
Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay

MJ News in review 23 Jul 08

Could Gary Finally Get Jackson Family Museum?

Kristyn Hartman
GARY, Ind. (CBS) ― Gary, Ind., could soon be the home to a new museum dedicated to its most famous family: the Jacksons – as in Michael, Janet, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya and their siblings.

As CBS 2's Kristyn Hartman reports, their proud papa Joseph Jackson was in Gary Tuesday for a new reality show about the family.

The Jackson siblings grew up in Gary, so when the dad who developed their talent pays the city a visit, it's a sign-worthy day.

Posters taped to the doors at Gary's City Hall said "Come meet Joe."" Mayor Rudy Clay led the charge.

While Joe Jackson shot footage for his new reality TV show, Clay talked about plans for a home for some of the musical family's memorabilia; plans that have failed before.

"We had to get a commitment solid from Joe here today. We got that on camera," Clay said. Asked whether he got the commitment in writing, Clay said, "Let me put it like this, the paperwork has to come after the commitment.

The developer wouldn't speak with us on camera, but said the museum would be near Grant Street and Interstate 80/94. She also said the project's in the earliest of stages, but would be privately funded.

Joe Jackson said he was lending his approval to it, but was not promising to help finance it.

The family reportedly has had financial issues. Longtime confidant Majestik Magnificent said that's false.

"M.J. can make more money on accident than more people can on purpose. They say he's losing Neverland, but anything that goes away from Michael is because he don't want it anymore," Magnificent said.

What do the people of Gary want? Restaurant manager Mike Parker said, "We're behind anything that will make Gary better." That would include a museum that might bring business to places like his restaurant.

Joe Jackson and the entourage ate at Parker's restaurant before heading to the home where the whole history began and where a crowd welcomed him and the new Jackson Family Boulevard.


[SIZE=-2]BBC News[/SIZE]

Court Overturns FCC's Fine for CBS in Jackson’s breast exposure case
[SIZE=-1]The Money Times, India - 20 hours ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Born on May 16, 1966, in Gary, IN, Janet Jackson is the younger sister of “King of Pop” Michael Jackson. Jackson is ranked as the ninth most successful act ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]document.write(NVF_generateVideoLink('"javascript:NVF_toggleBox(\'429496729501\', \'http://www.youtube.com/v/TPtbHc02mYk\',\'u-AFQjCNFw-8sDDk4GWx_crpP8S-9AMVuzeQ:v-0-1_1228873184\', \'n\');" ','zippy429496729501','va429496729501','Video: Court Tosses FCC 'wardrobe Malfunction' Fine'));Video: Court Tosses FCC 'wardrobe Malfunction' FineVideo: Court Tosses FCC &ampamp#39wardrobe Malfunction&ampamp#39 Fine [SIZE=-1]AssociatedPress[/SIZE]

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Los Angeles Times [SIZE=-1]Newsday[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Fine forgiven, not forgotten [SIZE=-1]Chicago Tribune[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Charleston City Paper - PRWeek[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 1,653 news articles »[/SIZE]

'Michael Jackson' roadsweep dancer takes the net by storm

Michael Jackson

A London-based roadsweeper who performs his job while undertaking a series of impressive Michael Jackson-style dance moves is taking the internet by storm.

Zbigniew Colbecki – a 47 year-old Polish immigrant – has been nicknamed Ziggy Dust because of his swish dance moves, which you can see by clicking on the video below.

"It's not the most interesting job in the world," said Colbecki, who dances to his iPod while working in the borough of Chiswick. "But I'm happy to do it because I make other people happy."

Watch 'Ziggy Dust' in action by clicking on the video below.

digg_skin = 'compact'; digg_window = 'new';


[SIZE=-1]Michael Jackson Wannabe Keeping Streets Of London Clean [SIZE=-1]Gigwise[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Dancing sweeper wins fans [SIZE=-1]The Press Association[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Dancing street sweeper becomes cult hero [SIZE=-1]Telegraph.co.uk[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Wimbledon Guardian - Daily Mail[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 23 news articles »[/SIZE]

Michael Jackson - Beat It
[SIZE=-1]guardian.co.uk, UK - 23 hours ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Because it's Beat It by Michael Jackson! Brilliant. A week after his sister took her place in the Pops light, we've spun around only to go "OW! ...[/SIZE]


Day 140: What the media don't show about Michael Jackson the business man

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As usual, Rasta, thanks for posting the news.
Could Gary Finally Get Jackson Family Museum?

