2010 Your wishes for Michael for the New Year


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
We’ve been doing this all these years, so here are my heartfelt wishes and intentions for our dear one for the New Year!

I Hope He Is In A Better Place , And I Hope He Is Happy!
I hope Michael is happy and us fans strive even harder to continue to legacy. We're doing an amazing job, long may it continue. Michael will never be forgotten and in 2010 I am hoping for just one thing. Dr Murray is finally arrested.
well now I still hope that michael is now in the better place but every other day I still listen to his songs & keeping his memory alive! no one ever is going to stop me!
I wish him continued peace, l.o.v.e, happiness and also that his children be protected from the evils of this world. I see it already happening, and they do not deserve this just as Michael didn't deserve it. I have them in my prayers every night.
I hope with all my heart that Mike is at peace and can feel all the love that is flowing his way, that he can feel he will never be out of our thoughts and hearts. and for all of our family i wish you all a very happy Michaelmas xx:xmas1:
But most of all I wish for him to be at peace and for his wonderful children to have a peaceful, normal life, as possible...
I wish for his NAME to be COMPLETELY cleared in the eyes of the public ONCE AND FOR ALL...I hope for a new album with banging singles that takes the music industry by storm and keeps his MUSICALLY legacy in the fore front of people's minds, and lastly, I hope for peace, love, and good health for all of his family members especially his three angels.
Wishing you Well Greatest of all time

Wishing that heaven open the doors for you
So you no longer have to feel sad and blue
Knowing how much the world missing you
Your smile shine so bright June 25,2009 it was hard for us to say goodnight
So we all pray that your wishes and dreams comes to light
You had a heart of gold even thro so many treated you cold
Thanks for the memories from five decades we know your love
For us will never fade away I love you forever MJ You are god‘s chosen angel
I know you will be with your family and children your one in a million.
I am praying that you are still alive Michael, and that you and your children will live happily together away from that evil american and british media scum.
I hope that wherever Michael is that he is happy and at peace. I hope he's free and no longer in pain - physical or emotional. And I hope that he feels the love of his family and fans and how much they miss him.

Mostly importantly now, I wish that the person or people responsible for causing his untimely death are tried and brought to justice and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
I wish justice for Michael. Its about time that people will learn the truth about Michael. What a caring and loving man he was. A great humanitarian..his love for ALL the children of the world. Michael was an angel and NOT the monster that the media has turned him to.
I wish justice for Michael and for his children.
i wish your children Michael peace and love. That's number one for you. I wish all the children that you loved so much all around the world peace, love, health and luck. I guess it's another number 1 for you dearest Michael
I hope he is happy wherever he is now, and that he can see and feel all the love the world has for him, that he sees me when I cry for him and that he realizes how much I and so many others love him. It's the only thing I've been wishing and praying for for 6 months now.
Ditto to all the above posts!

I wish that Michael is 100% successful in relaying his communication, thoughts, feelings and wishes to his children, his other family members, and to the MJ fans that are on the brink of suicide, and who are very depressed, and all who need his comfort. I wish that all perceive his communication and comfort that he is trying to give. I wish that Michael totally gets all the love and gratitude we have for him, and our huge thanks for all his help to children and the world. I hope Michael feels joy in all the L.O.V.E. coming his way, all the time.

I wish that the world will completely realize how Michael was always innocent of the allegations, and realize what a really beautiful person he was (is).

I wish we all soon learn the real truth of what happened that terrible day, and the killer(s) are brought to justice.

I wish a new release of a Michael song goes to #1 and the world is celebrating his talent, and his legacy is strong forever!
Wonderful post Ankita!! Agree with you 100%!!

And I agree with EVERY point of jfleenor2s wishes!!
Thankyou FunkyJay and ditto to what jfleenor2 said. All the posts are so beautiful...Michael truly has the most beautiful fans in the world...we are all one family and we thank our Angel for bringing us all the joy, inspiration and L.O.V.E he continues to bless us with...Thankyou for everything Michael and may you be abundantly blessed in every way!!!
I wish that he and his family are happy and at peace.

I wish that his name is finally cleared of all wrong doing and people will finally leave him alone.
I wish for Michael is in peace now in the arms of creator

I love You as always