24 Apr08: MJ news and mentionings

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay

MJ News in review for
24 Apr 08
Where to get your groove on

Apr 24, 2008 04:30 AM

Susan Walker
Dance writer

International Dance Day makes a good excuse to dance your pants off.
April 29 is the birthdate of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), a distinguished French dancer, choreographer and ballet master who was known as "the Shakespeare of dance."

In 1982, UNESCO declared that day an occasion to annually honour the terpsichorean arts.

Dance Umbrella of Ontario is jumping the gun on Tuesday's IDD with a celebration in Yonge-Dundas Square on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.

Anyone who want to exorcise their inner Michael Jackson can take Thriller dance lessons onstage at the square. The HUBS will perform and give classes and a b-boy dance-off will clear the decks.

On Tuesday, watch for Dance Ontario Youth Board dancers prancing about at Pearson International's Terminal 1 in the arrivals area.

At Bloorview children's rehab centre, AKA Dance, Keiko & Company and artists from the Toronto Chinese Dance Group will perform for kids confined in the hospital.

Meagan O'Shea captures the spirit of International Dance Day with Dance Like No One Is Watching: a silent uprising on Tuesday at noon hour and after work.

Check www.standupdance.com for more details.



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Day 123 What the media don't show about Michael Jackson the business man –
The Kooks & Elliot Minor - Major Chart Success!
Apr 22, 2008


We are pleased to announce that following on from the success of the The Kooks' #3 single "Always Where I Need To Be", the band's sophomore album Konk hit the #1 spot in this week's UK Album Chart.

This week's chart also saw Elliot Minor's self-titled debut album enter at #6.





Snoop Dogg Inks Production Deal with Extreme Music Posted: 4/23/2008 3:08:48 PM by Black widow


Extreme Music, a subsidiary of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, today (April 23) announced that Snoop Dogg will executive produce a multi-CD series called The G Series for the company.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, The G Series will include music crafted by Snoop for film, TV and commercial projects that are connected with Extreme Music.

Extreme Music has been involved in movies like I Am Legend and American Gangster.

“When we decided to produce an urban series, we wanted it to be not only major league but also 200% 'G,' with Snoop holding the reins,” said Russell Emanuel, co-CEO of Extreme Music.

The first installment of The G Series is expected to hit shelves this fall.


Sony ATV = Sony/Michael Jackson
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Right now, I'm watching the Today Show and they're going to have a segment with the "thriller guys" complete with makeup--celebrating 25 years of Thriller. Should be interesting to watch. If anyone's near a tv, turn to the Today Show now. Should be on within the hour.

The thing with Snoop Dogg seems interesting. Gotta give it to Snoop, he's doing his thang.
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As always, thanks for the "Business Man" report, Rasta.

Although I am familiar with Sony/ATV's Extreme Music Division, I had NO idea that Extreme was involved in both, "I Am Legend" and "American Gangster".

I'm speechless, those were two HUGE movies, especially "I Am Legend" (Will Smith's movie). Dang Mike, you ARE truly the man!
As always, thanks for the "Business Man" report, Rasta.

Although I am familiar with Sony/ATV's Extreme Music Division, I had NO idea that Extreme was involved in both, "I Am Legend" and "American Gangster".

I'm speechless, those were two HUGE movies, especially "I Am Legend" (Will Smith's movie). Dang Mike, you ARE truly the man!
ya got that right. lol KACHING!!!!
Thanks for the news.

Sugarbabe, did the Thriller thing on the Today show already came on? I think I missed it.

MJ’s ‘Thriller’ still a classic after 25 years
Jackson changed the music industry the way Elvis, Beatles did before him
By Mike Celizic
TODAYShow.com contributor
updated 6:48 a.m. ET, Thurs., April. 24, 2008

What Michael Jackson has become hasn’t changed what he was 25 years ago, when he was riding the greatest album ever made and making the music video that would change forever the way we thought about both.

