16 years in a wooden box


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After 16 Years in a Wooden Box, Smiling Chimp Races Through the Grass

For the first time in 16 years, Bazou plows through a sea of grass—with 36 chimpanzees trailing behind.
He's running fast because the freedom of movement is an astonishing sensation.
Today is Bazou's day to stand at the center of his new universe in an open field in Cameroon.
He shouts at the sky as sunlight bathes his face and the warm, moist earth cushions his feet.
There's not a dry eye around as caregivers at the Limbe Wildlife Centre witness this critical moment in his recovery.
Indeed Bazou is now safe and the 'good life' has brought on a priceless smile.

"Prior to his rescue, (starting around his third birthday) Bazou had been kept in a cage so small he hardly had space to move, a rope around his neck remaining from a chain that had been used when he was young," explains Ainaire Iadago at the Limbe Wildlife Centre in Cameroon, which specialized in the rehabilitation of captive wildlife.

Bazou spent 16 years in solitary confinement. Upon arrival he was in extremely poor condition, so thin that his bones were clearly visible and dehydrated."

It would be a long period of recovery for Bazou, not so much from a physical standpoint, but because of the psychological journey he was beginning.
Since Bazou was unable to express himself in the right way, unfamiliar with normal chimpanzee language that he would have learned through years of being part of a normal family unit, this would be his mountain to climb.

"This month, Bazou began his integration into his new family of 36 chimpanzees in one of the groups here," Ainare said.
"First, he met TKC, the dominant male of the island group. This was an important first step as TKC's acceptance of Bazou would impact the behavior of the rest of the group. This introduction went extremely well, which is quite rare for adult male chimpanzees. TKC quickly became a source of protection for Bazou, and after the two had spent some days together, they remained together while Bazou met more members of his new family. He earned the protection of most of the dominant members of the group."

"Although he had a bit of difficulty with some of the rowdy male juveniles who left him with some small wounds, Bazou had a permanent smile on his face. Somehow the rest of the group members understand Bazou is special and they accept his lack of knowledge in chimpanzee language."
It's actually quite remarkable that misunderstandings in the language have not prompted any crises, as Bazou will often express joy with distress vocalizations. This might normally trigger aggression in another, but in this case, the others respond instead by trying to comfort him. "He now spends his day playing with the younger individuals, grooming with the dominants, running through the grass and relaxing in the chimpanzee pool," Ainare continues. "He loves staying under the main tree and just staring at others with a smile on his face. Again he has a family to protect and to be protected by."

More chimps free from their cages

Watch Liberated Research Chimps See the Sky for the First Time

Chimp Haven, the sanctuary for retired biomedical research chimps, has released a moving video that shows government research chimps as they go out into the simulated wild for the very first time.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/_cpUnUUQF3o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As noted above, more than 100 government-owned chimpanzees at the New Iberia Research Center, a laboratory in Louisiana, will be retired to the federal chimpanzee sanctuary Chimp Haven, providing sufficient funds are in place to construct the necessary facilities. It is estimated that this will cost upwards of $2.3 million, funds the government will not be able to provide in their entirety due to its spending cap having been reached.

Many of the chimps, some of them now over 50 years of age, will have endured a life-time being subjected to oftentimes invasive medical tests.

The process toward liberating chimpanzees from biomedical research facilities has been a long one.

In 2011, the Institute of Medicine issued a report in which it concluded the majority of research conducted on chimpanzees is unnecessary. After a period of consultation, it was recommended that all but 50 chimpanzees be fully retired.

As previously cited here at Care2, it emerged last year that a number of chimps from the New Iberia Research Center were in fact due to be sent to other medical facilities where, while they would no longer be subject to invasive medical tests, they may have still been used in research.

In December, however, and after a public outcry, the NIH announced it would move all the chimps to a sanctuary.

It is estimated that there are nearly 2,000 chimpanzees in the United States today. Of those, figures suggest 962 are still housed in research laboratories.

Of the remaining number, approximately 446 live in accredited sanctuaries; 259 are registered by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums; and 287 are either in non-accredited sanctuaries or zoos, or are being sold or housed as pets by members of the public — often in wildly restrictive and unsuitable environments.

Over the next 12 to 15 months, more lab chimps from across the country will be liberated from their lives as medical research animals.

As noted above, even though the government has now moved to retire the vast majority of the remaining chimps, a failure to provide funds for such rehousing efforts means that many so-called retirement sanctuaries, like Chimp Haven, have had to resort to asking for public funding. Experts in the field have called on the government to allocate more funds in order to ensure that the order to retire is more than just empty words.

The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011, which requires the phasing-out of federally supported invasive research on Great Apes and for retiring government-owned animals to be sent to sanctuaries, continues to languish in Congress. Privately-funded invasive research on chimps is still ongoing, and with little remedy yet in sight. Certainly, there is still a great deal of work to be done on this issue, but the above video shows in clear terms why the work must continue.

