2002 Pictures of MJ and President Clinton--Hope They Are O.K. to Post


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
BEAUTIFUL pictures


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MY favorites - MJ & BILL CLINTON with the MJ3!!!!!!!!!

awww lovely pics
so cute how paris is holdin on to her daddys leg in the 2nd! :]
awwee they are so cute. Yay! Bill Clinton holding Blanket. hahah

It makes me sad seeing Paris hold on to Mike's leg though D; she is such a daddy's girl.

oh and Sirena I love your signature ;D
Awww so cute :heart: Paris' jealousy whenever anyone showed Michael any attention is always so cute, she's a daddy's girl through and through. Bless the MJ3!
I love these pictures

Paris is sooo sweet, look how she always clings to Michael and Prince looks like a little man.
I'd love it.... I MEAN ...

L O V E it if I can see Hillary Clinton & MJ.

I'd die from joy.
Ok.. commenting on my niece & nephews:

How GQ is Mike Jr.??? Just like papa Mike!!!

Paris - BEAUTIFUL. And Daddy's girl - ALWAYS.

Baby Blanket.... precious!!! I ADORE HIM!!
aww thanks for sharing these pics, never seen them before. Paris is such a daddy's girl. Every picture that I see of her and her dad, she's always holding onto him. Prince was such a cutie and he's going to break a lot of young girls hearts (insert MJ'S HEE HEE here)

The second picture, MJ has that "if you drop my baby, I'm going to sucker punch you Bill!!"

awesome pics!
The second picture, MJ has that "if you drop my baby, I'm going to sucker punch you Bill!!"



Like, yeah Bill, you are the best President since Franlkin Delano Roosevelt, the Clinton Global Inivative that has helped the entire world "make that change" and all that... but WATCH MY KID, MF-er.


MJ = the greatest dad.

I miss him, so very much. I can't even imagine the MJ3's pain.

That's so awesome, MJ handing him his baby...these are great photos, never seen these before. Thanks!!!! 2002....before all the *&%4# started.
I GOTTA say this about Bill, look how he catches Blanket with the left shoulder.

Bill Clinton's a man who knows how to handle a baby. And then MJ MAKING SURE, dammit! LOL!!!

From a mom's perspective, it's shoulder supporting baby head/neck and keep the baby's back straight.

Bill did it right (hello, Chelsea Clinton??) - and MJ's making sure Bill did it right!!!

Loving my niece & nephews with the greatest president since FDR - and the greatest entertainer that EVER lived & our hero.

Love these pics. :wub: Thanks for posting! I had no idea Chris Tucker was there with them that day. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation between Michael and Bill. BTW do you see what kind of shoes Bill has on? That's right...Penny Loafers. :cheeky:
Chris Tucker is here too....he must have grown closer to MJ in his later years..and stick with him....especially during his TRIALS...

Thanks so much for sharing these pictures.

Paris so cute and sweet.......definitely a Daddy's Girl.
Prince.......always looks so regal and classy.....looks like a TRUE PRINCE indeed.
Blanket....what a lucky boy to be hold by Pres. Clinton....
Like, yeah Bill, you are the best President since Franlkin Delano Roosevelt, the Clinton Global Inivative that has helped the entire world "make that change" and all that... but WATCH MY KID, MF-er.

Thanks so very much for these pics.

The children are adorable.
The pics were taken in March 2002, Blanket was just few days old maybe few weeks. But Bush was already president then sorry :p

were they taken in LA?

i thought it was April NYC

Prince looks like a little gentleman :)
all so cute!

This pic makes me cry, Neverland is GONE, Michael as a father is GONE, all the happiness is gone..., the innocent childhood without beloved father and home, which Neverland was for the kids.... is gone...

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were they taken in LA?

i thought it was April NYC

Prince looks like a little gentleman :)
all so cute!

n.y. its when he was there for liza's wedding i believe. this is when fans first saw blanket and the rumours first started