1995 One night Only Concert rehearsals filmed?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone know if Mike did a complete concert rehearsal for the 1995 HBO TV Concert One night Only. And the important question is did anyone taped it on film like the This is it rehearsal?
I only heard good stuff about the rehearsals back in the day.
In an interview Marceau told the reporter that Mike was singing Childhood in the rehearsals
live and he had planed to performe the full concert with live vocals!!!!!!!

I would love to see the Childhood live version with Marceau SO MUCH!!

Michael filmed tons of stuff privately but I dont know if those are something to see... Because their quality isnt tv quality...
Thank you so much for posting that lovely video! Michael looks so beautiful. I would LOVE too see the whole rehearsal!
I remember being excited because I had HBO and couldn't wait to see it. He did a press conference during the rehearsal time with Marcel Marceau. Looks like the video from youtube is from the press conference. He danced around a bit with Marceau on the stage during that.

The concerts (there were supposed to be two there in NYC) never happened, though, unfortunately. Michael collapsed during rehearsals on December 6, 1995. The 911 call said he wasn't breathing, but when the ambulance arrived they said he was awake, so that had been wrong. He was "groggy" and had low blood pressure, however, and was kept in the hospital in intensive care for severe dehydration. The HBO 'One Night Only' concerts were cancelled when the doctors told him he simply had to take the rest of the year off to get well. Here are a couple of archived articles: http://edition.cnn.com/US/9512/michael_jackson/12-07/index.html and http://www.nytimes.com/1995/12/07/nyregion/michael-jackson-collapses-at-rehearsal.html

P.S. The first news reports were that he'd had a heart attack and had been rushed to the hospital. It was scary, I'll tell you. Thank God he was ok after getting some fluids into him. That time, at least :cry:
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the beacon theater was beautiful too,the shows wud of been awesome
I remember that Marceau was praising Michaels voice on childhood he told the reporter his voice on that song was magic. I really hope someone has taped it.

Which songs was he going to perform? Anyone know?
It would´ve been the only Mike concert with the short hair look I love so much.

He looked so good during that time!
thanks mjbunny for the info. :flowers: I didn't know most of that stuff.

Other than his own private footage I don't think there would have been other cameras, though. Mike always loved surprising us fans. But then again...
*crosses fingers*