2nd Autopsy May Be Done.


Proud Member
Sep 3, 2007
A source close to the family of Michael Jackson tells TMZ the family has requested a second autopsy -- and it is currently underway somewhere in Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles County Coroner conducted an autopsy on Friday and while he said there was "no indication of foul play," the official cause of death could not be determined.

That is interesting... It seems that his family thinks there is something wrong...
I really hope that we will learn more soon...
I think this is a very good move. I know it's distressing, but it may be necessary. Even just for the family's peace of mind. And our thoughts should be with them now. xxx
urg this waiting time is UNBEARABLE.. I want to know if someone hurt him!! I'm getting dizzy thinking that thought :puke:
Can we get Dr. Michael Baden on this case please? He is the best forensic pathologist in the world. He can find a needle in a haystack (if it was the cause of death.) I've seen his work several times on HBO and that is who I would want to do my autopsy if the cause of my death was questionalble.:yes:
I think it's awful that a 2nd autopsy is being carried out and I can't fathom why it should be deemed necessary. I wish that they could have felt able to wait the necessary weeks for the toxicolgy results and, if SkyNews is to be believed, Rev. Jesse Jackson was the person pushing for this. I can't understand his thinking at all, but accept that he and MJ's family are suffering and angry and must have their reasons for taking this step.