are necessary any longer but for impoverished nations I feel they are.

The thing is, it IS necessary, whether it's a poor country or not...The diseases that vaccines prevent against aren't eradicated, but are greatly decreased because people choose to vaccinate their children...Small pox, for example is now completely eradicated in the world...It no longer exists...Why? Because of vaccines....

Routine vaccines are recommended beginning at 2 months of age (in Canada, anyway) because this is the time when children are at the highest risk of contracting these diseases....It is the ideal age to kick start the full potential of the immune system, although, it's never too late at any age...
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