It was one of those defining moments that come along once in a generation, and those who witnessed it when they were young and impressionable will never forget. Elvis Presley had done that when he gyrated his pelvis and belted out his blues-influenced rock a half century ago. A generation later, it was the Beatles ushering in another deathless sound.

And then it was 1983, and the man who burned his image and his music into young and febrile minds was Michael Jackson. If you were young then, the “Thriller” video and Jackson’s music became part of your DNA. But even if you were older, you knew when you turned on MTV and saw Jackson’s breathtaking performance that you were seeing something that had never been seen before.

Many would say that the likes of “Thriller” hasn’t been seen since, either.

Not just another Jackson
Jackson was no musical ingénue. He’d practically been born with a microphone in his mouth, a cute, button-nosed boy with a voice so high and clear and penetrating it seemed on loan from heaven. He was just 11 when he debuted, and he was surrounded by his singing siblings, the Jackson 5. But as good as that group was, he was the star of the show.

He had emerged from the family shadow in 1979 with the release of his first album, “Off the Wall,” the first ever to contribute four singles to the Top 10 charts. The album would sell 20 million copies over the years, but Jackson and his co-producer Quincy Jones felt they could do better.

The vehicle that Jackson would use hadn’t even been born yet, but when MTV debuted on the burgeoning cable menu in 1981, he saw the potential of a new medium in ways that no one else did.

The album “Thriller” was released late in 1982 to breathless reviews for the pioneering work of the 24-year-old superstar.

“Rather than reheating ‘Off the Wall’s’ agreeably mindless funk, Jackson has cooked up a zesty LP whose up-tempo workouts don't obscure its harrowing, dark messages,” wrote Rolling Stone. “Jackson's new attitude gives ‘Thriller’ a deeper, if less visceral, emotional urgency than any of his previous work, and marks another watershed in the creative development of this prodigiously talented performer.”

Even NPR checked in with a review that included this declaration: “Where lesser artists need a string section or a lusty blast from a synthesizer, Jackson need only sing to convey deep, heartfelt emotion.”

“Thriller” would become the best-selling album of original music ever recorded, a title it holds to this day. It remained atop the charts for an incredible 37 weeks. There were nine tracks on the record and seven of them went Top 10, including “Thriller,” “Beat It” and “Billie Jean.”

A watershed moment for the industry
But the best was yet to come. MTV played mostly music videos in those early days, but no one had yet considered the possibility of merging filmmaking and music in the way that Jackson envisioned. With co-producer Jones, Jackson enlisted John Landis, the brilliant writer/director whose credits at the time included “Kentucky Fried Movie,” “Animal House,” “The Blues Brothers” and “American Werewolf in London” to direct what many believe remains the greatest music video ever.

The video would run 14 minutes, essentially a miniature feature film that cost $800,000 to make — an astonishing figure at the time. Vincent Price, the master of the horror movie, was brought in to do a sinister rap under the music.

“Thriller” is a horror movie that turns out to be a dream that turns out to be maybe not a dream after all. It begins with a young couple — apparently of high school age — walking late at night. Jackson, whose skin was not yet bleached and whose features still resembled a normal human being’s, wears a wide-shouldered, red leather jacket, red leather pants and his trademark white socks. His date, Ola Ray, wears tight, calf-length jeans and a sweater straight out of “Grease.”

The fun starts with the full moon rising and Jackson telling Ray, “I’m not like other guys.”

The line has been repeated often over the years, the irony growing with each new episode in his life. “It’s close to midnight. Something evil’s lurking in the dark,” he warns her.

The something is him. Landis did a takeoff of “American Werewolf in London” to transform Jackson into something resembling more a werecat than a werewolf. Ray spends a lot of the video running and shrieking, pursued first by the yellow-eyed feline and then by an army of zombies. Like all self-respecting undead, the zombies can barely put one foot in front of the other when walking, but man, can they dance.

