1987 MJ's plea to have mercy on him


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have Michael Jackson: The Visual Documentary and in it is a handwritten letter that Michael supposedly wrote to the press and it was published in People magazine. I'd just thought I'd share it with anyone who has not seen it because it broke my heart when I first read it a couple years ago and I thought of it again now. I have some skepticism in my mind of whether this actual handwritten letter was sent to the press because it's not very neat and a lot of things are misspelled and he just signed his initials, but it sounds appropriate to what Michael must have been going through and unfortunately continues to go through even today...

Like the old Indian proverb says, do not judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins. Most people don't know me, that is why they write such things in which most is not true. I cry very very often because it hurts and I worry about the children, all my children all over the world, I live for them. If a man could say nothing against a character but what he can prove, history could not be written. Animals strike not from malice, but because they want to live. It is the same with those who criticize, they desire our blood, not our pain. But still I must acheive, I must seek truth in all things. I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world, for the children. But have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now. MJ
The sad thing is that any hurt he experienced then turned out to be nothing compared to what he had to go through in 1993 onwards.
i don't know if the media or the world has recognized michael for his truly pure and resilient nature. he was so sensitive and so many things hurt him in such a severe way in his life, but he never stopped. he was music and dancing, there was no separation, and he truly cared about the world on and off stage, so he could never stop even though it literally killed him to keep going
Wow bless his heart. Just reading that I became very emotional. Michael was pleading with the media for so long to just leave him alone. But they continued to harrass him and say nasty things about him. And even today at his untimely death they still continue to badger him. Will it ever stop?
"Rhinoserous" skin so said Mike. It still amazes me how articulate he was. He could write down words that we're so profound they'd knock me off my feet (like the ones posted above.) It's amazing to think that in 87 he was 29. So young!
Yes! I remember this too! It was read out loud by John Tesh, who at that time was the co anchor with mary Hart for "Entertainment Tonight". John Tesh, after reading it kinda made light of it and said, " Huh, I wonder what's wrong with him". If my memory is correct, I believe MTV, gave it a mention too (during that time).

Thats the first time, Michael ever publically used the phrase "My heart is bleeding". So everyone took notice, since that sounded so traumatic and sad. I remember radio dj's trying to get inside his head and figure out the nature of those words. He left people baffled, many felt sorry for Michael and couldn't quit put their finger on the reason why.
Wow bless his heart. Just reading that I became very emotional. Michael was pleading with the media for so long to just leave him alone. But they continued to harrass him and say nasty things about him. And even today at his untimely death they still continue to badger him. Will it ever stop?

Nope! Anything to get ratings and to sell those papers.