2009 VMA's Premiere watched by 27 million -- Up 17% from 2008


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Basically my fellow MJ fans, the following article says that whenever Michael is involved, MTV's ratings go up. It was the largest audience since the 2002 awards*.

* A little reminder: Michael was again at the center of attention at the 2002 awards.

Source: Reuters

2009 MTV Video Music Awards Premiere Watched By 27 Million Total Viewers Up 17% vs. 2008

NEW YORK, Sept. 14 /PRNewswire/ --

-- The 2009 Video Music Awards was watched by over 26.9 million viewers on MTV, MTV2 and VH1 on Sunday night. This is up +17% from the 23 million who tuned in to MTV/MTV2 last year.

-- Airing on MTV, MTV2 and VH1, the 2009 VMAs averaged over 11 million total viewers. This is up +21% from MTV and MTV2's coverage in 2008 (9.1 million) and the largest VMA audience since 2002.

-- On MTV, The 2009 VMAs averaged just under 9 million total viewers, the largest audience since the 2004 awards. Up +6% year to year (8.97 million vs. 8.43 million).

-- On MTV2, The 2009 VMAs averaged 749,000 total viewers, up +11% year to year (749,000 vs. 674,000).

-- Among P12-34, The 2009 VMAs on MTV, MTV2 and VH1 averaged 7.2 million P12-34 viewers. This is up +16% from MTV and MTV2's coverage in 2008 (7.2 million vs. 6.2 million).

-- On MTV, The 2009 VMAs delivered a 7.5 P12-34 coverage rating, its strongest rating since the 2005 VMAs.

-- The 2009 VMAs is the #1 show on cable this year among P12-34.

-- On VH1, The 2009 VMAs averaged 1.3 million total viewers, improving its time period by +21%. Among P12-34, VH1 averaged a 1.03 rating, up 8% in its time period.

Source: Nielsen. Live+SD Coverage ratings/000s. Time period improvement =
vs. QTD average. Cable rank = 000s. Watched = reach, 1+ minute qualifier.

-- Overall, MTV.com logged 2.7M unique visitors on Sunday (9/13/09), a 20% increase over the date of the 2008 VMAs (9/7/08) and a 220% increase vs. last Sunday (9/6/09).

-- 1.7 million unique visitors viewed VMA content including show pages, flipbooks, video content and news related to the show on Sunday (9/13/09), a 24% increase over 2008's premiere day (9/7/08), making it the best VMA premiere day in MTV.com history.

-- MTV.com's VMA-specific content delivered a 14% increase in page views vs. the 2008 show day (9/7/08).

-- Overall, visitors to MTV.com viewed more than 5 million video streams on Sunday, a 45% increase from the day of the 2008 VMAs (9/7/08)

-- As of noon on September 14, 2009, MTV.com is already seeing significant traffic numbers, with more than 1.8 million unique visitors viewing VMA content, and more than 5.3 million video streams viewed.
Of course it was because of Michael, it would be daft to suggest otherwise
Sorry to appear cocky but did you think 27 million people wanted to see what daft costume Lady Gaga was gonna wear next?
Of course it was because of Michael, it would be daft to suggest otherwise
Sorry to appear cocky but did you think 27 million people wanted to see what daft costume Lady Gaga was gonna wear next?

I agree with you, it is because of MJ :)

nd of course it's because of Mike!

She looked daft all the way through, nothing orginal but just downright stupid
I loved the way after Janets preformence Michaels face stayed a glow on the screen that was great!

Without a doubt there will be many more times when Michael will make award shows gain more viewers!

As Madonna truely said 'Long Live the King!'
Yeah that boost were the MJ fans who made an exception for MTV this year. I'm one of them! Never again! What a waste of my time the rest of the show was.
Yep. Definitely. My first time watching. (Maybe second...I don't remember. That tells you something!) =P
Lol I watched only the beginning and the end yesterday. :D
MTV 2 late for you.

