3200 pictures of Neverland


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If one has that kind of material, what should he do with it. I mean if those were taken during his life and if Michael was pictured in at least 200 of them. Please mods don't delete this thread because there's nothing bad about it. It's just a question...
Ok. You wish but do you want? And what would you do if you had those?
I think it would depend what kind of photos those would be...how private. And if someone had those and wanted to share them, then the best thing would be to use it for something good. Like make a book dedicated to MJ and give the money to charity.
If there was pics of him in the morning drinking coffee would it be private if he had said before it would have been ok to take pics of him..?
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If I had those pictures, I'd try to decide if they're too private to be available to the public. Are these pictures that Michael would never have have wanted the public too see - like without makeup, messy hair, or something? Are they pictures that would have embarrassed Michael or will embarrass his kids and family? What were the conditions were they were taken - did Michael know they were being taken?

If they're not private photos, I would consider publishing them in a book and making a donation to a charity, like summer suggested.