Along the way, we learn that Jackson and Ray are watching the action in a movie, and then they’re not. Finally, she awakes from a dream, but it ends with Jackson’s eyes flashing yellow feline slits.

You watched it for the brilliant music. Kids danced in front of their televisions when Mom and Dad weren’t looking, trying to capture even a fraction of Jackson’s grace and power. And through it all was that heart-stopping plot.

The video sold more than a million copies, and every year Lexington, Ky., turns its downtown over to a reenactment of the video performed by its fans-for-life.

As Mike Joseph wrote for PopMatters.com: “Twenty-five years after ‘Thriller’s’ original release, amidst everything that’s gone on in Michael Jackson’s crazy, insane, screwed-up life, this album still makes people smile, the grooves still make people dance, and the videos still make people stop and stare in awe. This, folks, is where the mere pop stars get separated from the legends. Times may change, music may change, but ‘Thriller’ is one of those few iconic records whose influence seems to be prevalent no matter the climate.”

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24282347/
Wow, I didn't know that MJ's life was screwed up? So, instead on putting focus on the music, they talk about his life as if they know his life? Thriller was that CD that changed the industry. Yeah, no one predicted what happened to MJ after that but what does that have to do with the music? And who can predict what happens in anyone's life? One minute you are here, the next minute you can be anywhere. I wish that some people who post the news read what it actually says before posting it. Just saying. I mean how many times should these clowns mentioned things that have nothing to do with the music? It was very good until they talk about his life. As far as I am concerned, if the media did not make up so many lies about this man, hated on this man because he did not want to talk to them, I do not think people would say these things. That is the issue here. As usual, these people like to trash the man and talk about the music instead of just talking about the music. BTW, MJ's life is not screwed up, it is just not what we all expected his life to be. Which is a GOOD THING. It is not like he is a tragedy or this trainwreck. It is LIFE. In life, we go through things and there is nothing screwed up about it. He is not crazy because if he was, he would be in a home like a residental facitity or mental insitution. He is not. The crazy ones are the ones assuming someone they do not know is screwed up. If they like a time when MJ was the black man that sang and danced and acted like a 12 year old boy with no mind of his own, that is "fine". However, I like the man that told these fools off, broke the records that the Bealtes and Elvis' created and owned their music publishing rights in the process. I like that kind of person because he did that for everyone that truly inspired him before him. He played these clowns and the clowns are angry that after everything, he is still commanding their atention. Ungrateful bitches. Yeah, I am huffing and puffing about it because it was uncalled for. MJ did it his way and who cares? The MJ of 25 years ago is the MJ of today but much wiser. It is not like he had a British accent like a certain singer or hating on his fans, waiting to sue them and ish because his fans want to see his stuff on youtube.com like a certain singer. MJ is true to himself unlike his phony sister and many other so called "celebrities". So, if MJ is "screwed up" then I like it because that is real and unpreditable like life itself. So, eff them.

