2pac appreciation thread

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Couldnt find any threads regarding 2pacs music so here it is!

Whats your fav song and why of tupacs ?

Why do you love him ?

Did you spot the hidden messages on the Hail Mary video ?

i love alot of tupacs work . so much pain" is the song that stands out to me ,
i like the haunting tune , and the harsh reality of the lyrics on that one .
yeah we had 3 huge 2pac fans here but they don't post anymore. now it's just me. i don't a favorite song by him how can you the guy so had many great ones.
The Tupac discussion might get alot more replies and attention if it were in the Music Makes the World Go 'Round forum. Seems like there was a Tupac discussion at some point, maybe it got bumped down and is not readily visible in that forum.

edit: I just searched and found this thread started a few months back about Tupac in the Music Makes the World Go 'Round forum:

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There are (2) 2Pacs. The one before his death and the one that came after.

The latter was the over commercialized, white washed, sanitized 2Pac which had a lot of his lyrics muted, his ideology filtered and his messages corrupted by those who wanted to make a quick buck. What happened is you got the music without the MESSAGE. The body without the Soul and the Man without his essence.

I am/was a 2pac fan up until his death and shortly thereafter. I am NOT a fan of the image/by-product put out by the record/TV/Film industry since his passing. I am not a fan of the RIP-offs and the FAKE "thugs" who don't have a clue as to what the hell 2pac was all about. (I can't stand Eminem, 50-Cent, etc. or any commercial/corporate derivative thereof). I am not a fan of the "new & improved" 2Pac. The one with songs replaced with party beats and sanitized lyrics.

The 2Pac I knew and grew up listening to was a contradiction, didn't always have the best intelligence when making decisions, spoke his mind freely, would have NEVER supported the current administration or its lies and bull-ish. 2Pac, if he were living, would have had a lot to say about his "fake-ness". Of course, the media and his mom would probably have you think differently --- but those of us who knew Pac, knew he had a very low tolerance for fakes. Not to say that Pac was always right in his calls (I mean he did diss MJ at one point in his career, but clearly the diss was because he was misinformed). And I feel he would have called it like he had seen it with the current admin. Of course, had he gotten married, I think he might have calmed down, too.
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