A website has been set-up to track what have been dubbed “The Last 1,000.” You can access that website here.


Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/watch-l...the-sky-for-the-first-time.html#ixzz2knhdoB7L
FORT PIERCE, Fla. — Donovan the chimp transformed from a friendly ape who "adapts well to peers" to one who beat his female cage-mate so aggressively they had to be separated.Lira became a "chronic hair plucker," with large barren patches on her body.Bobby bit and mutilated his own arm, leaving permanent scars. He was so depressed that he slept sitting up, facing the wall of his cage.

The debate about medical testing on chimpanzees often revolves around the physical impact on the chimps — week after week of liver biopsies or year after year of being infected with HIV or hepatitis.But an examination by McClatchy of the chimp-research world found that, in addition to a physical toll, the testing life can have a significant impact on a chimp's mental state.

For the roughly 180 chimpanzees that live at the Alamogordo Primate Facility, on an Air Force base in New Mexico, the world of research looms large: For the past 10 years, they've been kept out of research; now the National Institutes of Health is trying to move them to a research facility in Texas, where they'd be used in studies on hepatitis and possibly other ailments.

The science of chimp research is dicey. The United States is virtually alone in the world in pursuing it, and many scientists say the chimps' value as a medical model is declining. Chimps are among humans' closest genetic cousins, and given their range of emotions and their level of understanding, researchers themselves afford chimps special protections that other research animals don't get, even monkeys. According to the National Research Council, the public "expects a high level of respect for the animals," given the "special connection of chimpanzees to humans."

For the chimps, research can be lonely and debilitating; some end up with mental ailments including post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. Sometimes the symptoms will ease once the testing ends, but sometimes they stick with a chimp for life.

"Chimpanzees depend on close physical contact. They love their comforts, and like to stretch out on a nice soft bed of grass. They make their own choices all the time," famed chimp researcher Jane Goodall said. "None of these things can in any possible way be experienced by a laboratory chimp. I've been in quite a lot of medical research labs, and the truth is I wish I hadn't, because they haunt me."

The researchers who handle the chimps disagree. They say the chimps are treated well and humanely, oversight panels ensure that only necessary research is performed on them, and they're given space to move and play.John VandeBerg, who oversees the primate facility at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute, said the chimps were treated compassionately and that life in the lab was good.If he were a chimp, McClatchy asked, where would VandeBerg himself rather live: Texas Biomedical or Chimp Haven, a forested sanctuary in Louisiana where some chimps go to retire?VandeBerg thought for a minute before answering: "You know, that's an interesting question. I would rather be living here. ... Chimp Haven is a wonderful facility — a beautiful facility, has beautiful outdoor areas. ... So it's a lovely facility. But what we have here is far better veterinary capacity." He said the lab had vets on staff, full medical facilities and the ability to generate rapid test results. "We have medical capacity way beyond what Chimp Haven has, and if I were a chimpanzee I'd rather be here, where I could get the medical attention that I might need sometime in my life, especially as I got old."The chimps, he said, even have televisions. They like to watch animal movies.

The effort to understand the chimps' minds has grown in the past decade. One chimp who helped illustrate the impact of research was Billy; his story was chronicled in the medical journal Developmental Psychology in 2009.Raised as an entertainer — working the birthday party circuit — Billy lived compatibly with humans and had a strong bond with his owners before he was given over to researchers at age 15.At a chimp lab in New York, he was caged alone, except when paired with Sue Ellen for breeding; he attacked her instead. For 14 years, he was used for research into hepatitis, HIV, measles and polio. During that time, he turned hostile, uncooperative, aggressive and depressive; he wouldn't interact normally with other chimps. After one experimental procedure, he chewed his thumb off.Even when he left the lab for retirement at a sanctuary, Billy remained fearful and agitated. He screamed if the door to his cage was left open, and he couldn't go to sleep until he himself had tested that the door was locked.Billy had an impressive memory and he interacted well with humans, even mimicking them at times, by spooning cream and sugar into his coffee, for example.One day, Billy became excited while he was watching television. He gestured wildly for the facility director to come look. On the TV screen: Goodall. Billy had met her years before. The director turned up the TV volume, and Billy sat to watch the program.Many of the animals in New Mexico saw the same kinds of changes in their personalities that Billy did.

Their stories emerge from thousands of pages of medical records that an advocacy group, In Defense of Animals, unearthed after a lengthy legal fight with the NIH. The records were provided exclusively to McClatchy with no strings attached, for its own review.