Now, I did see the Today Show and they did the Thriller performance. It was really good. It is not like Michael's, but it was good. Vincent Paterson was there and he talked about the video. He was asked if he knew it was going to be this big and he said that he did not know that. He said that he was just doing another great video with MJ. It was very positive and on point. They did not talk about his life or anything like that it was strictly about the CD, the short film and the impact. The dancers did their thing. The hosts, Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford (yeah she is back. Blah. I do not like her.) with the dancers, Vincent and two young girls did the dance moves. I decided to do them myself and they are hard! How did MJ do it? How did Vincent do it? There was this one move that they did that I never saw before. MJ was doing the moves so fast in that video that I never saw that dance move before. Other than that, it was really good.
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Bee, I stopped reading after the first paragraph. I refuse to read these insulting articles anymore. I wonder how did Elvis change music industry. I never heard of that one. But you know they couldn't give MJ his rightful credit without creditting Elvis as well. Also, they forgot to mention Elvis' screwed up life.
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I wish these idoits would focus on the music and the achievement Michael has made and leave the tabloid mess out about his skin and face. It has been PROVEN that Michael has a skin disorder. The reporter in Chicago spoke about it. DId you know there was a 12 year old black girl whose face is the same color as Michael? She was on Montell Williams. I wish these folks would stop this mess about bleaching creame. Many blacks use that produce and none of them skin looks like MIchael because bleaching creme does NOT make your skin WHITE LOOKING. Yes, it lightens you a little bit but NOT WHITE and your skin tone darken back up. THAT IS WHAT BLEACHING CREME DO. ALso Michael is a good looking man. LOOK ON THE EBONY MAGAZINE. THAT WAS TODAY's Michael and he looked better than most men and he still look NORMAL. I get so sick of this mess.
Bee, I stopped reading after the first paragraph. I refuse to read these insulting articles anymore. I wonder how did Elvis change music industry. I never heard of that one. But you know they couldn't give MJ his rightful credit without creditting Elvis as well. Also, they forgot to mention Elvis' screwed up life.
Thank you. Articles like this is like someone giving you a complement and then they turn around and spit in your face.
Thank you. Articles like this is like someone giving you a complement and then they turn around and spit in your face.
If they ever gave Michael the full credit he deserves they would have had to call him the greatest ever entertainer. They can't do that for obvious reason. Elvis had a shitty life and he died on the loo, but they never refer to it when they tell his inflated history. They never show pictures of him before he dies, yet they will look for the wose oictures of MJ many of them distorted by themselves to make his look worse than he really is, and they will put that out there and talk about ever tabloid trash before they give him the same credit as they give Elvis. The fact that they give him equal credit as Elvis tells me that they know he is long way more talented but they won't give it to him for obvious reason. if it hadn't been for the fans they would have wiped him out of history already, but the people won't let them.
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Yeah the article wasnt as good as it could have been...but the headline was positive, it talked about the success of Thriller, why the album is legendary, labelled Michael as a legend, and rightfully put him on the level of Elvis and Beatles. That was the good stuff.... sure there were a few negative lines thrown in there which degrades the merit of the article somewhat. But we cant just not read articles because some content is negative. Come on guys, the overall public would read that and come away with more good than bad. Its not the best article out there,(the bleaching of the skin comment bothered me) but it sure as hell aint the worst.
The segment on NBC Today with the "Step It Up and Dance" crew performing to Thriller was great. All of the dancers were in heavy costume to look like the original zombies, and one of the original assistant choreographers (Vincent Paterson) was also there and taught some Thriller moves. When Paterson was asked if he knew he was part of history at the time time he was doing it, he responded: "No. Are you kidding me? We thought we were just doing a great video and having the opportunity to dance with Michael JACKSON, you know?"
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The segment on NBC Today with the "Step It Up and Dance" crew performing to Thriller was great. All of the dancers were in heavy costume to look like the original zombies, and one of the original assistant choreographers (Vincent Paterson) was also there and taught some Thriller moves. When Paterson was asked if he knew he was part of history at the time time he was doing it, he responded: "No. Are you kidding me? We thought we were just doing a great video and having the opportunity to dance with Michael JACKSON, you know?"
Will we be able to see this on youtube?
Yeah the article wasnt as good as it could have been...but the headline was positive, it talked about the success of Thriller, why the album is legendary, labelled Michael as a legend, and rightfully put him on the level of Elvis and Beatles. That was the good stuff.... sure there were a few negative lines thrown in there which degrades the merit of the article somewhat. But we cant just not read articles because some content is negative. Come on guys, the overall public would read that and come away with more good than bad. Its not the best article out there,(the bleaching of the skin comment bothered me) but it sure as hell aint the worst.

good point;)
When it comes to Michael Jackson, these journalists either just love to insult him outright or do what I call a 'back-handed slap' (when someone is praising you and at the same time insulting you)!