13-Year-Old Boy From Cincinnati Rapes A 5-Year-Old Girl At A McDonald's Play Area

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
Teen denies raping child at McDonald's in Ohio
By Lisa Cornwell, Associated Press, Mon Nov 14, 2011

CINCINNATI (AP) — An Ohio court official says a 13-year-old boy charged with raping a 5-year-old girl at a McDonald's play area is denying the accusation.
Chief Magistrate Carla Guenthner (GUNTH'ner) of Hamilton County Juvenile Court says the boy denied the charge Saturday at a Cincinnati hearing. The boy is in juvenile detention awaiting a Nov. 22 trial.
Sheriff's spokesman Steve Barnett says the alleged assault occurred Oct. 29 at a McDonald's in the Cincinnati suburb of Anderson Township. Barnett says the girl's grandmother was nearby in the restaurant at the time.
The McDonald's owner says in a statement that he was upset to learn of the alleged rape and is cooperating with investigators.
The boy's parents brought him to authorities last week after a security camera photo of the suspect was released.


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WTF...:eek: This is so so horrible.:boohoo How can a 13 year kid do that? You might call me dumb but when I was 13, I didn't have a clue about sex & rape.

His parents didn't raise him very well unfortunately, but alteast they did something right by handing him over to the police.
when I was 13, I didn't have a clue about sex & rape.

Me too. The world is no longer the same. You know, children today spend much time on the Internet without parental monitoring, watching/learning a lot of things on the internet, good and bad. Perhaps this was the case in this boy? I'm sure he saw a lot of crap on the internet.... or maybe (or also) he has some psychological problem. Well, if his parents do not understand why this happened, I do not know. It's very complicated. It's terrible what happened. :(
I think it's probably safe to say the boy was a victim of sexual abuse when he was younger as well. Maybe a 13 year old will have sex with another 13 year old, but for one to rape a child is definitely out of the ordinary and cause for alarm. I hope they do a thorough investigation.
I think it's probably safe to say the boy was a victim of sexual abuse when he was younger as well. Maybe a 13 year old will have sex with another 13 year old, but for one to rape a child is definitely out of the ordinary and cause for alarm. I hope they do a thorough investigation.

That's what I'm thinking too. It does NOT in any way justify or excuse his actions, but the only way a 13 year old boy would know what rape was or how to do it would be to have experienced it firsthand. I know the pubescent age is difficult for everyone, but raping 5 year old children (or anyone else, for that matter) is simply not normal. I am thinking something in that boy's past has really troubled him, thus the reason he is acting in this manner.

This really raises more questions than it answers...should he be treated as a sex offender? The only truly innocent victim in this whole thing is the 5 year old girl whose hand had nothing to do with the events in question, but the boy might be in serious need of some professional help, and I think his situation should be thoroughly investigated. =/

This is a really difficult situation, but it's certain that at 13 one should have a definite idea of what constitutes violating someone's personal space/person, and that actions of this sort are truly not acceptable in any possible context whatsoever.

The fact that this happened in a public play pen is all the more troubling, to be honest...
If this is true im never gonna look at mcdonalds playground they way i used ever again. I always thought mcdonalds playground were one of the most safest areas for children but judging from this story i guess its not anymore
If this is true im never gonna look at mcdonalds playground they way i used ever again. I always thought mcdonalds playground were one of the most safest areas for children but judging from this story i guess its not anymore

Things are only as safe as the people around them. McDonald's is a fast food joint, not a day care. Parents often assume that places such as play pens are secure, and while the establishment might take measures to ensure children are safeguarded against environmental hazards, it is fair to say they are not anticipating attempted rape to take place at these playgrounds. Thus, the situation is entirely deviant and unprecedented for all...

In short, this isn't McDonald's fault as much as it is a reflection of our society. We are hyper-vigilant in certain aspects and entirely negligent in others.
Things are only as safe as the people around them. McDonald's is a fast food joint, not a day care. Parents often assume that places such as play pens are secure, and while the establishment might take measures to ensure children are safeguarded against environmental hazards, it is fair to say they are not anticipating attempted rape to take place at these playgrounds. Thus, the situation is entirely deviant and unprecedented for all...

In short, this isn't McDonald's fault as much as it is a reflection of our society. We are hyper-vigilant in certain aspects and entirely negligent in others.

True but one would think being the fact mcdonalds is a family place that there would be some kind of better security in there
This is simply shocking...and very sad. I can't even begin to contemplate that this may have happened. Things really are jacked up in this world now. Very sad. :(
OMG What is the world coming to. They are starting out younger everyday committing crimes.What was he exposed to at home. I might be wrong to judge the parents but when a child of 13 rapes a girl of 5 you have to queston what is going on and what are the parents teaching their kids. They probably dont care what their kids get up to as long as they are not hassling them
True but one would think being the fact mcdonalds is a family place that there would be some kind of better security in there

It is not a "family place" any more than your local supermarket is. It's a fast-food joint. People go there to eat. The playground is offered as courtesy, but it is not a licensed day care centre, therefore there are no requirements for "security."

Standards of human conduct are really the issue at hand here, along with parenting. What was a 13 year old boy doing in the play pen to begin with, for instance? Usually the age limit for those things is 11-12 yrs. due to weight limits, etc. More importantly, where were his parents? What is a 13 year old boy doing wandering around McDonald's by himself and raping kids?

No matter which way you look at it, it's deviant. It's the parents' responsibility to watch their children and ensure they do not deviate from standards of human conduct. Evidently, that boy's parents failed miserably.
This is why the world is so corrupt and sick. Hearing storys like that makes me sick.