Who the....is lady gaga, seriously how can they even promote her.
I was thinking as I watched the tribute, that maybe we'll see tributes at the Grammy's and American Music Awards- especially this one considering Dick Clark runs this one and he's been friends with Michael since MJ was a little boy
I only watched VMA'S because of MJ and janet,and of course this was watched by so many,only because of the two :)lol
madonna really surprised me there;)
It would have been more if it wasnt that late in some contreys like Norway..................................... Middle of the night.
Many media outlets are crediting the higher ratings to Kanye's fiasco. But that is impossible as nobody knew this was going to happen. The higher ratings can only be attributed to one thing: The Michael Jackson tribute/ This Is It trailer
Many media outlets are crediting the higher ratings to Kanye's fiasco. But that is impossible as nobody knew this was going to happen. The higher ratings can only be attributed to one thing: The Michael Jackson tribute/ This Is It trailer

The Media makes me SICK, I'll tell you one thing people only watched that VMAs because of the tribute. That is why I watched it at least,for sure i am and never again gonna be watching it ever. (That is unless they show some kind of love and respect to Michael).
Many media outlets are crediting the higher ratings to Kanye's fiasco. But that is impossible as nobody knew this was going to happen. The higher ratings can only be attributed to one thing: The Michael Jackson tribute/ This Is It trailer

Leave it to the media to continually prove how stupid they are. As you said, nobody knew what jerkwad Kanye was gonna do, so it's not because of him. People wanted to see the tribute with Janet and the trailer. Period. They should do a poll to see how many people would not have watched at all if those two things had not been on there, because I think we know what the results would be there. ;)
...yeah only cause of Michaels tribute and Janets dancing and Michaels THIS IS IT trailer. I bet you next year their ratings will drop til the point of having to shut down MTV Productions..
I was thinking as I watched the tribute, that maybe we'll see tributes at the Grammy's and American Music Awards- especially this one considering Dick Clark runs this one and he's been friends with Michael since MJ was a little boy
Since he had a stroke a few years ago, Dick Clark hasn't had much to do with that.
They owe Mj much more than they gave him!

And a hi five to tina for speaking the truth about the media. Ain't nobody knew about Kanye beforehand so they ain't no way he boosted the ratings.
People watched because of Michael. And Janet's tribute to her big bro. And of course the TII trailer..Even a stupid person can figure that out. I will never watch VMA again..That is it!! I never did except for Michael and never will..waste fo time.
...yeah only cause of Michaels tribute and Janets dancing and Michaels THIS IS IT trailer. I bet you next year their ratings will drop til the point of having to shut down MTV Productions..

I agree. Watch their ratings go down next year. The MJ tribute was the main reason for the big ratings the VMA's had this year, no matter who wants to deny it.
Obviously it was for MJ! Who the hell the media think their fooling? LMAO! Plus, Kanye can only put his face down in dirt because now 27mil people saw what he did and that ain't good! LMAO!
Actually, I'm on a New Moon movie site too (*hiding!*)
and let me tell you that they were REALLY waiting for that 3rd Trailer for the upcoming New Moon movie..
So, can say they are a part of it too!
Let's say Michael Jackson fans and Twilight Saga fans made it ;)
Many media outlets are crediting the higher ratings to Kanye's fiasco. But that is impossible as nobody knew this was going to happen. The higher ratings can only be attributed to one thing: The Michael Jackson tribute/ This Is It trailer

Really? They are suggesting that somehow people can tell what will happen in the future? :scratch:
That's the last time MTV will EVER see ratings like that again. EVER!
I think it was a mix of three things, Michael Jackson/Janet Jackson, Twilight and JayZ. The man has a big following too and was hyped during the whole show, his performance with Alicia Keys rocked so did Beyonce's.

But still it couldn't even touch the Michael Tribute :)
I think it was a mix of three things, Michael Jackson/Janet Jackson, Twilight and JayZ. The man has a big following too and was hyped during the whole show, his performance with Alicia Keys rocked so did Beyonce's.

But still it couldn't even touch the Michael Tribute :)

MTV over the years has just gone down the drains!! most of these "artists" are garbage!! the only reason i watched was to see Janet perform, TII trailer, and the muse performance...
Everyone I know watched it for the Mj tribute.....

I think the opening tribute helped alot and other various factors as well....

Anyways, I'm not watching the one next year... MTV sucks!
MTV over the years has just gone down the drains!! most of these "artists" are garbage!! the only reason i watched was to see Janet perform, TII trailer, and the muse performance...

I couldn't believe that this was Muse there first televised USA performance! While they are so famous around here for years, very strange to hear.

+ The only reason why i watched the awards in the first place was also the tribute and the This is It trailer ;)
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People watched because of Michael. And Janet's tribute to her big bro. And of course the TII trailer..Even a stupid person can figure that out. I will never watch VMA again..That is it!! I never did except for Michael and never will..waste fo time.

I totally agree! I still can't forget the day MTV humiliated Michael!