12 year old kid wow's the judges and crowd singing Who's loving you

it's such a cute song and this kid really nails it :)
made my day this video.. good to see that Michael's music still keeps poppin' up from time to time!
I went from hating Simon to loving him at the end. This kid brought tears to my eyes. Maybe I'm just feeling emotional. Maybe he was just really good. Thank you for sharing this :).
the kid is fantastic singer,amazing
I really see in this season a lot MJ's songs
if anyone can give a link of Darth Vader the moonwalker?I can't find that on youtube
Darth was rubbish! I only liked the song :D P

That little boy was amazing though! I think it was set up though you know Simon saying stop and stuff because if I was that little boy I would of been crying lol or saying Why? He just stood there and.. yeah! LOL But he was good! (Not as good as Mikey though :p )
Michael wow's the USA with rendition of Smokey Robinson's Who's Lovin You back in 1969. The big difference is Michael still only 11yrs old sang it in his own style completely differently (and in my opinion even better) than Smokey Robinson's version. Most people like this kid just copy Michael's rendition, but the kid is very talented.
not as fantastic as Michael's version but he did his thing. I applaud him for trying to put his own twist on such a classic song. Once you pick it, you gotta make your utmost effort not to strictly follow the original or previous version. You gotta do anything to make it your own song somehow. Otherwise, you'll be called "a good imitator" at best. It ain't an easy thing to do. So, he deserves praise for that as well as the performance itself.