3T Merchandise Question???


Proud Member
Sep 18, 2009
I have the tour programe i dont think theres any mj stuff in it although i havnt looked at in years
I had the 'Brotherhood Tour programme'. The only reason why I got rid of it, was because nothing of Michael is in there.
Just had a look at the tour program and there's nothing in it except for a little paragraph of how thrilled Michael was to take them under his wings.
I have the 3T mag #1 as well (that was the only one available here - German translation)... but I couldn't find it. If there was anything about MJ, it was not much and nothing you wouldn't find anywhere else.
Thanks you guys for all the info =) The reason I was asking was because my cousin smashed my copy of the single "Why" so I went on a search online to find a new one, but everywhere they were asking for HUGE ridiculous prices, and then I found on the MJJShop for 20 pounds (which I guess is not that bad for such a rare single) but you have to buy it with some sort of 3T Merchandise, so I wanted to find at least one thing that could relate to Michael... so I guess I'll go with the magazines then cause they're might be something small there hehe! Again thanks for all your help =)
No prob!
I have a 3T Merchandise question as well so I hope I can use your thread! ;)

Does anybody have the video "Une journee avec les 3T"? Is it just a documentary or are there full songs from their Brotherhood Tour on there?