2010 GCSE Examinations (UK)


Proud Member
Mar 23, 2009
Canterbury, England
Is anyone here from the UK taking their GCSE examinations in a few months? How do you feel about them?
I did them last year...in the music test, we had to analyse certain pieces of music and this was one...

...they actually played the song out loud!

Man, we couldn't contain our laughter. :lol:
Lol omg :lmao: I do music too, I would fail the test if they did something like that. I wouldnt be able to concentrate :toofunny:

Would you say the exams were how the teachers told you they were? Or were they easier/harder?
This was 5 years ago for me so its hard to remember but I know I was extremely nervous, I shouldn't have been though really. What subjects do you do?
This was 5 years ago for me so its hard to remember but I know I was extremely nervous, I shouldn't have been though really. What subjects do you do?

Science - Chemistry, Physics, Biology
Religious Studies

Don't think I'm forgetting any :scratch:
Yep and im gonna fail seeing as i don't care much for them , haven't done any revision
Im doing Music , Electronics , English , Physic , Bio , Chem ( dropped math and Business )

Btw when do you leave for study leave isn't it in april
Im on study leave right now, my English exams in an hour !!! :worried: I don't like how they've spit in two now, so year 10's have to do half now and half next year, but I guess its better than doing them all at once :)

Yesterday was a tough one for me. had a 2 hour statistics exam, a French speaking exam and a Biology exam.

Good luck everyone taking them this year :)
Really, I found the 2 english papers quiet easy for a higher paper TBH, don't want to jinks it though, but fingers crossed we all did well :)
The only one I'm worried about is my statistics one, but that was only a mock so it doesn't really bother me...
Next one for me now is chemistry on the 16th, better start revising tomorrow I guess :(
I'm doing my A-levels this year. I've been stuck in the 17th century all week trying to remember Shakespeare, Blake and Duchess of Malfi. That's my first exam, I got law and psychology after which I feel okay about, its the english literature that's worrying me the most. I tell you, I regret not studying like this for my GSCE's, I couldn't be bothered, but now I'm older and wiser (hopefully) and I know how important exams are.
Good Luck to everyone who has exams, GSCE's, A Levels, ect.
Keep revising, hard work pays off in the end!!
Good luck peeps!! xxxx
I managed to sneak Michael into my English writing to explain/describe/inform section today :) It was a question asking me to explain why or like/dislike celebrities.
He helped me get an A* in my English speaking & listening so hope the magic continues with today's paper!
I managed to sneak Michael into my English writing to explain/describe/inform section today :) It was a question asking me to explain why or like/dislike celebrities.
He helped me get an A* in my English speaking & listening so hope the magic continues with today's paper!

Woah!! A*! Nice one!!!!
I managed to sneak Michael into my English writing to explain/describe/inform section today :) It was a question asking me to explain why or like/dislike celebrities.
He helped me get an A* in my English speaking & listening so hope the magic continues with today's paper!

Nice :clapping: Michaels magic will never run out so keep on using it hehe. Wishing you the very best with your results!
Good luck to everyone taing them this year, I did mine last year and im doing AS now, cant wait for them to finish! :)

I managed to sneak Michael into my English writing to explain/describe/inform section today :) It was a question asking me to explain why or like/dislike celebrities.
He helped me get an A* in my English speaking & listening so hope the magic continues with today's paper!

woww A* in english well done!.. that was my worst subject, maybe I should of tried sneaking mj in too :lol:
Just the coursework part of English! Won't know the overall result until the end of august! Written English exams are always my downfall D:
I'm in year 10 and we've started ours :( Well we've one quite a lot actually, I've done german speaking, physics, e&p, 2 maths, drama and i have history on tuesday and 3 more science ones next monday raah!!!
Thanks but i really don't deserve to do well i haven't revised anything except i read my english book through quickly and that was an hour before the exam

But good luck to everyone else whenever you're doing your GCSEs
I'm in year 10 and we've started ours :( Well we've one quite a lot actually, I've done german speaking, physics, e&p, 2 maths, drama and i have history on tuesday and 3 more science ones next monday raah!!!

Wow, that is a lot. But then I suppose they've made it so year 9s are starting their GCSEs now for a 3 year course...
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