Donovan was born in 1995, and today he's described as having a light-colored mouth and eyebrows. His fact sheet says: "likes people, gets along with group, playful." His favorite food is "anything."One of the earliest entries in his medical file was in July 1996, when he was first paired with a female named Sakari as they were being prepared for shipment from Alamogordo to a separate research facility. "Animals seem to be getting along well @ present," according to his file.But there was one red flag: "Adapts well to peers. Does not adapt well to handlers."Donovan's research record from early 1997 to early 2001 shows week after week of bleeds and biopsies.

While some chimps can be trained to present their arms for injections, Donovan's chart says he doesn't do that. That usually means chimps are required to go through what's known as a knockdown, shooting them with tranquilizer darts so they can be moved to exam rooms. There, lab workers can draw blood, saliva or other fluids.It's not often a smooth process."You have a sentient animal, with similar emotions and intelligence to us," said Laura Bonar, an advocate with a New Mexico animal-rights group that's tracked the Alamogordo chimpanzees. "They are housed by themselves, where they can't have companionship from other animals, although probably they can hear. So when I've seen footage of knockdowns, there's a lot of anxiety, a lot of screaming from the other chimps."What the chimpanzees often see is workers coming toward them in biohazard suits. They get shot, and if they're on perches, they fall to the concrete below.The records don't reveal specifically how Donovan handled the blood draws. But his temperament changed. In November 1997, his chart and Sakari's said the two had needed to be pulled apart. Sakari's chart said: "Separated from 1588 (Donovan) because he has become very abusive towards her — biting fingers + beating on her back + chest."He suffered in other ways as well. In April 1998, Donovan underwent a procedure that was part of a hepatitis C experiment. Within five minutes, his heart rate plummeted to 60 beats per minute, from its normal 90 or 100. His heartbeat was very irregular, his breathing labored. He turned pale. It took about an hour for the episode to pass. Another time, during a liver biopsy, the needle hit his gallbladder.From before his second birthday until he was 6 years old, researchers subjected Donovan to 200 bleeds and 40 biopsies. He spent much of his time housed alone, and in 2002, a memo from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which has some oversight over animal laboratories, noted the impact of such housing on Donovan and 13 other chimps: "Because of the long-term housing in these single cages, these chimpanzees have not been able to perform species-specific behaviors, including social and physical behaviors ... normal exercise and full stretching are not possible in these cages. This has ... caused physical and psychological suffering and distress to the chimpanzees." Donovan was removed from research and transferred to the Alamogordo Primate Facility that year.

Other chimps reacted in other ways.Lira, a 17-year-old female who recently died, took part in late-1990s hepatitis research. She was cut open, her liver exposed and then directly injected with hepatitis. Eight months later, she was infected again, this time with five needles directly into her liver or spine. More than a year after that, she was infected with hepatitis yet again and underwent liver biopsies every other week for several months to track the disease's progress. The details of those experiments — which included a tracking number, allowing the identification of the chimp in question as Lira — were published in scientific journals in 2000 and 2002.But it wasn't until her medical records were released that it became apparent what else was going on at the time of the experiments.For more than two years, starting when she was 4 years old, Lira was housed alone, given the requirements of the study she was part of. During that time, she had "liver and muscle damage from multiple percutaneous liver biopsies." In 2000, her records said she was a "chronic hair plucker" and had large bald areas on her body. In 2001, the records noted she "appears depressed," and said to "continue extra enrichment."Lira was one of the most recent chimps to die at Alamogordo. Last May, an NIH record said, she experienced "sudden cardiac death" at age 17. That was very young, given that female chimps can easily live into their 30s or 40s. Lira's body was weak, and had signs of multiple bite wounds. Her "liver was enlarged" and her spleen "enlarged and friable." Her brainstem "appeared enlarged and swollen with areas of liquefaction."

The NIH won't detail all the kinds of tests that Donovan and the other still-living chimps could undergo if they go back into research. The NIH said chimps were essential for research and that it would "ensure humane and fair treatment of these animals."
"I think everybody recognizes that if we had an alternative model we would be using it," said Sally Rockey, a deputy director at the NIH who oversees animal testing. "Since it is the only model we have now, it's crucial that we continue.

"Many scientists disagree, saying the knowledge once gained only by examining a live animal now can be learned in a petri dish, and that chimpanzees don't work as human fill-ins, as once had been hoped. The federal government lays out rules for housing research animals, down to the minimum sizes of their cages. The rules also say that primates should be housed in pairs or groups, although exceptions are allowed for certain medical experiments.

