2 year Old Blessed By Michael Jackson's Music -Must See Video

Awww :wub: what a cutie. This is something that would make Michael happy.
that is so cute! I can imagine that would get a good laugh out of Mike :yes:
lol! so cute!

Michael would crack up over this!
Love it! Btw, he should have changed the title, you see haters already making jokes. Bastards.
OMG thats CUTE :heart: :heart: :heart:

i can tell this lil boy has a great sense in testing music ! maybe he will became a great artist when he get older :D
Awwwww how cute. At the moment I'm trying to get my boss' two year old song into Michael-he keeps running off before I can put Mike on! Ignore the stupid YouTube comments, they're all just so stupid.
Aww, that was so precious!
You can tell he's really feeling it when he stops moving as MJ holds that long note, too!

Haha, and when the songs ends it's like he's coming out of a trance, all "where am I?" So cute.
For 4 minutes and 43 seconds this baby,
one of God's truly precious ones,
was truly, blissfully happy.
Thank you, Michael Jackson, who said:
"That's why I sing these songs,
you have to give people hope."