12-Year-old Fan Believes Tribute Portrait Can Heal


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson’s continuing impact:
12-Year-old Fan Believes Tribute Portrait Can Heal

A very touching story is unfolding via the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait website, one that is representative of Michael Jackson’s far-reaching impact on the world. Joshua, from Germany, a 12-year-old boy, and avid Michael Jackson fan had tickets to watch Michael Jackson’s This Is It film with his parents on October 28 – and on that same day, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. One night from his hospital room, Joshua told his mother: "Mom, I had so many plans... and I'll never get to see This Is It on a big screen." Since then, Joshua has had six surgeries and five chemotherapy treatments. Young Joshua believes that by having his dot next to Michael Jackson’s in the portrait, he can be healed. The Michael Jackson tribute portrait was created and organized by Jerry Biederman and David Ilan the artist who has embarked upon a phenomenal homage to Michael Jackson in the form of a portrait. The King of Pop is arguably the greatest entertainer the world has ever known. David Ilan uses a technique called pointillism. Each dot in the portrait represents an actual fan who has signed up to be a part of the tribute. The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait website has become a major social networking mecca for MJ fans around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have signed up to be a part of the special tribute to the King of Pop.

The Tribute website recently held a contest for its young members, inviting children from around the world to write why they should have their dot next to Michael’s dot in the portrait. Numerous submissions were received from children in different countries. One of the entries was from Joshua. He wrote:
"My name is Joshua. I'm 12 years old. I'm from Germany. I love MJ. His dance, his music, his heart + love for children. I miss him + I need him right now. I have Leukemia and I know he would help me. Maybe being next to Michael's dot would help. I just had my 3rd chemotherapy and today I'm having a bad day. Wish he was here with me. Love Joshua"
According to executive producer and organizer of the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait, Jerry Biederman:
“Nearly 200 of the portrait’s members have come forward in the course of just one week to send Joshua messages and prayers, but people from around the world are asking for a mailing address so they can send him various things. A charity in Australia has now taken an interest and they have arranged for one of Michael's nephews who they are associated with, Austin Brown (Rebbie Jackson’s son) to give Joshua a call.”
The organization of which Jerry Biederman discusses is called AlittleSomthin4Michael.

Joshua’s mother Faith has written several messages and open letters on the website. Such as the following:
“Let me tell you that the love, support and friendship of others, especially those from The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait website, are one of the things that keep my head above water. We, as a family, but especially my boy, have been through hell the past four weeks. The torment Joshua's been suffering is outrageous. We are fighting this cancer with all our might. He is such a brave kid and every day I love and admire him more. Every time he feels bad, I put his headphones on him and he listens to all the MJ CDs and that's how he relaxes.”

Faith’s open letter to the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait community can be read here.
Some fans might identify young Joshua’s situation with that of Ryan White. White was the teenager who was expelled from school for having AIDS, and later died from the disease. Ryan White of course met Michael Jackson and was a friend. The song Gone Too Soon was dedicated to his memory. Joshua, like Ryan, and all fans, saw Michael Jackson for who he really was – a kind, gentle human being who wanted to do all that he could for children in need, and he accomplished a great deal. Tribute website blogger Linda Higgins writes that Ryan White’s mother, Jeanne White-Ginder, once said in an interview:
"He didn't care what race you were, what color you were, what was your handicap, what was your disease, Michael just loved all children."
Michael Jackson’s untimely death shocked the world and left his family, friends, and countless fans devastated. While the loss is great, greater is the legacy of love and music that will live on forever in each and every person who has been impacted by Michael Jackson’s example of excellence and unconditional love. Michael Jackson cared greatly about children and their needs in the world. He truly believed that the children are our future, and that it was this generation’s responsibility to ensure a brighter tomorrow for the children of the world – to heal the world. Michael Jackson once said:
"When you don’t have a childhood, like myself and other child stars, you try to compensate for the loss later on and you try to catch up. But what I like to do is help other children who are less fortunate than I am. You know kids who are terminally ill, kids who have diseases, poor children."
So many children idolize Michael Jackson because of the care that he has always shown for them.
There is a community group on the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait website entitled, “The Power of the Portrait: Believe It or Dot.” Many members of the website that have had their dot placed within the portrait have reported occurrences of good luck. Many members of the tribute website feel an immense sense of community and recognize that Michael Jackson is still bringing people together from all over the world. Joshua’s mother Faith has given the tribute portrait team a recent update.

Faith writes:
“We've had fantastic news, the news we've been praying for for weeks now! Josh is responding well to the treatment and what's more important... all the other clinics that are involved in his case confirmed the good results. He started with 95% cancer cells in his bone marrow. Two weeks ago he was down to 20% and a few days ago they only found 1.5%!!! We are on target, we are right there where doctors wanted him to be. All the prayers were heard and answered and my heart is overflowing with gratefulness, love and hope! Not only to God and Jesus Christ, but to all those helping and supporting us. People like YOU!”
Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of Joshua’s battle with cancer, and one day his mother Faith will say that Joshua is completely cured of the disease. The story of Joshua, reminds us all of the possibilities that love holds. Love is perhaps powerful enough to eradicate anything that is negative from society. Love is the answer.

If you would like to help Joshua and his family fight his battle against Leukemia, please contact Linda Higgins at outreach@michaeljacksontributeportrait.com for further details.
If you have not yet become a part of this amazing new tribute, you may do so by signing up for your dot at http://www.MichaelJacksonTributePortrait.com[/url].

Wow :cry: Just... wow. I'm totally speechless.


All my love to Joshua and his family.
I believe that Michael has a healing power. He even said in Rabbi tapes. Probably he has the same power being in spirit?
Awww my thoughts are going out to little joshua and his family. Hope they stay strong and beat it (cancer)

I believe that Michael has a healing power. He even said in Rabbi tapes. Probably he has the same power being in spirit?

I think you maybe right speaking from Personal experience; "Will you be There" song just recently helped me overcome my problems. :)
That was a very touching story _ and the Mj community has shown a lot of support
but I didnt see mention of the boy or his mother believing Michael's portrait could heal
him _ The title is misleading _ They credited his responding well to treatement to the prayers
of others and to God, Jesus and those on the Dot site who have shown love and support to them

They dont believe the dot picture has healing powers - but they believe in the power of LOVE ..
I think the title refers to the fact that Joshua mentioned in his submission - if he can have his dot next to Michael's, then perhaps he can be healed. I think it is a great story because it does talk about the power of LOVE. MJ was Pure Love in physical form.