2 gunmen abduct 3-year-old boy from SoCal home!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
From: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090504/ap_on_re_us/us_abducted_boy

2 gunmen abduct 3-year-old boy from SoCal home


Mon May 4, 3:54 am ET

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. – A 3-year-old boy was kidnapped by two gunmen who broke into his family's home, tied up his mother and her five children, robbed the house and left with the child, authorities said.

The California Highway Patrol issued an Amber Alert late Sunday for 3-year-old Briant Rodriguez, about nine hours after he was taken from his San Bernardino home.

The men, each carrying a handgun, burst through the front door of the home, tied up the family, then ransacked the house and stole money and property, Sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Beavers said.

The men then left with Briant, telling the still-bound mother and four other children not to call police.

One of the children freed himself then untied the rest of the family, Beavers said. Beavers did not know the ages of the rest of the children but said she believed Briant was the youngest.

The mother told investigators she did not know the two men, one estimated to be 18 years old, the other 24.

"We have no idea why they took the child," Beavers said. "They were strangers to the whole family."

No witnesses saw the men's vehicle.

Briant is a Hispanic boy 3 feet tall and weighs 40 pounds, with brown eyes and long, curly brown hair. He was wearing a yellow shirt, blue-striped shorts and black sandals when he was taken.

San Bernardino is about 60 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

OMG. I pray for the safe return of this poor little boy!! This is horrible!!
This is what scares me about this type of kidnapping...the fact that they are strangers, and they had to take that child by force like that....omg. I hope and pray that that child is found alive, safe healthy and happy.. I love all children so much..Every child deserves to live their lives happy, healthy and safe...
Update!! No money no ransom for this poor little cutie pie...


No ransom demand, no motive in SoCal abduction

AP – This undated photo provided Monday, May 4, 2009 by the San Bernardino County, Ca. Sheriff's Department …

2 hrs 38 mins ago
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. – Federal and local authorities kept up their search Tuesday for the 3-year-old boy snatched from his home by armed robbers who threatened to kill him.
The gunmen burst through the family's front door Sunday and tied up 3-year-old Briant Rodriguez, four of his siblings and their mother, Maria Rosalina Millan, then ransacked the house, stealing money and other property, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said.
After about 20 minutes, the men left with Briant, ordering his mother and the other children not to call police, the department said in a statement.
"They grabbed my kid, told me 'I'm going to take the kid to Mexico and I'm going to kill him,'" the distraught Millan said in Spanish to reporters gathered in her front yard Monday night. "I said 'Why? Don't take my kid,' and he told me to 'turn around, I'm going to shoot you. Stop talking.'"
The motive for the abduction was unknown.
"There has been no demand for ransom, there has been no contact with the family," sheriff's spokeswoman Jodi Miller said Monday.
Miller said authorities along the Mexican border had been put on alert, and FBI investigators were helping in the investigation.
"It's horrifying," sheriff's Lt. Rick Ells said. "I don't think I could impress on you how rare a kidnapping like this is."
Briant's older brother said the men tried to steal the family car.
"Our keys were inside our car, cause we were about to leave," 14-year-old Benjamin Barasa told KNBC-TV. "So they couldn't find them, so they got mad. They took my little brother. He didn't know what was happening so he wasn't crying."
One of the children — an 8-year-old boy — wiggled free from his ties and freed the rest of the family, authorities said. Briant is the youngest of Millan's seven children. Her 16-year-old son was not home and another adult child does not live at home.
The boy's father was at work at the time and the initial investigation pointed to the kidnappers being strangers to the family, Ells said.
The gunmen stole Millan's cell phone, so she had to make the emergency call from a nearby liquor store, Ells said.
No witnesses saw the men's vehicle.
The family lives in a modest, single-story home in a mainly lower-income area abutting the city of San Bernardino, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.

God, please find it in Your Heart to let these gunmen return this poor little boy back to his loving family. Please keep him safe and healthy. Please Dear God!