Kristyn Hartman
GARY, Ind. (CBS) ― Gary, Ind., could soon be the home to a new museum dedicated to its most famous family: the Jacksons – as in Michael, Janet, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya and their siblings.
aww they always put Tito in front of Jermaine
thanks for news and mentionings :D

i love the video of 'Ziggy Dust' :hysterical:
and the museum news is exciting :w00t:
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loving the quote by Majestik, 'MJ makes more money by accident than most people do on purpose'...so true...

and if ziggy needs to make that job more interesting that way...cool...more power to him.

and as usual, loving the atv news Rasta. thanks for the news!:clapping:
really? MJ making money off of Usher??

hahah well then that makes it all better then :lol:
Seems that all the top artists out there are working for Mr Jackson, Yes, Mr Jackson if your nasty.

YEP! I remember Will.I.A. saying that "it's taking MJ a long time, because EVERYBODY wants to be a part of his new project." LOL!

I guess Will.I.Am knew what he was talking about, since dang near everyday there is a new name added to the list of those working with MJ.
I hope the Jackson museum does get established
Born on May 16, 1966, in Gary, IN, Janet Jackson is the younger sister of “King of Pop” Michael Jackson. Jackson is ranked as the ninth most successful act ...
document.write(NVF_generateVideoLink('"javascript:NVF_toggleBox(\'429496729501\', \'http://www.youtube.com/v/TPtbHc02mYk\',\'u-AFQjCNFw-8sDDk4GWx_crpP8S-9AMVuzeQ:v-0-1_1228873184\', \'n\');" ','zippy429496729501','va429496729501','Video: Court Tosses FCC 'wardrobe Malfunction' Fine'));

Hmmm...I assume they're talking about Janet being the ninth most sucessful act . . .

Thanks for thenews Rasta. I'm still loving the businessman information. Wow...Usher, Plies, Rihanna, Janet...Mike owns the publishing to just about everybody's music. KACHING but sorry sales are not what they used to be.
Thank you Rasta Pasta!

I just wanted to say that every day I give thanks for this community of fans, especially those who have made and who continue to make personal sacrifices so that we can remain a community.
Born on May 16, 1966, in Gary, IN, Janet Jackson is the younger sister of “King of Pop” Michael Jackson. Jackson is ranked as the ninth most successful act ...
document.write(NVF_generateVideoLink('"javascript:NVF_toggleBox(\'429496729501\', \'http://www.youtube.com/v/TPtbHc02mYk\',\'u-AFQjCNFw-8sDDk4GWx_crpP8S-9AMVuzeQ:v-0-1_1228873184\', \'n\');" ','zippy429496729501','va429496729501','Video: Court Tosses FCC 'wardrobe Malfunction' Fine'));
Hmmm...I assume they're talking about Janet being the ninth most sucessful act . . .

Thanks for thenews Rasta. I'm still loving the businessman information. Wow...Usher, Plies, Rihanna, Janet...Mike owns the publishing to just about everybody's music. KACHING but sorry sales are not what they used to be.
Sales of records are not what they used to be, but the publishing side is BOOMING. That is why publishing is so valuable and everybody wants one. The music is used for lots of other things like movies, adverts, ringtones etc. There is more monet to be made now than ever before. The only problem is that it is the publishers who make the bulk of it, not the artists, unless they wrote the songs. So yes, lack of sales doesn't afffect MJ at all.:D
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Folks I've moved that discussion about Corey Feldman to the Tabloid section of our forum where it belongs. Thanks ;)

this idoit still looking for attention by talking about Michael. He is friends with plenty of people and may have had friends he does not deal with any more, so why is so focused on Michael. Shut up COry and move on child and quit trying to find fame by talking about MIchael. I think people with brains (those people who even care about reading this mess) do not care about you.