Once they come out of their cages, and even once they leave labs altogether, some chimps are slow to heal.That's evident at Save the Chimps, a grassy sanctuary near Florida's east coast where many former New Mexico chimps have gone to live out their lives.A chimp named Bobby got there after making the 40-hour truck ride from New Mexico. He's among 227 others in the facility, on a series of 12 islands cut from former orange groves near Fort Pierce. He lives on "Bobby's Island," named for him.Among his housemates are Scotty, who shows off for visitors by twirling around, and Nuri, who's something of a recluse, her legs permanently bent from life in a cage. Workers had to build a ladder so Nuri could get in and out of the chimp house.Bobby is friendly, although one of his favored greetings is to spit a mouthful of water on a guest. He also carries with him the scars of self-mutilation.Bobby was born in a research facility in 1983. He was taken from his mother shortly after birth and raised by humans. A year later, he began serving as a research subject.Officials at Save the Chimps say Bobby was used in at least eight studies. He was anesthetized more than 250 times and had numerous liver and muscle biopsies. For much of that time, he lived alone. He eventually became a self-mutilator, biting his arm and often causing serious wounds. Before the sanctuary took custody of him in 2002, he'd been in a small barren cage; he was depressed and emaciated and slept sitting up, facing the wall of his cage.

For lab chimps, the transition to Save the Chimps is startling. Many of them haven't been properly socialized and are unable to relate to other chimpanzees; others are afraid of humans or large groups of chimps. Many have spent years in small cages. Some have never been on grass or in trees before.Jen Feuerstein, the sanctuary's director, said chimps would walk tentatively toward the outdoor playland that had become their home. Some gingerly tested the grass with a hand or foot before daring to step onto it. Some climbed onto the play equipment but didn't know how to get down.And some remain fearful of the vast outdoors: Pumpkin, for example, has been at the sanctuary for five years and does step outside the chimp house. But she's never been seen venturing onto the grassy island beside it.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/04/24/112432/some-chimps-never-recover-from.html#storylink=cpy
Victory! Pharmaceutical Giant Will Stop Experimenting on Chimpanzees

In a victory for animals in labs, pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. has announced it will join a growing number of companies that have stopped using chimpanzees for biomedical research.

Merck, the world&#8217;s third-largest drug maker, cited the availability of alternatives that can replace chimpanzees in research as the reason for its policy change. The move is being applauded by animal advocates and organizations including the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

&#8220;Merck&#8217;s new biomedical research policy will save chimpanzees from unnecessary and painful experiments. Merck&#8217;s decision, and that of several other pharmaceutical companies, sends a strong message that private industry is moving away from chimpanzee research as the government has,&#8221; said Kathleen Conlee, vice president of animal research issues for the HSUS, in a statement.

Many in the industry have continued to argue that using chimpanzees, and other species, in research is a necessary evil when it comes to the quest to improve human health, but what we&#8217;ve learned about the complex nature, intelligence, emotions and social needs of chimps has sparked serious ethical concerns about the use of great apes in biomedical research. Not only are the experiments they&#8217;re used in considered inhumane, but investigations have also uncovered neglect, abuse and violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which have raised even more questions about why they&#8217;re still being used and why so many are being warehoused in substandard conditions when they&#8217;re not needed.

Fortunately, attitudes about their use in research are continuing to change in their favor.

In 2011, a study from the Institute of Medicine concluded that nearly all research on chimpanzees is unnecessary, which was followed by a formal announcement from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) this past June that it would be retiring all but 50 of the chimps it owns or funds to Chimp Haven, the national sanctuary in Louisiana. Concerns about how their retirement would be paid for were addressed when Congress passed the Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance and Protection (CHIMP) Act in November, which will allow the NIH to facilitate their transfer to sanctuaries and fund their retirement care there.

Even with this progress, the battle to get chimps out of labs still isn&#8217;t over. The NIH&#8217;s decision doesn&#8217;t apply to privately owned chimpanzees and there are still an estimated 450 chimpanzees who are still waiting for freedom at the Michale E. Keeling Center, New Iberia Research Center, Southwest National Primate Research Center and the Yerkes National Primate Research Center.

&#8220;It&#8217;s been a long road in trying to end the use of chimpanzees in research, and we&#8217;re now at a turning point,&#8221; Conlee told the AP. &#8220;We&#8217;re going to keep on (advocating) until the chimpanzees in laboratories are all in sanctuaries.&#8221;

Hopefully, Merck&#8217;s new stance against using chimpanzees will not only encourage other pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to stop using great apes, but will also be extended to the other animals it continues to use in research.

The Physician&#8217;s Committee for Responsible Medicine&#8217;s Dr. John Pippin made an excellent point about how this could impact other species, telling USA Today that the turn away from chimps in research could be a sign of positive things to come for other animals in labs.

&#8220;It is going to be hard for a researcher to say it is necessary to use animals, when our closest relative, sharing 98% of our DNA, was deemed unnecessary in studies,&#8221; he said. &#8220;How do you say, &#8216;Well we can use another animal that shares only 50% of our DNA&#8217;? It doesn&#8217;t work.&#8221;

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/victory...perimenting-on-chimpanzees.html#ixzz2sZD5J94r
any human who hurt an inoffensive animal should be jail!!