^^ I know Poefiend!! When I found out about Polly Klaas, my heart broke. When I found out about little Casey Anthony, I just about broke down. I can't stand when this stuff happens. Children are so precious....they all need to be home, safe and secure..
Innocent kids......
like I said this world has gone mad
due to the events and some people
in it causing it to happen...
some of it I cannot wrap my mind around
anymore.....seems to grow worse and worse
out there.......I just keep Praying
OMG. Please, police - go to Mexico too...they said they'd take this child to Mexico...please before it's too late...
I can never believe it when i hear/read about these things. There are so many crazies in this world. I hope and pray that this little boy gets home safe and that it doesn't turn into a true tragedy :no:
May the Lord protect this little boy, Briant Rodriquez and return him safely home. May the hearts and minds of those who took him be changed and see the terrible error of their way. God bless the child and his family. Amen
I pray the this child will be found safe, sound & alive and soon.:angel:

From: http://briant-rodriguez.love.com/

Investigators explore lead on abducted Calif. boy

8:38 AM Sources: The Grove Sun Daily - Grove OK
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. Authorities said Wednesday they were pursuing an unspecified lead in the abduction of a 3-year-old boy from his home but wouldn't say whether any arrests were imminent three days after the boy's mother reported that he was snatched by two armed men. Sheriff's investigators said they have received numerous tips since Maria Rosalina Millan called police on Sunday to say the men had burst into the family's home, tied up Millan and five of her children and stole money and other property.

I just hope they find this poor child alive and healthy soon.
Update!! Police have released photos of the suspects!!


Authorities release photos of suspected kidnappers
The Associated Press
SAN BERNARDINO — Authorities investigating the weekend abduction of a 3-year-old from his family home in San Bernardino released a photo Thursday of two suspects and pleaded for the child's safe return.
The blurry image was taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez, authorities said.
The men bought tape that was used to tie up Rodriguez and other members of his family, San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said at a news conference.
The suspects drove away from the store in a dark green Ford Bronco, also captured on video.
A surveillance camera outside a different store captured the same vehicle leaving the boy's neighborhood about 3 minutes before the boy's mother Maria Rosalina Millan called police to report the abduction, Hoops said.
“We urge persons who have Briant to drop him off at a hospital, a school, a police department, a sheriff's station or a fire station,” Hoops said.
He declined to comment on a possible motive, citing the ongoing investigation.
Sheriff's investigators said they have received numerous tips since called police to say the men had burst into the family's home, tied up Millan and five of her children and stole money and other property.
About 20 minutes later, the men left with Briant Rodriguez, the youngest child, after ordering Millan and the other children not to call police, officials said.
Millan has pleaded for her son's safe return.
The FBI and the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department also said each agency was offering a $25,000 reward for information meeting specific criteria in the case that leads to the boy's recovery.
Investigators said they were looking at several theories, including that the Spanish-speaking kidnappers were from Mexico and may have had ties to organized crime there. No ransom has been demanded.
Border authorities have been put on alert.
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I posted this on the forum at the San Bernardino Forum

ALL children need to be able to live their lives safely and without incident.

Let Briant go. What did that child ever do to you? Huh? Are you his father?? DO you have any clue as to what is going on in his poor mother's heart, having a Mother's Day without her little boy?

Come on. Give him up. Get him to a safe place....so that he can grow up and become a young man like you. Someone gave you a chance to grow up - do the same for this little child.

God is watching. It's up to you.

The link is: http://www.topix.net/forum/source/san-bernardino-county-sun/TO5ODVI7V77PDH752
I hope you didn't mind me posting this whole saga on here...it's just that I took one look at that little boy and fell in love with him....he's just so cute with the long curly dark hair...and that face...OOH. I am so glad he's back home with his family...Halleluia!
So glad he was returned unhurt! I just hope he's not too traumatised about all this in the future. Why does crap like this have to happen? :(
Thank you God!

Thank you for posting Linda.

Bless him. :wub:
Thank God he is safe!! I can only imagine what
he has gone through?! Its good to know at least
one Child came back safely. God bless him and
his family :) Such good news for once.