
Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you guys think is gonna happen when we all on planet earth pass through galactic plane in 2012?
The end of the world...LOL. J/K.

I honestly don't think ANYTHING will happen. It annoys the hell out of me when people go about saying the earth is going to be knocked off it's axis because of the alignment with the sun, scientists say there is NO evidence of that. The so-called bible code claims the end...which is rediculous.

It's going to pass and nothing will happen, LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES.

**rolls eyes**
Speaking of the world ending... apparently there's a chance we could all die on Wednesday the 10th....

If this little experiement goes wrong we will all get swallowed up in a black hole :ermm:

Large Hadron Collider To Start Up September 10

ScienceDaily (Aug. 10, 2008) — The first attempt to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on 10 September. This news comes as the cool down phase of commissioning CERN’s new particle accelerator reaches a successful conclusion.

The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, producing beams seven times more energetic than any previous machine, and around 30 times more intense when it reaches design performance, probably by 2010. Housed in a 27-kilometre tunnel, it relies on technologies that would not have been possible 30 years ago. The LHC is, in a sense, its own prototype.
Starting up such a machine is not as simple as flipping a switch. Commissioning is a long process that starts with the cooling down of each of the machine’s eight sectors. This is followed by the electrical testing of the 1600 superconducting magnets and their individual powering to nominal operating current. These steps are followed by the powering together of all the circuits of each sector, and then of the eight independent sectors in unison in order to operate as a single machine.
By the end of July, this work was approaching completion, with all eight sectors at their operating temperature of 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (-271°C). The next phase in the process is synchronization of the LHC with the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator, which forms the last link in the LHC’s injector chain. Timing between the two machines has to be accurate to within a fraction of a nanosecond.
A first synchronization test is scheduled for the weekend of 9 August, for the clockwise-circulating LHC beam, with the second to follow over the coming weeks. Tests will continue into September to ensure that the entire machine is ready to accelerate and collide beams at an energy of 5 TeV per beam, the target energy for 2008. Force majeure notwithstanding, the LHC will see its first circulating beam on 10 September at the injection energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV).
Once stable circulating beams have been established, they will be brought into collision, and the final step will be to commission the LHC’s acceleration system to boost the energy to 5 TeV, taking particle physics research to a new frontier.
‘We’re finishing a marathon with a sprint,’ said LHC project leader Lyn Evans. ‘It’s been a long haul, and we’re all eager to get the LHC research programme underway.’



:unsure: *buys rubber dingy for the bumpy ride* :ninja:
I am one of the people that truely believes in what the bible and what the ancient Mayans says about the world ending in 2012. Especially since the Mayans had a calendar that was far more accurate than the calendar that we use today. And they had predicted things that have already came true. Like they have predicted the hurricanes Rita, Wilma, and Katrina. They knew how bad those hurricanes were going to be in 2005. And they were definitely right about that. Especially about hurricane Katrina. Also between the dates of December 21 and December 23 the Earth is going to complete 1 full wobble. And the last time that had happen was 26,000 years ago. Which was during the time of the last ice age. Laugh at me all you want I really believe it is going to happen.
I am one of the people that truely believes in what the bible and what the ancient Mayans says about the world ending in 2012. Especially since the Mayans had a calendar that was far more accurate than the calendar that we use today. And they had predicted things that have already came true. Like they have predicted the hurricanes Rita, Wilma, and Katrina. They knew how bad those hurricanes were going to be in 2005. And they were definitely right about that. Especially about hurricane Katrina. Also between the dates of December 21 and December 23 the Earth is going to complete 1 full wobble. And the last time that had happen was 26,000 years ago. Which was during the time of the last ice age. Laugh at me all you want I really believe it is going to happen.

Did the Mayans specifically say that there will be three hurricanes, named such and such, and they'll hit here and here...no I don't think so. Also, the Mayans never said the world would END on that date in 2012. Their calendar just ENDED. They believed in three cycles of humanity. And the third cycle ends on Dec. 21st, 2012. Also, they never said end of the world, it was just meant that it'll be us (the world) entering a new era. And actually the earth is going to be in direct alignment with the sun, the first time in 5,000 years on Dec. 21st 2012, and that's why a bunch of "believers" are saying the earth is going to get knocked off its axis. That because of this alignment the polarity of the northa and south poles will change. BUT scientists have said and continue to say that there is NO EVIDENCE this is going to happen.

BTW I'm not laughing at you.

2012 is just going to be another year, and once again people are going to be predicting the end of the world. When have they NOT? Y2K anyone? How about when 9/11 happened? Or any of the MANY MANY other times people have said and actually used scripture to predict the end of the world? In fact some people are claiming Obama is the anti-christ and foreshadowing the end of the world, and they back up this theory with UNTRUE facts and stupid conjecture. It's mind boggling that people believe this crap.

We're all going to be here for a VERY long time. Get use to it people.
we are all gonna put our bobble hats on and go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
....um:unsure: i dont know to be honest .
*adds you as a friend *