2nd Tabloid to be sued for hacking(s) - Paul (Heather) McCartney Phone


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
...This week Paul McCartney's ex-wife, Heather Mills, claimed in a BBC interview that she was hacked by a Trinity Mirror journalist in 2001.McCartney said Thursday that he planned to contact police over the claim.

"I will be talking to them about that," McCartney told the U.S. television journalists by videolink from Cincinnati, Ohio.

The BBC did not identify the journalist cited by Mills, but said it was not Piers Morgan, who was editor of the group's flagship tabloid, the Daily Mirror. between 1995 and 2004.

Morgan has repeatedly denied ordering anyone to spy on voicemails or knowingly publishing stories obtained through hacking.

But in an article published by the Daily Mail in 2006, Morgan said that he had been played a tape of a message McCartney had left on Mills' cell phone in the wake of one of their fights.

"It was heartbreaking," Morgan wrote. "He sounded lonely, miserable and desperate, and even sang 'We Can Work It Out' into the answerphone."

Questions over how Morgan came to hear the message have led several British lawmakers to call on him to return to the U.K. and explain himself.

Lawmaker John Whittingdale, chairman of a parliamentary committee that is investigating hacking by the News of the World, said Thursday that Morgan "absolutely should" come to Britain to answer questions.

Whittingdale said "there is evidence to suggest that other newspapers were involved in phone hacking" — and that police should investigate.

Both Trinity Mirror and the publisher of Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, keen to stop the scandal spreading to them, have announced reviews of editorial procedures in the wake of the revelations about the scale of wrongdoing at the News of the World...

Full article: http://news.yahoo.com/lawyer-2nd-newspaper-group-faces-hacking-lawsuits-110028067.html